Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treating Fun

Last Friday night the boys got dressed in their costumes and we headed to Pierce's school for a Fall Festival.  It was sleeting when we left the house, but the boys stayed toasty in their cartoon-wear.  There was a bouncy house, a haunted house (that surprisingly, Pierce loved), fishing for treats, crafts, and much more.

Run, Jerry, Run!!!

Poor Jerry.
No children were harmed in the taking of these pictures.

There was also a cake walk.  We did the cake walk, and ironically, the family's biggest eater won.  Reid was so excited when he got to pick out a cake.  He chose cupcakes.  And then we had to hear about it the rest of the night.
He kept trying to poke his fingers through the plastic to get to the chocolate frosting, but it just wasn't working out for him...

But in the end, he got his cupcake.  And shared his bounty with his brothers.
Hope that you had a fun and safe Halloween!

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Kerry said...

Look at those gorgeous boys and that yummy cake on their faces! Looks like they enjoyed it :)

Steve Surratt said...

Great photos.

andy said...

they look great! love the tom and jerry costumes. Im late getting my post up but we had a doctor and a scary monster guy ! have a great day

Anonymous said...

The last picture is awesome. It looks like a boy's Halloween dream! The boys looks so cute in their costumes.

Unknown said...

Great costumes!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Fun! I love the messy faces in the last photo!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I think your boys are adorable! Love those chocolate icing faces. And reading your posts always makes me miss having young children.

The Sisters' Hood said...

Love the shots - and all the action shots too ;)
happy halloween to y'all xxx

Slamdunk said...

Ahh, what fun.

A few years ago, we had a Scooby Doo as well.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what a cake walk is, but if there's cupcakes as prizes, I'm in!

I love those costumes, they frame the sweet faces perfectly.

Eat To Live said...

What cute costumes!!! The last picture is adoreable!!

Halloween is so much fun seeing all the kids dressed up.

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

So cute! I love the messy faces. I won a cake walk as a kid--one of the best days of my life!

Sally said...

If they aren't just THE cutest! I love seeing pics of those sweet boys. :)

Unknown said...

Oh those cupcake faces are so cute! We went to a carnival on Friday night too, they are so fun.

Love your guys' costumes!! :)

Anonymous said...

Fun--that scooby head looks ginormous!

Valerie Boersma said...

Thanks for these pictures Lisa-they are priceless, and totally adorable!

We had a great Halloween here, too. (And there is LOTS of leftover candy!!)

Jill said...

I love the costumes!!! Too cute! That last picture is priceless.

Jill said...

Oh Lisa! I didn't think they could be any cuter than in their costumes and then got to the last photo with their cupcake faces. ADORABLE!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The first and last pictures are my favorites!! They are priceless! I love the Tom and Jerry!!! And your post from Monday, I just love the pumpkin-pepper idea, with the spaghetti in it!!!

Chris said...

Cute kids, cute costumes.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

The boys looked so cute in their costumes. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are too funny!

Anonymous said...

They are adorable in their cartoon-ware!

Liz Mays said...

Their costumes are the absolute cutest, but I do feel sorry for Jerry. lol

I always loved cake walks, and picking out the one you want is the best part!

Unknown said...

Ah...how cute they are! Love all the photos! Don't forget our giveaway this week! Love

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Oh my - looks at those faces! Too cute :-) Sounds like it was a great time!

camp and cottage living said...

Did Scooby Doo have a hard time keeping his head on?
The boys look so cute in their outfits. So glad they had fun!

Debbie said...

they are too cute for words!!

Kerri Farley said...

Adorable! My son had a scooby costume just like that! Oh the memories ..... He turns 21 nex week.

Jen said...

Oh my goodness...their costumes are adorable!!
Great pictures :)

Misty said...

Ok... for real, the Tom and Jerry costumes made my heart go "swoon"! LOVE THEM!!!!
What fun!

McKenna said...

Oh my gosh they are SO adorable, love the coordinated costumes. I wouldn't be able to keep mine away from a container of cupcakes either, we have already had to move where the Halloween candy has been hidden twice.

Samantha said...

They are so flippin' cute! :)

Chatty Crone said...

Now those were three of the cutest trick and treaters I've seen.

And I love Scooby - he is my favorite cartoon.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So cute! The joys of a chocolate cupcake!

jennohara said...

Look how great they looked!!

Our Little Bubble said...

your boys are adorable! and yeah for boy mommies :) love to meet them! hope you try out the yogurt and love it!

sweetsue said...

Their costumes are so adorable. Thanks for sharing!

Nancy said...

Those costumes are awesome! I want the Scooby one in my size! :)

Lydia (Me: Unofficially) said...

Thanks for visiting my little blog and left a comment. You have adorable pets (Scooby, Tom & Jerry)! It's brilliant idea! :-)

Jeremi said...

FUN!! what great costumes : )