Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey in the Straw Muffin Tin Monday

How do you have Thanksgiving for breakfast?  I decided to adapt a toad-in-the-hole for this one.  So rather it's a turkey-in-the-hole.  Only I added hash browns.  And then I thought it was a turkey in the straw.  And then I had that silly square dancing folk song in my head.  Not that I square dance.  Or dance at all.  But I know the song. 

Turkey in the straw is crafted from bread, an egg, carrots, olives, and (oh so appropriately) turkey bacon.  The 'turkey feet' muffin cups contain roasted pumpkin (to make it all Thanksgivingy, only the pumpkin didn't have much flavor - not sure if it's because it was a small pumpkin or if it's because it had been sitting out on our porch for 2 weeks) and the toast from the hole.

For more fun playing with food ideas, go visit Muffin Tin Mom.

Pick 'em up, shake 'em up, any way at all and hit up a tune called 'Turkey in the Straw'!


  1. That is darling! You are amazing.

    However, I may be a little upset with you if I keep singing Turkey in the Straw all day! ;)

  2. This is super cute! What a creative idea! Bet the boys loved it.

  3. It looks cute, easy and delicious - can't do much better than that!

  4. I like your turkey creation! Perfect for Thanksgiving week. :)

  5. love it !!!! Hope the little one is better! Have a great monday!

  6. Very cute and creative. Toad in the hole is a totally different dish here in the UK.

  7. How cute that is!! I bet the kids loved it.

  8. you've got me totally laughing at turkey in the straw! so clever!

  9. Oh this is SO creative!! love this meal!

  10. That's just darn cute! I love that you just adapted something you were already making to the theme. :)

  11. I like it Lisa. Neat way to make a turkey day breakfast fun.

  12. So cute! How is Cort? I've been thinking/praying for him.

  13. So cute! I want to hear you sing that;))

  14. That is so cute and creative!!!

  15. Fun and delicious, Lisa! I love hash browns too!!

  16. Love your turkey in the hole! You are so clever. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  17. Now, that's the cutest EVER!! Love it! :)

  18. I was wondering what that header meant you had in store. Now I know and it is very cute and clever.

  19. So cute! I love your creative meals for your boys!

  20. Love the turkey egg and the hash brown straw was a great idea. Fortunately I know of the song, but I don't know the words, so I won't be singing it.
    Those turkey muffin cups are so cute. They just completed the meal.

  21. This is so cute. My son would love this!

  22. Awesome idea, Lisa!! Love it :)

  23. clever. i have used cookie cutters in the bread, to make the shape of an animal. my bunny cookie cutter works best.

    this is soooo creative, taking that to a whole new level!!

  24. How cute. But it looks tasty too!
    I hope you have a lot of young mothers who follow you, because you have so many creative ideas to share.
    This would be great for my g'kids when they are here for Christmas!

  25. What an energetic wonderful mother you are. These look great!!

  26. Love your fun toad in the hole/turkey in the straw breakfast!! Your footed cupcake molds always make me think of Baba Yaga and her chicken-legged-house that can run through the forest. (A Russian fairytale)
    Your boys might enjoy that story.

  27. Hee hee - I don't know the song, but I love your turkey! I'm thinking that with a couple of changes it would make a nice chicken at Easter, too!

  28. Too cute and funny, love how the song came into it!

  29. This is so adorable! This would be perfect for the Thankgiving Bento Link-Up at Diana Rambles. Entries taken through Nov 27! I also fun a bento only blog called Bento Blog Network.

  30. My kid's love hole in the walls! Though I never thought to make them so fun! Your turkey turned out great!


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