Friday, November 4, 2011

Shutterfly Christmas Cards

I'm one of those obnoxious people that has typically finished buying holiday gifts and wrapping them by Thanksgiving.  Primarily, my motivation is that I truly hate the holiday crowds.  But also, I like being able to sit back and have fun in the days leading to Christmas.  Which is why I love doing Shutterfly cards every year.  Their site is easy to use and quick (and I don't have to leave the house!), so I can get my cards ordered efficiently and have them ready to roll in the mail at the end of November.

Plus, Shutterfly has very cute designs.  There are greeting cards and photo cards and so much more to choose from.  I've even done some of their photo gifts before which have been huge hits with family members.  I love how personalized you can be.

Usually, I like to pick a holiday card that has 4 picture slots - so I can do an individual of each child and then one of the three of them.  Like this:

This year I might change things up and just do one pic of the 3 of them.  I really liked this design:

Go check out Shutterfly and simplify your holiday prep!  Are you already thinking that far ahead, or do you like to wait until the last minute?  Do tell!

Disclaimer:  I received a promo code for 25 free holiday cards from Shutterfly to write a post, but all of the opinions expressed are my own.  If you are a blogger who is interested in participating in this promo with Shutterfly, you can contact them here


Jill said...

I love shutterfly too. Can't wait to see your cards (assuming you will post them). :)

andy said...

We use picture cards well !! I think it gives it abmore personal touch. Have a great weekend

Michelle said...

Creating a holiday photo card with my kids is always a favorite activity for me.

Karen said...

I've actually already received my cards in the mail! I would join the promo, which is a very nice gesture by Shutterfly -but I use Kodak gallery, which has the same services. Both are great companies to use.

I'm like you - try to get it all done early because I also hate holiday crowds. I also do as much of my shopping on line as I can, because the stores and malls aren't my favorite way to spend time.

Eat To Live said...

We sent picture cards last year, not sure what we are doing this year, but I had better figure it out soon. Can't wait to see what you do.

Samantha said...

What a great promo..I loved Shutterfly when I ordered from them before. Great service!

Chatty Crone said...

Can't wait to see your finished project!

Gone Country said...

I have used Shutterfly on several occasions and they're great! I'm looking to print a calendar this year for some family Christmas gifts. I hope they'll like it!

Anonymous said...

I feel so behind.I haven't even thought about this yet.

Sally said...

Love this idea. I'll have to check them out.

Have a great weekend, Lisa. :)

Anonymous said...

I love Shutterfly...I'm expecting a package from them next week. : )

Slamdunk said...

Your preparedness is inspirational Lisa.

The Mrs. and I were just talking about cards the other day--we need to get an earlier start this year.

Valerie Boersma said...

Great idea for Christmas cards, and I'm impressed with your having everything done early so you can enjoy the season. That is what I'm aiming for this year:)

(I'll be convo-ing soon! Poor Amy is sick, and I need to write a few hundred words, but I'll be in touch first chance I get!) :)

Inger said...

Great, thanks for the tip, I will check Shutterfly out. With your busy life, it must be nice to be done early with all the holiday shopping.

Helene said...

I love Shutterfly!!! In fact, I need to get on the ball and write my post!!!

Debbie said...

i love receiving photo christmas cards.

my boys are too old to sent them anymore but i always did in the past!!

Anonymous said...

Not to brag, but I am slightly famous for my annual Christmas cards--I write letters. Not just any kind of mommy-letters, one year I wrote a 1-act play starring my family, for example. So, yes. Concept has been decided and we're in the early stages of drafting it.

I Am Woody said...

I am a last minute, final hour, Christmas Eve shopper:)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I love shutterfly! Use it for all my picture needs.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Ya truly speak the truth sweetie, Sutterfly is fabulous and soooo many options!

Great product review sweetie.

God bless and have a wonderful weekend!!! :o)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I started using this kind of card last year, and it really saved time! Already signed and no need to print and attach pictures!

Chris said...

Definitely 'last minute' Lisa - some people never learn.

Nice cards. A very personal touch.

Nancy said...

Great review, Lisa. I won these cards on another blog, and am excited to check out the site. :)

trump said...

I think sending a card of the family is a wonderful and personal touch. Richard

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Shutterfly does a nice job, Lisa.... Think you are smart to get things done EARLY.

Anonymous said...

I spend hours working on holiday cards, then completely forget to mail them. :) But these sure are cute.

laughwithusblog said...

I really hate the Christmas shopping crowds too, but I can't say I have it all done. I haven't sent out Christmas cards in ages!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

De nuevo por tu casa. Siempre un placer volver por aquí.

Saludos y buen domingo.

Jeremi said...

i want to so badly be done with christmas stuff early so i can enjoy too -- this year i don't think it will happen, but i'm going to try!

Jen said...

Yes, I love Shutterfly! I was just on yesterday looking at Christmas card I just need the perfect pictures ;)

Kim said...

I have done a picture Christmas card since I first had babies. I love receiving them too!

Sourire11 said...

I love the photo christmas cards!