Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Seven American Wonders I've Seen So Far

So this week's writing prompt at Mama Kat's is to write about the seven wonders of your life.  I've been to a handful of other countries, but I really feel like some of the sights I've seen traveling my own country have been just as marvelous as anywhere else (course, I haven't been to Europe...yet!).  So I decided I would focus on sights from America only when I picked my seven.  One of my personal goals is to one day visit all 50 states.  I've hit the majority of them, but I still need to visit Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Minnesota, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and North Dakota. 

Here are my 7 wonders -

Florida Keys - in January!
Nothing beats the mild weather, sunny skies, and blue waters of the Florida Keys in the middle of the winter.  This is me with my youngest brother John.  Quite obviously, the pre-kids body.  Sigh.

The Kelso Sand Dunes in the Mojave Desert, California.  They make a boom sound when you slide down them, and they are surreal with their towers of white.
Read more here

Big Bend, Texas.  Because where else can you find ghost towns, western towns, have dinner with a felon, and fjord the Rio Grande?  Read the full post, if you want, here.
Zion, Utah.  Gorgeous red rock and incredible hiking.
Read more here

The Appalachian Trail - I have to be partial to my own backyard of course.  
You can read more here.

The Grand Canyon
I have tons of pictures.  And I could put up a picture.
But let's face it.
It wouldn't do it justice.
You can't invoke that kind of awe with photos or words.  You just have to go.

And the seventh wonder?  My three boys, new to the world.  The biggest wonder of all.

What's the biggest wonder you've set eyes on?


  1. Hey Lisa...Minnesota will welcome you with open arms! :)

    Your wonders are wonderful but your boys do top the list!

  2. I love that you made the boys the seventh wonder. JDaniel is the most amazing and challenging wonder I have ever encountered.

  3. Lisa! I am jealous!!! All of them amazingly beautiful....those sand dunes are calling my name for sliding...and so is the hiking in Zion! You're right....wonders are found everywhere- but the priceless ones are in our hearts...and homes:) (And when you do the Hawaii one...can I come?:)

  4. cool pictures looks like you have been to some cool places! Have a great day

  5. You've seen a lot of cool places! And of course, the boys are the most special!

    I've been to Europe and England but I would really love to see that ghost town! So cool!

  6. The Florida Keys & the Grand Canyon would definitely make my list. Honestly, I've been to a bunch of national parks & they'd all make the cut. We have such natural wonders in the United States. Moving with the Navy every few years has been a great experience because we've traveled all over the country. Zion is on the list for our next cross-country move.

    visiting from Mama Kat's

  7. You've been to some great places! Love number 7 best though.

    And I live about an hour's drive from Blowing Rock, NC. Nothing better than heading up the mountain for a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway on a Sunday afternoon! :)

  8. When I went to Germany, it was nice but I was so happy to get back to USA...I need to see the Grand Canyon!

    Pre kids body does not look different than now:) Really

    The babies are the best thing in the world...I am partial to kids

  9. We do have a beautiful country. When I made my list, I forgot about the Blue Ridge Mountains where my husband and I have walked a small part of the Appalachian Trail ---and looks like you use Nordic walking poles. We LOVE Nordic walking ---just got back from a 2-mile morning walk.

    Check out "My 7 Wonders" HERE.

  10. We're so lucky to live in a place with so many passport needed!

  11. To me, the miracle of birth is the biggest wonder of them all. When children are born from LOVE it makes it even more woderful.

    Great pictures!!

  12. Glad you included your sons' births.. That is truly a miracle and a wonder.

    I love some of the same places. I would add BRYCE CANYON... I'd add our gorgeous Smoky Mtns... I'd add the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline Drive... and I'd add the Grandview area in West VA... I could go on and on ---and didn't even think of some gorgeous waterfalls we have seen (Niagara, Tallulah Gorge in GA, Amicalola, etc.)....

  13. nice job! :)

    i agree, the grand canyon is too magnificent for a photo. i love the ocean too - pacific or atlantic, doesn't matter. a view from shore is just amazing.

  14. Nothing is more wondrous than a new baby:)

    I love your travel list. I'm itching to return to Big Bend!

  15. Great list. You have seen some wonderful places in your life but I agree with you, no wonder like that of having a child.

  16. The Rocky Mountains are pretty list-worthy, as is Lake Superior and the Pacific Coast.
    I've yet to see the Keys!

  17. Great stuff Lisa.

    I am trying to figure out how to convince Clay Henry Jr to become mayor here.

  18. I knew your boys would be in there - so cute.

    I would say my two grandsons.


  19. Oh wow, I've been to sooooo many national parks here and in Canada. I can't possibly choose, but I'm blessed to have seen some wondrous beauty!

  20. I've always had the dream of visiting all 50 states...I have a long way to go before I can mark them all off my list.

  21. Beautiful! I love this post. Love the pics. Makes me inspired to travel and DO more!!!

  22. Lots to see and read about there Lisa :-)

  23. I liked your list. You've given me some places to check out, esp. The Kelso Sand Dunes in the Mojave Desert.

    I like your 3 little wonders at the end of the post :)

  24. FUN! You wrote this just for me didn't you, because you KNOW I won't be leaving my house for the next six months! ;)

  25. Lisa-your wonders are wonderful-especially that last one:)

  26. I think I need to visit big bend, texas!! The sand dune looks amazing as well!

  27. I so love what you've seen!

    But my favorite line is that you wore "so far." Amen! Here's to the next set of amazing in our lives! :)

  28. This is too cool!
    I just find you via Loretta's blog.
    I think it is too cool that you got me thinking for a split second about my seventh wonder...
    That would be that I had for a long time only 2 daughters... And I was okay with that... I was okay with maybe being Blessed with more...
    So my seventh wonder would be that I never thought or dreamed or imagined that I would be some day a momma of 6! (yes six), my second wonder would be that I would be married longer than any of my parents ever were. And my 3rd would be, As a kid a dreamed of moving to another country the US. And before I turned 30 that is just what we did. We also drove through State to State in a Minivan. And I think we have about 15 States that we did not see yet.

    I love the photo's of your Boys (cubs). Just love the newborn pix.

    Thanks for sharing,
    I will be your newest follower.
    And please come on over and visit me when you get the chance? I would love to have you over.
    (It is not all about sewing-really)

  29. I agree about the Grand won't do it justice. A couple years ago, Rambob and I took a 3 week motorcycle trip from home (Delaware) to Montana. At the time the farthest west I had been was West Virginia. My 7 wonders is wrapped up into that trip. From the Corn Palace to the Badlands to Yellowstone NP to Jackson Hole to the Grand Canyon to tornado Alley. It was an awesome adventure to experience from the back of a bike.

  30. Loved your wonders! I've been to Zion's and the Grand Canyon--gorgeous! Though Big Bend, Texas looks like someplace I'd love to visit.

    And I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I long for my pre-kids body. Though you still look great now my healthy friend. :)

  31. You're right about The Grand Canyon. No matter what camera you have, it's just too vast. The photos of your children is great!!!

  32. Superb! That's a real 7 wonders because for one thing, you already see the true wonders in those places! I love to visit the grand canyon one day, only a dream for now! And the top of the list, those cute boys! Not just wonders, but a precious gifts! Happy blogging!

  33. Wow, you've been to a lot of places!
    I'm going to have to agree with you on the last wonder, though!


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