Monday, November 7, 2011

Totems on Muffin Tin Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday, and this was a very tasty dinner we had one evening.  I enjoyed breaking out the totem poles cups again.

Baked salmon and roasted onions in a creamy dill sauce, wild long grain rice, and roasted brussels and carrots, plus a side skewer of grapes.
Turns out Mom and Dad enjoyed the salmon more than the kids did.  Oh well, more for us! 

Find more fun lunch ideas at Muffin Tin Mom.


andy said...

Weve have those same thomas plates!!ha ha happy Monday

Jill said...

Looks good!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Totem cups? That is awesome. You find the coolest things!

Anonymous said...

I will take his salmon. Wait we are going to have salmon tonight for dinner!

Melodie said...

Those are adorable cups!

Eat To Live said...

You have so many muffin tins... Where in the world do you store them all. I have a lot of cabinets in my kitchen and they are all full.

Sally said...

Looks so good!

Happy Monday, Lisa. :)

Sugary Flower said...

Wow, there is no way my daughter would eat any of that - well done! I, however, think it looks delicious! :)

lisa9999 said...

Love the totems!! I am so glad that Brussels are back in season.

Michaele said...

A perfectly "well balanced" meal. hehe

Nancy said...

I love these. They are so cute! )

Samantha said...

Sounds like a really good dinner! Those totem cups are adorable!

Liz Mays said...

I'd have to pass on the salmon too, but it still all looks cute!

Kim said...

YUM!!! WE love salmon too and it is one of our biggest hopes that our kids will one day enjoy seafood as much as we do. i know I've said it before but I love those muffin tins!

SnoopyGirl said...

Looks good... you are making me hungry!

Slamdunk said...

Very creative Lisa. Yeah, for our kids refined tastes means adding ketchup to the hot dog.

Valerie Boersma said...

I could use a set of those! I get so tired of unexciting lunches and dinners. I would have gobbled up the salmon, and the brussel sprouts too:)

Deborah Ann said...

OMG does that look awesome! You sound like a great chef!

Robbins Zoo said...

OMGSH! LOVE all of it! I missed my bloggy friends. NOW I remeber why! :D

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yum, Lisa. Looks like a great meal... Do the kids eat better when you have Muffin Tin Monday --or some special way of making food more appealing to them????


Chatty Crone said...

Looks like a real good dinner - yum. I'd even eat the brussel sprouts. sandie

Meredith said...

yum!!! I love Brussels sprouts, but learned that as an adult!

Cascia Talbert said...

That looks and sounds delicious. We love Salmon too.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Oh I love salmon! Though I can't get anyone in my family to eat brussel sprouts. Maybe I'm cooking them wrong.

My Mad World said...

those are too cute! Bet they enjoyed it! Well... ok, like you said not the salmon but I bet they liked the rest!

Jo said...

Oooh, I haven't had brussels sprouts in far too long. How do you prepare them? Mmm.


Anonymous said...

Cute cups. We usually shred our leftover salmon and have salmon salad sandwiches for lunch the next day.. it's pretty yummy!

Michelle said...

Love the totem pole cups! Maybe a little ranch dressing for the salmon? My daughter used a little to dress up most things she doesn't like.

Debbie said...

yummy....your boys are so lucky to have "fun" homemade "happy meals"!!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Oh my goodness those totem cups are too awesome and the dinner sounds delish!

Anonymous said...

This looks like such a good meal! I love salmon and roasted veggies...