Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Bet

I guess this is one of those posts where I own up to less than stellar parenting skills.  Because I'm pretty sure teaching your 5 year old to bet ranks pretty high on the whole "Parenting Don'ts" list.  But yeah, Pierce and I have a bet, and I'm pretty confident I'm going to win this one.  If I don't....well....I'll be eating snow.

The bet is that if we get 12 inches of snow sometime this winter I'll be serving the family snow ice cream....for dinner.  I'm feeling pretty smug though.  Virginia doesn't get that much snow very often.  Plus, the highly scientific methods of wooly caterpillar analysis (how much black does he have in the middle?) and the Farmer's Almanac are both predicting a mild winter for my region.  In addition, I watched my squirrels packing away nuts for the winter.  Their stash isn't all that impressive...

Go ahead and root for the cute 5 year old to win.  You know you want to.  It won't hurt my feelings.  Much.  Please don't let it snow, please don't let it snow, please don't let it snow....

Check out my giveaway for $25 gift cards to Maggiano's - there will be 3 winners here!


Jill said...

He really is so dang cute!!! I will sure look forward to hearing the snow fall in your neck of the woods. ha!

Dawn said...

Hehehe...if I could count the times I've made bets like that with my kids over things....and lost;))
I would have to root for that cutie...only because I would love that for supper one night:D

Steve Surratt said...

You could be magnanimous and make snow ice-creme with any snow. But you don't have to tell him that and surprise him.

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

I'm rooting for the cute 5 year old :)

andy said...

I promise I will not say who I'm rooting for !!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get a dusting, but too much snow would make it hard to get around.

Texan said...

Well I just dislike the white stuff big time, buttttt... since it would be at your house and not mine LOL I hope Pierce gets his snow ice cream dinner. Well I am just sayin, I mean how can you not hope for that for him with that cute little face.

Eat To Live said...

LOL.... what a cute post Lisa and Pierce is adoreable.

I am going to sit on the fence on this one and wait and see what happens.

Betty Manousos said...

oh my, he really is sooo cute!!!

what a lovely post!

TexWisGirl said...

this made me laugh! good luck!

Valerie Boersma said...

Lisa, I'm with Pierce on this one:) We are facing our first brown Christmas in years, but I refuse to give up hope...

Anonymous said...

We haven't got a single FLAKE on the ground and we bought the boys snowshoes for Christmas--so guess how I'm leaning.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well, since I love snow, I am hoping that your son is correct... However, I think you are going to be right this winter.. Our predictions here are for a MILD winter --and wet... So far, December has been the wettest in many years.


Anonymous said...

Ah, fun.
I hope the 5 y.o. wins :)

Katie said...

We are snow free in North Dakota but I'd love to see you get 12" of snow...only because snow ice creams sounds so yummy!

Sandy said...

Snow ice cream...

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

(Okay, I tried commenting earlier, but I was having some computer issues, so here I am again).

I can't wait to see who wins this bet!!

Michaele said...

pssst...snow tastes good!

Emmy said...

Oh I coud bet my five year old that in SoCal. :). Here's hoping for you.

Chatty Crone said...

Chocolate ice cream? sandie

Michelle said...

Snow cream is yummy, so you know who I am rooting for. lol

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I'm rooting for Pierce, but you will probably win the bet. Here it is the week before Christmas, and it was almost 70 degrees today.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

No snow yet here but we are expecting a few inches on Christmas! He is so darn cute- I LOVE his hair!

Out on the prairie said...

A different world, we think a light snow is under 50 inches for the year

Julie said...

Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by my blog.

Why is it that five year olds are just so darn cute!

I think you've got a heads up on the bet, but ... how gorgeous would it be if he just did win :)

Have a lovely day.

Sagittarian said...

oh lols... go lisa go! go lisa go! i'm excited with the result of this game! lols... Merry Christmas!:)

Sandy said...

You KNOW I am rooting for the cute 5 year old. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for a blizzard! Next you will need to teach him how to say, "I told you so! Na Na Na Boo Boo!"

Nancy said...

I'm thinking you need to have the snow for dinner anyway -- made out of shaved ice or something, just for fun. :)

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Definitely rooting for your sweet guy!

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

He's a cute little bugger but I hope YOU win because I am only a state or two over from you and I hope we DON'T get the snow. I had enough of that crap last year ;)