Monday, December 12, 2011

Another Holiday Bento on Muffin Tin Monday

I had so much fun with last week's holiday bento, that I decided to pull out another one.  This was a lunch packed in Pierce's two tiered froggy bento box:
3 Oreos, orange slices in a 'present' muffin cup, raisins, pepperoni on a gingerbread pick, cheesy star sandwich with carrot santa hat.  Really loving the eyeball picks I found on final Halloween clearance - they certainly make food fun!

In other news, yesterday was my 2 year blogiversary!  Hard to believe I've been going now for 2 years.  It's been fun, and I've enjoyed 'meeting' so many blogging friends.

To see more fun ideas of lunches for kids, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


Jill said...

Congratulations on your 2 years! May you have many, many more happy blogging years.

The lunch is adorable and looks mighty tasty!

andy said...

I know a certain 3 year old who would love to have lunch at your house just for the frog plate haha! Hoe you had a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I love this lunch! The eyeball pick is so cute!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Congratulations on reaching the two year mark. That's an accomplishment and a milestone that few folks reach. This is my first visit to your blog, do I took some extra time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a great spot for your readers to enjoy and I've really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Eat To Live said...

Yay!! Congratulations on blogging 2 years.

Your Muffin Tin Mondays are way too cute!

Kim said...

I love this bento box. I wish Deaglan would sandwiches because I'm certain I could mimic you with these cute star shaped sandwiches. Sigh. He refuses bread.

Melodie said...

Congrats on 2 years! Love the eyes!

The Special K's(0: said...

I LOVE your googly eyed star! So cute!(0:

Mary said...

Ha I love the star sandwich! Di you just do that with a violent cutter?

Happy two years on your blog! Doesn't it seem to go by fast? I am so glad we were able to "meet" through our blogs. :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

So cute!

And happy anniversary!

Valerie Boersma said...

Congrats as well on the two year anniversary of your blog! And I might add-YOU know how to make food fun! Cute lunch!

Slamdunk said...

Happy blogiversary Lisa.

I would be proud to eat those meals--even push my kids out of the way to do it.

TexWisGirl said...

happy 2 yr blogiversary!!! yippee!!! so happy to have known you for more than a year now!!!

Dawn said...

My boys said they are coming for lunch. Very cute.

Happy bloggaversary!!!

Sharla said...

Those eyeball picks are awesome! Congrats on your 2 year bloggiversary!

Unknown said...

Congrats Lisa! Those are the cutest, I love the star! Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comments, they meant a lot to me!

Best Wishes,

Keeley McGuire said...

Happy Anniversary!

Love the eyeball picks too!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Happy Blogiversay!! the time flies

Another creative Muffin Tin

Helene said...

I always enjoy these posts because it gives me such great ideas for lunches for my kiddos!!!

Happy blogiversary!! 2 years goes by quick, doesn't it??

Anonymous said...

OH MY! Adorable oreo eyes! I will have to try this!

Mompreneur Mogul Lisa Cash Hanson said...

UMM That Cheesy star sandwich is the best! I think my husband would love it LOL- New follower love that star.

Andrea said...

Congrats on two years!! Hooray for bloggy friends! :>

Chris said...

Won't you please pack my lunch for me Lisa?

camp and cottage living said...

I bet Pierce's lunches are the envy of his fellow classmates!
Happy Aniversary. You sure have a lot of followers for only 2 years.

Misty said...

Ok. I kinda want you to come make my lunches. I mean, a star sandwich is way cool, but with eyes! You are a genius!

Chatty Crone said...

Love those eyeballs. sandie

lisa9999 said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. I love the eye picks.

Tonya Hache said...

I agree, the eyeball picks make food fun, and alive! so cute!

Deborah Ann said...

Happy Anniversary! I have met so many wonderful blog friends here...including you!

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

Chatty Crone said...

I am not sure what you mean??? sandie

Liz Mays said...

He must just love his Bento box treats every week. Very cute!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Congratulations on two years!!! Such a cute lunch. I definitely need some eyeball picks.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Congats on 2 years!! Awesome. And those muffin tins are fantastic!

Koogle said...

Happy two-year anniversary!

Out on the prairie said...

from sitting in the lunchroom a lot I often wondered if parents knew what there kids threw away. This is a good trick and a lovely lunch to eat.

My Mad World said...

Hey stranger! Cute MTM! You are so creative!!

Love the pics from your posts! Kiddos are still so cute!

Tulley has the same problem as ours did/does.. only guess what... lost ours from last year. I put it somewhere so I would remember where it was.. so I could bring it out early and guess what!?! He must have really went back to the North Pole cause he is no where to be found!!
Bought a generic one this year.. and of course she knew... We told her that Santa has them draw names to see where they go and that's why sometimes we don't have the same one! lol

Michaele said...

This must be as much fun to make as it is to eat. Now I want an orange.

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh wow congratulations on two years of blogging!! That's awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2 years!

Love those eyes on the star sandwich. Very cute!

kewkew said...

Love the star sandwich, those eyes are too cute.
Happy blogiversary!

Nancy said...

Another awesome creation by the Bento artist! Cute! :)

SnoopyGirl said...

Your meal is adorable! Love the star sandwich!

Lindsay said...

I adore your creativity with their lunches!