Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!

We've had an exciting month, full of festivities here with the boys.  We've watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer 4,389 times.  And we've watched my favorite, Emmett Otter's Jug Band Christmas 2 times.  Mommy got the short end of the stick this year.  

We filled the house with the smells of Christmas by making applesauce cinnamon ornaments.
 Pierce really had fun with ornament making, even though he was disappointed they weren't edible.
 They did make nice little gifts for family and teachers though.
 We also made peanut butter kiss cookies and decorated sugar cookies.  Those were edible.  And Pierce had a fun time attending the Winter Wonderland festival at his school and chatting it up with Santa.  His first question being, "Is your sleigh up on the roof of the school?"  Five year olds ask tricky questions.

Cort and Reid had their own Christmas program.  During which they sang songs.  Cort got really into it.  Reid tried to run away and was chased down by a teacher.

At least they waited until after the program to pump them full of sugar.

From our family here at Two Bears Farm, wishing you and yours a very Happy Holidays!


andy said...

Hey Lisa wasn't to wish you a very merry christmas! !! I hope Santa is good to you and the boys!!

Steve Surratt said...

Such a great time of the year. This season so wonderful for little children. I kinda miss mine being little....but....that's what grandkids are for! Merry Christmas!

Melodie said...

I love those cinnamon ornaments,they smell so good! The little ones are the most fun to watch at pageants!

Sagittarian said...

Right Lisa, :) Wishing you ad your family a Merry Merry Christmas!:)

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

I love his question to Santa!! And those twins of yours could not possibly be any cuter!! Merry Christmas :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love the Emmitt Otter movie!! Was it on TV or is it on DVD?! It's been forever since I last saw that cute movie.

Merry Christmas to your family, Lisa!

Andrea said...

Great minds. In my post this AM I wrote how my DVR has 100 million kids shows, and I'm still waiting to watch Love, Actually! :)

Happy Holidays, Lisa!! Hope you and the fam enjoy!

Eat To Live said...

Sounds like you are ready for Christmas to me.

Merry Christmas Lisa, to you and your Family.

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

My kids watched Emmet Otter 3x yesterday! Merry Christmas!

TexWisGirl said...

such cute boys! good luck with watching rudolph one more time! :)

trump said...

Ive always loved Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer as a child, and i think it was made around 1965. Id like to wish you and your family a merry Christmas Lisa and i hope the new year will be very good to you and your family. I will be on a blog break and have just posted my last post for the 2011 year. Yours truly Richard

Valerie Boersma said...

Thanks for the pictures Lisa! It's been so fun this past year seeing your family through your posts. Have a wonderful Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you the very best of Christmas!

Pearl said...

Love the pictures!

Merry Christmas!


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These pics have captured the Christmas cute too
Merry Christmas to yall

Jill said...

I have never heard of Emmitt Otter. I feel like I'm missing out!

All of your pictures are so precious. Sure makes me miss those days. Your boys are really growing up.

Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your family, Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Years ago my mom made cinnamon ornaments just like those! I've never seen anyone else do them until today!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love seeing your sweet little boys... Isn't it amazing what different personalities the twins have???? They are all three unique little individuals...

Merry Christmas... I love the ornaments you all made.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

I've got you beat! I've seen it 4,390 times...all I did before we had cable was watch our old DVDs! LOL! Love the cookies/decorations, Baby Girl...:)JP

Michelle said...

I love making those ornaments. They smell so good. Your boys are so cute! Christmas is a bit extra special when they are young like that. Have a very Merry Christmas!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas! The boys are too cute

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thought I posted on here this morning --but I was having server problems.. SO--it must not have taken....

Anyhow I said something like the fact that I love seeing your precious little boys. Having 3 boys brings back memories to me...

Isn't it amazing how different the personalities of the twins are???? My friend has twin grandsons (about the same age as yours)--and Judy (friend) is always talking about how different they are--one from another.

Merry Christmas.

Chatty Crone said...

Can't wait until you tell us their Christmas story. sandie

♥ my diary♥ said...

nice post! thank you for sharing...happy holidays...blessings soraya

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think I can smell the cinamon from the decorations. Your home sounds so festive,, I wish we were there. Merry Christmas to all of you

Out on the prairie said...

The boys "getting in to it "gave me a good laugh. Have an enjoyable holidays.

Nancy said...

So cute! What wonderful memories you are making.

Merry Christmas, Lisa. :)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

it's so fun to experience Christmas through the eyes of our kids. Merry Christmas to you and your awesome family.

Joe said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family Lisa.

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post.. You have just brought back some wonderful memories.. My son is 27 now but those early years never leave you.

I wish you and your lovely family a very Merry Christmas.

Betty Manousos said...

hey lisa,
thanks for sharing this sweet post!

your little ones are so darn cute!

wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

lots of love!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful blessings your boys are. Such sweet photos. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

Michaele said...

Merry Christmas to you Lisa. We made those cinnamon ornaments one year and my daughter's boyfriend actually ate one. eww!

Jeremi said...

sounds like you guys have been having a great holiday season : ) the pageant pics are super cute : ) all three of your boys are so cute lisa.