Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Recap

 On Christmas Eve, after spending the day with family, we drove by our favorite secret spot for lights on the way home.  It's way down the backroads - crazy curves and all.  But it's become a tradition each year.

After the lights, we sprinkled the reindeer food out in the yard that Pierce had made at school - oats mixed with red glitter, so the reindeer would know we were here.  I suspect the chickens appreciated it the next morning too.

We left cookies for Santa - chocolate peanut butter chip - with a glass of milk.  Pierce said Santa needed four cookies.  Note that all of the ornaments had disappeared off the bottom of the tree...

Turns out Santa really did come!  I caught him taking a nap on our couch after setting up the toys! (You can do this with the website if you're interested). 

Cort was very impressed to see proof on Christmas morning that Santa had taken a nap right on the couch...

And the toy that was the biggest hit?  The Playdoh Factory.  All 3 boys adore it.
Indeed, the boys loved everything they received, and the only disappointment at our house was the fact that it didn't snow on Christmas.  Pierce is still asking about it.  "Mom, but WHYYYYYY didn't it snow on Christmas?!?"  Apparently, this is hard to understand when you're five.
Hope your families all had a great holiday!
And many thanks to our family and friends that helped make this holiday special for us!

Be sure to check away my $30 giveaway to Fashion to Figure for an item of your choice here!


Steve Surratt said...

Love the pic of Santa. Hum, I forgot to ask Santa for a Playdoh Factory myself. Oh, next year!

Nancy said...

I love the Santa photo effect -- what will they think of next?

And will the chicken poo be sparkly for a few days? ;)

andy said...

Great idea of Santa taking a nap! !! Looks like boys had a great one. Take care

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Oh yonger kiddos would have loved the play-doh factory. Wish I would have thought of that. Now I'm broke and can't even buy the play-doh to go with it! ;) Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! I love the idea of reindeer food!

Karen said...

That photo is awesome.. wish the service were available when my kids still believed.

My son got Playdough in his stocking... it's STILL a big hit, we all love the smell of

Jill said...

That is the prettiest light display I've ever seen!

Getting a picture of Santa in your own home is a fantastic idea! Wish I still had little ones. How fun!

So glad you had a nice Christmas and that the boys are happy. :)

Jeremi said...

fun times : ) i need to remember the i caught santa site, what a hoot!!

O Profeta said...

Tão calmamente corre esta viagem
A terra anda devido ao amor
O que é isso de amar com amor?
O que é isso de o perder sem dor?

O que é isso de acreditar
Às vezes Deus carrega ao colo um justo
Às vezes uma reza acende o Sol a meio da noite
Às vezes duvido acreditando a custo

Abracei o mundo este natal
Lembrei passados desvanecidos
Senti aromas que pensei perdidos
Senti que a vida me infligiu mil castigos

Senti que a solidão era a porta para a razão
Que era uma criatura sem grande importância
Senti que ainda não tinha traçado todos os rumos
Que não há longe perto da distância

Um mágico fim de ano

Um abraço

Sagittarian said...

Wow! :) As I can see here, your Christmas eve was so wonderful!:) Happy New year in advance!! :)

TexWisGirl said...

that santa photo is brilliant! :)

glad the boys had a good Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I love the Santa picture! I bet he needed a nap after unloading all those gifts.

Melodie said...

Looks like you all had a great Christmas! Love the Santa photo!

Anonymous said...

Looks picture perfect--even without a covering of snow. Little kids in footie pajamas always make Christmas perfect.

Eat To Live said...

I could tell you horror stories of play doh and carpets... but I won't.

Great Pictures

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Looks like you all had such a great Christmas. Hope your New Year is truly blessed!!

Sandy said...

Love the Santa photo. Glad to hear you all had a great Christmas.

I Am Woody said...

Sounds like an absolutely perfect Christmas!

Out on the prairie said...

You found a lovely vista for the lights.Love the tree sans ornaments, it gave me a good laugh.

Chell said...

Love me some playdoh! I never pass up a chance to play with that stuff!

Tortoise said...

I so love that Santa pic. I will have to do that for the kids next year!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Pierce is too adorable!!!! And I love the picture of Santa in your living room, you find the coolest things!!! That is a cool Playdoh factory, what a perfect gift for all three boys!! So funny looking at the tree!!! I guess you have given up on it. Do you find ornaments hidden all through the house in January?

Andrea said...

Beautiful Christmas! Thanks for sharing. ;) Happy new year!

camp and cottage living said...

It's plain to see the boys had a good Christmas. And they didn't forget to feed the reindeer!
Playdough is so messey, but was always a winner with my kids too.
I enjoyed playing with it too!
That Santa photo is so.. neat. I hope I remember it for next year.
Happy New Year!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are nice recaps of Christmas but the boys are so cute!!

Mary said...

Those lights are awesome! Looks like you had a great Christmas. Hailey got some play doh sets too and loves them. We all played with it Christmas day.

Have a great night!

P.s. I thought it was funny all your ornaments disappeared off the bottom of your tree ;)

Helene said...

I love that pic of Santa napping on the sofa! Wish I had thought of that!

Looks like you all had a fantastic holiday!!! Hope you have a wonderful New year!

Michaele said...

I would have loved to do the photo thing when my kids were little. No doubt about that Santa. Sounds like a really great Christmas.

Chatty Crone said...

Looks like a great Christmas. I'm going to check that site out. Thanks.

Dawn said...

Ahhhh....Santa photo:) I found my son's ipod sitting in the tree branch trying to "capture santa". I should have done this!

Looks like a wonderful Christmas!
Your kiddos are priceless:)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Oh, I love the Santa picture!! Looks like a fantastic Christmas had by all!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Play dough is such fun stuff. And recently we used some playdough, to replace a leg on a little pug ornament. The playdough hardened perfectly.
Your Christmas was magical!

Valerie Boersma said...

Fun pictures Lisa! I'm glad Santa got to take a little break and snooze on your couch:)

I also remember putting out reindeer food with Amy, and how excited she was Christmas morning when she was sure she saw hoof prints in the snow!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love your traditions! And that photo of Santa is great; Santa's helpers here in Iowa will have to remember that. Your boys are so cute!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I love that your leave reindeer food. ! And I just made a picture of Santa at our house and showed my kids the picture on the computer. They were amazed! :) Glad you had a nice Christmas!

Angela said...

That is just so cool! My kids would flip if they seen Santa taking a nap at our house.

Happy New Year!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Cute pictures It looks like you had a great Christmas!