Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I am NOT a Torke! And Other Terms from the Word Verification Dictionary

If you visit many blogs, you eventually grow to hate the little thing known as word verification, where you have to type in a jumble of letters before leaving a comment.  Blogger has a very nice spam catcher that will weed out the spam, at least, although not necessarily the crazies.  So I get why some people leave it on, but it still bugs me.  So I figured I might as well have fun with it, instead of being irritated.  The brain always wants to put meaning to words, even if they are nonsense words.  I've compiled a list of a few doozies I've encountered during word verification over the past few months, and my translation of the term.

Chemic - a kid who blows up your basement with a chemistry set
Aloni - an antisocial blogger
Hydruini - an unusual flower hybrid
Ovention - this is when dinner is pulled out of the oven, and it's a mystery as to what it might be
Corgi - A SIGN I SHOULD GET A CORGI PUPPY!!!  I've always wanted a corgi puppy!  It's meant to be!  It showed up in word verification and everything!
Torke- Okay, I take offense to this.  I am NOT a torke!
Greast - a great feast - like the one I'll be eating next week.
Xapyris - the future product that will eventually replace paper and make us all more green.
Finsib - Ghetto slang for 'offensive'.  Obviously.  As in "I find your use of the word torke to be finsib."
Noakery - A little cupboard for hiding your candy stash from your kids.  You know you have one.
Wingstr - Someone (like myself) who tends to wing it, instead of planning.
Shlort - When you're drinking a soda, and someone makes you laugh, and you end up with soda in your nose.
Illen - to make sick.  Like all this word verification business is illen me.  How about you?

Google Images


Unknown said...

Those are good! And yes, you need a corgi puppy!

Jill said...

I'm with you ALL the way! Hate those buggers.

I do love your definitions though. You are a genuis!

Kerry said...

Whoops!! I'm guilty :(
I loved this post, you are so funny!! Great definitions :)

Anonymous said...

What great definitions! I love the one about the oven.

Gone Country said...

That's hilarious!

We'll be seeing some of these in the Webster Dictionary before long... they're great!

Chatty Crone said...

Er I don't like word verification. Mainly because it takes twice as long to leave a comment. OR I hit the comment to send and I'm off to the next blog before the word verification even shows up and oops - no comment! It's hard to be chatty with that on there - you know?


Unknown said...

Too funny!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, I am one who has alot of blogs to visit... I have begged people to take off the word verification --but they won't... Some people are truly 'afraid' of Blogger I think. I even have a note on my sidebar asking people to take off the word verification ---but they won't...

Oh WELL---tis life!!!

Anonymous said...

It drives me ER....that is my word for crazier than crazy...just ER. Really fun and clever post.

Dawn said...

Bahahahaha....oh YOU! Such a torke!;)
I was just thinking how easy it is to type comments with no word verification....but sometimes those words DO come in handy;))

Melodie said...

Oh yes! Those words will drive a person crazy! The worse is when you type one in wrong and have to do it again!

Katie said...

Corgi! Yes I sign I need one too. Our friend's Corgi's just had puppies. :) That is GREAT. Amen to this blog post!

Eat To Live said...

Hate word verification. I really hate when you have to click three times before you ever get to leave a comment

One click to say you want to leave a comment

Two Click to leave the commment

Then up pops word verification, which you have to click again..... Makes me not want to visit those blogs.

I think I have my word verification turned off. Let me know if I don't.

Texan said...

Took word verification off my blog long ago. Bloggers spam system catches anything it should. :O)

Valerie Boersma said...

If I could give out an award for the most ingenious and clever blogger, you would win hands down! I love these definitions!

Now...I'm off to raid my noakery:)

TexWisGirl said...

awesomesauce!!! love these! although the only one i'd disagree with your definition is greast. that's when you eat a whole lot of fried chicken. a greasy feast...

Tiggeriffic said...

It's irritating to come across those word verifications~plus the red line that goes under a word that I just misspelled.. I love the blogging world and guess I'll just have to get me a puppy..
Have a blessed day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

I Am Woody said...

Shlorting is no fun. At all.

Hilary said...

Very clever and creative. The word verification does strike me as amusing at times and sometimes even appropriate to the post. I'll make mention of it at the time but never would have thought to collect them. Good on you for making a fun post out of them. TexWisGirl pointed me in your direction and I'm glad she did.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Corgi!! Corgi!! Corgi!! Get your family a corgi, you torke!! ;)

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Lol! I love Shlort and Greast. I'm looking forward to ours next weeks. I recently got a couple real words, disco and faker. I was a little taken back by the "faker" verification. I had to reread my comment just to make sure I was being real. :)

Liz Mays said...

I'm not a fan of word ver either, but I do try to make light of those words too. Love your definitions! And since my tummy is rumbling, I'll head to the kitchen to find a greast of sorts.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH, this is so GOOD!!!! I love them all, especially the xapyris and noakery. Sometimes I get actual words in word verification and wonder if they are running out of fake words. You always tickle me so much, you missed your calling as a stand-up comic. Hey, I have always wanted a corgi!!!! No kidding. I'm afraid of big dogs with long pointed snouts, but love ones with short legs. Did you see "The Accidental Tourist"? Or maybe you read the book? There is a real cute corgi in it.

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

I agree with you....word verification drives me nuts! I'll probably jinx myself now by syaing this...but Blogger catches most of my spam too.

Love your definitions! And I vote yes for the corgi. You must always follow the signs! ;)

Jo said...

lol foreverrrrr at "I find your use of the word torke to be finsib."

camp and cottage living said...

Thanks for a good laugh.
I know it irratates the heck out of me too!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Word verification drives me baddy! Why do they have it??

Lindsay said...

OMG those things are so annoying. I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Hmm, Corgis are the should definitely get one! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I love your definitions. :) I strongly dislike the whole word verification thing. It's the one thing (that, and music) that will cause me to stop visiting a blog.

Michelle said...

LOL! I like these definitions!

Anonymous said...

I think my fave is ovention, followed by greast! :)
This post made me laugh.

laughwithusblog said...

The mouse found my noakery! :(

Daffycat said...


This post made my day =)

TexWisGirl said...

came back to say YAY! hilary included you as a POTW! :)

Sandi McBride said...

How fun!!! CONGRATS on readers choice for POWT!!

A Lady Reveals Nothing said...

Ovention. Genius.

Out on the prairie said...

i collected these word for a week thinking about making a story with them, but hated the idea at the end of a week. Stop the nonsense I say.

Hilary said...

Oh, I don't like those word verifications either!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That is hilarious! I've encountered some interesting ones as well!

Maggid said...

at the bottom of today's post - there was the opportunity to visit this cute guy . . when i got here i read definitions of verification words . . . Brilliant! (of course - because you are . . brilliant and fun)
A corgi puppy would be mighty fine . .

love & love,