Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Life According to Books I Read in 2011

Every year Christine over at The Happily Ever After does a fun link up of questions you answer using books you read in the past year.  I read 82 books in 2011, and was excited to answer this year's questions.

1.  Describe yourself:  Bold Spirit
2.  How do you feel?  Borderline.  Okay, not really, but I couldn't resist this one  ;-)
3.  Describe where you currently live.  Fun Home
4.  If you could go anywhere, where would you go?  The Forgotten Garden
5.  Your favorite form of transportation?  Night Road
6.  Your best friend is: Distant Shores
7.  You and your friends are: The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
8.  What's the weather like?  The Winter of Our Disconnect
9.  What is life to you?  A New Earth
10.  Favorite time of day?  The Ten Year Nap
11.  Your Fear?  The Sanctuary of Outcasts
12.  What is the best advice you have to give?  Go Green, Live Rich
13.  Thought for the day?  Walking in Circles Before Lying Down
14.  How I would like to die: Salvation City
15.  My soul's present condition:  Run to Overcome

If you're interested in my answers to questions last year, you can find them here.
Don't forget to check out my giveaway for $30 to Fashion to Figure here!


  1. That's hilarious! I LOVE your thought for the day...feel like I do that most days!! I think it would be awesome fun to be a fly on the wall of your home!! Have a terrific day!

  2. I'm not even sure I finished one book this year and you read 82? Oh my gosh! Lol to the 10 year nap!

  3. What great book titles! The Ten Year Nap is perfect. I would like JDaniel to take a 10 minute one!

  4. I thought I read a lot, but you sure have me beat.

  5. That is a fun me-me! My reading has dropped dramatically since we moved to the farm.

  6. I was just thinking about this earlier this morning! You picked some fun answers. I'll have to "borrow" this idea! ;-)

  7. This was fun to read, and now I have some book ideas too!
    I want to try to do more reading in 2012:)

  8. Wishing you and your family Lisa a very happy new years. Richard

  9. I would have to answer Boardwalk Empire to all of these questions, as that's the only book I actually picked up in 2011. I mean to remedy that in 2012. :)

  10. This was really fun! What a great idea.

  11. Wow, you really read lots of books this year!

  12. Get yer wellies on Lisa - my Forgotten Garden is awaiting...

  13. Fantastic responses! I never get tired of reading these lists.. I'm especially fond of #10 The 10 Year Nap. I love that time of day, too!!! ; )

    Thanks for playing along and linking up! Here's to another wonderful year of reading!

  14. Lisa, great list, I love your answers to #9 and #10. A New Earth and The Ten Year Nap. Perrrfect. That was lots of fun!

  15. Wow, maybe I should make it a goal to read enough books next year to be able to answer these questions! I kinda got sucked into Game of Thrones this year and I haven't emerged yet. The only other good book I read this year was The Kitchen House, which although it doesn't serve as a very good answer to any of the questions, I highly recommend.

  16. Gosh, this is a really challenging thing to do! Some of these titles really intrigued me, so I looked them up on Amazon. "The Particular Sadness...", I am going to the book store in a few minutes to buy it, I can't wait!! We read "Like Water For Chocolate" and this looks really similar. Now I'm off to look at your last years list, who knows, I may come home with a whole bag full of books! Thanks!!!

  17. I loved this link-up! I'm impressed you were able to make all the answers work! I still hope to read The Forgotten Garden soon. :)

  18. Fantastic! Thanks for the reminder. I may need to do this for this year, as well. :) Fun!

  19. So fun! I have never seen this before. Love yours!

  20. interesting book list and thanks for the chuckles.

  21. Awesome! I love it! :)Challenging indeed! :)

    Am inviting you to join and visit our fun at my other blog..:)Happy to read your choices of answers too..:) Thank you Lisa. Happy new year!! :)

  22. Okay - how in the world do you get all the things done that you do?


  23. WOW 82 books! That is awesome and I'm inspired. I'm at less than 12 for the year and this would be a tough link up for me to figure out. Maybe I can make more time for reading in 2012. AFTER I figure out how to find more time to exercise!

  24. Wow, kudos to you for reading that many books! I find it so hard just to finish ONE! haha.

  25. That is fun! You and my oldest would be best buddies.
    She can read "Lord of the rings and such in two days!

    {Of course she has no kids}

  26. Wow! A little OCD on the keeping count thing? You know how many miles you ran and how many books you read including the titles!? LOL I did love this though & might keep track this year to participate next year. Keep track of books read obviously, not miles ran....that would be a big fat 0!

  27. Great answers! Loved the advice and I 'd like to go t The Forgotten Garden, too.:)


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