Friday, December 16, 2011

$25 Gift Cards to Maggiano's Little Italy - 3 Winners! Giveaway!

I've actually never eaten at Maggiano's.  Like Trader Joe's and REI, Maggiano's is another good thing that seems to be missing from my region.  It's a 3 hour drive to either Durham or Richmond for the nearest branch.  But they seem to be all over, as you can see from the map I found on Google -
I bet their food is good.  In the google images I saw, the food looks amazing.  You really can't go wrong with Italian.  So when my twitter buddy, Sonia, from LogAllot said that she'd love to sponsor a giveaway on Two Bears Farm and asked if I'd be interested, I jumped on the chance to give away some gift certificates to my readers.   She's very nice and I hope you'll take a moment to check out her website.  

In the  meantime, I'm trying my hand at Rafflecopter for this giveaway, because everyone is doing it.  I hope you all don't mind - I tried to keep it condensed without a billion choices.  I like simplicity in my life.  

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.  If winner doesn't respond within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen.  There are three winners for this giveaway.  Good luck!
Disclaimer - Sonia told me she'd send 4 gift cards and for me to keep one for myself - so I hope at some point I cross paths with a Maggiano's and get to try the food for myself.

Click on "read more" to enter -

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I won't be entering but I just want to wish everyone else Good Luck! :)

  2. I hope you eventually get there there's talk about a trader Joe's coming to Greensboro that's where I work. Have a great day and weekend

  3. Thanks Lisa...everyone this place is awesome to eat at and you never leave hungry. More like stuffed! Enjoy everyone!

  4. Not one around here either, but I'm sure you'll get a few entries later today. :)

  5. I love Maggiano's, but we don't have one near us. Andrew and I actually ate at the Maggiano's in Durham, NC after our justice of the peace ceremony in Fayetteville. If you ever get a chance to eat there, take your appetite!!

  6. It looks like there might be a couple close to me. Plus, we travel quite a lot.

    terrylee5151 at aol dot com

  7. Thanks for the fantastic contest and great post. I work at REI Durham :) It was nice to see a shout out.

  8. Oops - forgot to say that my favorite italian dish is Chicken Marsala.

  9. Lisa,
    I followed at Logallot on twitter... but I can't find @follow. Twitter says they don't exist.

    My favorite Italian meal is eggplant parmesan.

  10. I could go for some really good spaghetti! I think I entered-I hope so! :) There is one near Seattle!

  11. I love chicken parm and garlic bread!! Awesome giveaway, thanks!

  12. Like some of the other folks on here I've never seen one of those in my neck of the woods, but the best of luck with your contest. Richard

  13. I love the mammas lasagna and bruchetta.
    cabreban at hotmail dot com

  14. I don't think I've heard of this place, there is one in Richmond? We go to Richmond once or twice a year, it's a little over an hour away. We usually eat at Olive Garden when we're there.

  15. Yep, I'd head to Raleigh area to go, yummy! I've never even entered a Rafflecopter giveaway even though I have them on my own blog. LOL I actually don't usually enter giveaways, although I might indulge over the holidays a little bit.

  16. Maggiano's is my favorite restaurant! I love their lasagna.

  17. Eggplant parm all the way!! What an awesome giveaway!

  18. Thanks so much for the chance!! We have a Maggiano's right down the street from us and it's AWESOME!!

    residentmayor at

  19. My favorite italian dish ... tortellini! I think! :) There are SOOOOOOO many good ones!

    residentmayor at

  20. We LOVE Maggiano's :) My favorite Italian dish is Lasagna or Chicken Parm.

  21. So nice of your friend to sponsor this. Have a great weekend.

  22. Wow so hard to choose...believe it or not egg plant parmigana - you know there is an urban myth that it can be used to bring on contractions.

  23. I love Truffle Pasta! Also thereis one in my state, not near me, but right where my husband has a conference to go to in January!!!! That was a sign for me to enter...

  24. I love pasta so anything with pasta!love spaghetti and sauce!thank you!

  25. I'm old school...I love lasagna!!!

  26. I love Eggplant Parmigan


  27. Baked Ziti with no meat sauce, chicken parmegiana, and/or eggplant rolatini. Or pretty much anything with pasta and cheese. ;) And loads of sauce. I haven't eaten there but we have one here and I hope to get there one day! YUM!

  28. Crosses fingers they have gluten free items! Richmond is an hour+ from here, so we don't go too often. Still, it would be awesome to win cuz I'd find an excuse to go, LOL.

    iclipcoupons at gmail dot com

  29. I love spaghetti. I also had the most awesome florentine soup once - it was yummylicious.

    iclipcoupons at gmail dot com

  30. I love stuffed shells.

    frugalmommieof2 at gmail dot com

  31. I know I am not qualified for this one but I just want to say that I am happy you got something for your readers here my friend! And one thing I am excited to tell you that I have included Two Bear Farms at SB Blog Directory so from now I can easily check you here. Anyway, good luck for those who joined with this giveaway... I have visited the sponsor and followed her nice website too! *The common sense tips...*

  32. Chicken Picatta and Bruschetta!!! Yum!

  33. my fave italian is chicken parm

  34. Great!:) Congratulations in advance to all winners! I am not qualified I know, but I am happy that other bloggers from United States have the chances to get your giveaways!:) That's a great treat Lisa!:) Merry Christmas!:)

  35. Fun giveaway! I have a good friend I could mail the certificate to. I love lasagna with garlic bread. :)

  36. I love lasagna!

    bethcole24 at gmail dot com

  37. I've never heard of this restaurant. And sadly we don't have a trader joe's close by either. I always go when visiting my sister near Detroit!

  38. I don't want to win so don't draw my name (there are none near me either) but I love watching for people's give-aways! So cool!

  39. Eggplant Parm YUMMMM

  40. I love using the muffin tin as a child's plate. So clever. Sure enter my name in the drawing.

  41. Favorite is chicken fetuccini Alfredo.

  42. I love Cheese Ravioli.


  43. My favorite Italian dish is Lasagna -- and Maggianos has great lasagna!

    FYI - My GFC name is Carolsue
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  44. Oh there is one here in Nashville and I would love for us to try it! It looks so cute and the food sounds awesome!!

  45. when its done right - baked spaghetti

    ohradishes44 at gmail


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from my readers!