Thursday, January 12, 2012

$10 Starbucks Gift Cards - 3 Winners - Giveaway

You know what's funny?  I don't drink coffee.  Not at home anyhow.  But I adore the lattes at Starbucks.  Each year, my aunt Pam and uncle George treat me to a Starbucks gift card for Christmas, because they know that I wouldn't splurge on the lattes on my own.  And each year I cherish this gift card - treating myself every so often and thinking of my aunt and uncle when I do.  It's such a meaningful gift - you wouldn't think that about a gift card - but it really is when the gift card allows you to feel like you're receiving something extra decadent each time you use it.  If someone got me a gift card to somewhere like Target, I'd love it, but I'd end up spending it all on the kids.  With a Starbucks gift card, it's just for me. 

Today, I've got 3 gift cards - worth $10 each - to Starbucks to give away!  The giveaway is sponsored by Sonia at Logallot - check out her website as it offers such helpful marketing information to bloggers and she's very interactive with her readers.

Disclaimer: I did not receive anything in exchange for hosting this giveaway, but I thought it would be something my readers would enjoy.

This is a Rafflecopter giveaway, so to enter just click on "Read More" under my signature and bear paw.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jenny said...

Hot chocolate or tea :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Cat said...

Love Starbucks oatmeal with a touch of brown sugar and dried fruit. Such a treat!

Nancy said...

We don't have a Starbucks in our dinky town, but if I won, I'm sure one of my sons would enjoy the card. :)

Anonymous said...

I love their cafe misto drink.

Gloria said...

Would love to get this - I go to starbucks at least twice a week for a soy misto (yum)

Anonymous said...

I love their caramel apple cider!

Courtney said...

Mocha Peppermint Frappe!

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

I'm with you on the lattes. :)

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a timely post considering my coffee maker broke yesterday!

I love the cafe mochas! And in the summer, the iced mochas.

Jane said...

lol,Lisa,I like to indulge in a latte sometimes,and I don't drink coffee at home either,thanks for doing the give away,someone will be very happy! Blessings Jane

Out on the prairie said...

I enjoy the frothy sweet drinks,and a chat when I go out.

J@ckie said...

Starbucks donnuts!!! I love it with hot coffee!!! Nice to meet you.

Trudy said...

Soy Chai Latte

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love Starbucks! Sometimes I go and blog from there, it's a nice change from home.

Holly S. said...

I love their caramel mocha iced lattes.

Anonymous said...

Tell me your favorite Starbucks beverage (or food).

Honestly, I'm entering to give this to my wife if I win...

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...I'm your coffee twin. Plain latte. Perfect.

Eat To Live said...

In the Fall/Winter my Hubs likes Grande Carmel Machiato. Extra Carmel!

Kim O'Hanlon/Contest KAO said...

Love their iced green tea. Thanks!

Sandy said...

With all you do for your boys you sure deserve something just for you. Amazing how sometimes the smallest gift can be the most thoughtful.

byn always said...

found you through a comment on blogfrog and just stopped in... and found this post so touching. Seriously, I sometimes hate giving gift cards because they seem too impersonal. I never thought of it this way (and, like you, if I get a normal gc I always end up buying stuff for the kids!)

Jo said...

Mmmm, I love a tall skinny caramel or cinnamon dolce latte. :)

Anonymous said...

I love their Mocha Frappuccino!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Allen Family said...

I love their frappuccinos!

Anonymous said...

I love my Starbucks.
Tall, decaf, no foam latte. :)

beth said...

My favorite is an iced coffee with splenda and half n half

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I think I'm entered, I guess I'll find out. We like the Starbucks cappucino, now I will have to try the lattes. Ee even just got the Starbucks K-Cups for our Keurig.

The Sleepy Dreamer said...

Caramel Apple Cider
GFC follow (The Sleepy Dreamer)

Leah Baird said...

Caramel Apple Cider
GFC follow (The Sleepy Dreamer)

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

My hubby likes a mocha, I like the mint hot chocolate!

Valerie Boersma said...

I'll throw my hat into the ring for one of these! I could use one-it's been a busy day! I'll be writing you back soon:)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Chai, hot or cold is always a hit with me and yes, I do drink coffee.

Zombiemommy said...

I love some those frozen coffees, I think they are called machiatos? So I think with the gift card I could buy one.



Jen said...

Awesome giveaway! I'm a total coffee junkie...mochas are my favorite!

Myya said...

I have a few favs... White mocha with peppermint, Iced Chai & now that I am counting calories I will do a nonfat Caramel Machiatto. Mmmmm, they are all yummy!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

Hot chocolate and there's one just across the street. Though the caramel apple cider would be fun to try. I just checked out Logallot and am following--looks like a helpful site!

JC said...

My favorite is green tea soy latte.

Unknown said...

Favorite starbucks item: Fraps. I really like the caramel!
(My FB and therefore raffle copter email addy is thanks for the giveaway!!

Andrea said...

Iced chai latte. Hands down. Mmmn.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Hot chocolate!

Colorado Mountain Mom said...

I love your blog, and the bear logo. Very nice!

Chatty Crone said...

Well I happened to REALLY REALLY love Starbucks and it is so expensive - lol! sandie

Belinda said...

I love their hot chocolate!

Manda said...

This time of year....Hot Cocoa is my fave!


Anne D. said...

I love their chai latte and eggnog latte:) annejk112233(at)yahoo(Dot)com

Anonymous said...

Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Yummy! :)

brightbird said...

chai latte!

RealtorSD said...

my fav drink at starbucks is the carmel apple cider. But I love to eat the fruit and cheese plate any time of year. also my gfc name is realtorsd

sarah at

Kim said...

I never go to starbuck's because I'm kind of a cheap skate when it comes to that even though I like the idea of supporting a company like Starbuck's. My niece worked there for years and I couldn't believe what a great company they are to work for.

tree said...

i don't think my comment went through. i like the caramel hazelnut lattes. enchantedtree(at)

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

Patricia Wojnar Crowley

I love their Caramel Apple Spice!!!

Toni said...

love the Hot Chocolate

Erin S said...

Whit Chocolate Mocha!-Erinn A

Anonymous said...

venti latte with one raw sugar
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

Amanda said...

Following on gfc under the name amanda sanchez and liked your page on facebook under the name amanda sanchez

sweetlikecandy1688 at gmail dot com

Julie H said...

I love getting their hot chocolate on a cold morning!

Tawnya said...

I love a vanilla latte!

Anonymous said...

Love their hot chocolate,

Krista said...

My favorite is their peppermint mocha!

Aimee said...

I love the mocha frapp!

Centsable Lady said...

Peppermint mocha
cabreban at hotmail dot com

Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

I love the egg nog latte too bad its only available at Christmas

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Just a great cup of coffee for me.

Cheryl said...

White peppermint mocha said...

Enjoy ladies and thanks for entering the giveaway!

JaneSToney said...

My favorite is the Cafe Latte.

Amanda said...

Google + follower amanda sanchez

Amanda said...

Hot chocolate

erinbdisney said...

Right now loving the Peppermint Latte!

Sarah B. said...

My fave is the vanilla latte!

sarah at yesteachercrafts dot com

anna pry said...

gfc: freeindeed
salted caramel hot chocolate

♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ said...

White Peppermint Mocha
I added you to my Google+ circle

Danielle K said...

I love the Gingerbread latte

danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Fave drink: tall cappuccino with whole milk.
allnaturalkatie at gmail dot com

janetfaye said...

I like Starbucks Hot Chocolate.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

LaurenBear said...

cinnamon dulce latte!!!
laurenbbear at fmail dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

there krispie treats are amazing!!! and I really love mocha frappicinos there.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Penny Kathleen said...

I love their hot chocolate and blueberry coffee cake!

Kathleen Conner said...

Mmmm....I'm a straight double espresso-gal.

klconn7 (at) yahoo (dot) com

John Billiris said...

I'm simple--black coffee

cbstrat (at) gmail (dot) com

Wendy Rozema said...

vanilla cappuccino is my favorite drink!

Sara said...

hot chocolate or mocha frap

Angie B said...

I love the Stawberry and cream frapuccinos!

Kathy said...

Skinny peppermint latte

Michelle S. said...

I like the Caramel Apple Cider

Veronica R said...

Peppermint Mocha!

Anonymous said...

Salted caramel hot chocolate

I'm a new follower my GFC name is k.doucette


amanda said...

i love white chocolate mocha!
oheeyore at hotmail dot com

Sylvia said...

Vanilla and Mocha frappachinos

June L said...

I need to try more things but I love iced coffee with vanilla or caramel.

Vicki Vix said...

Nice giveaway. Thanks. My favourite Starbucks item is their Lemon Pound Cake. It's absolutely yummy! My G+ and GFC name is "From Furrin".

fromfurrin at gmail dot com

Kathryn Costa said...

My fave Starbucks beverage is White Chocolate Mocha. Thank you!

katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com

Ashley H said...

I like white chocolate mocha! thank you!

Sandra said...

Their skinny mocha peppermint latte is to die for.
wrotek5 (at) gmail (dot) com

jenspurg said...

Love the caramel fraps.

JMyers666 said...

My favorite drink is the seasonal Peppermint Mocha.

The Wheeler's said...

We don't have a starbucks in our town but winning this would give me an excuse to go into the city for starbucks and some shopping

Holly S. said...

My favorite drink is an Iced, non-fat, no whip, White Chocolate Mocha. Thanks!

Missy L said...

My favorite drink is the White Chocolate Mocha. Sometimes I get it iced and sometimes hot.

cupcake mama said...

Cake pops!!!!! Yummy!
GFC: Mechele Johnson

BethElderton said...

Iced Venti White Chocolate Mocha with 2 extra shots (yes, 2 extra, please)no whip.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Rebecca Williams said...

I love the chocolate mocha! At Christmas, they have a peppermint mocha that is very good!
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com

johnsmom said...

Starbucks doughuts!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I love Starbucks, totally addicted to it! I love the Peppermint Mocha!
GFC- Kelley Johnsen

Diane W said...

I love Grande Carmel Machiato but I only drink one a couple times a year since it's high in calories.

diane dot wortman at gmail dot com

Annmarie Weeks said...

I love their iced chai...with a shot of vanilla in it!

Julie said...

love their Fraps..
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

Heather said...

I like their chocolate shake thingies!

Clarissa D said...

vanilla bean frap!

Unknown said...

White Mocha is my favorite.
heartnsoulcooking at gmail dot com

Chrissy said...

My favorite is their mocha latte!

Priscilla Benavides said...

I like to get a Latte with a scoop of Green Tea in it.

GFC priscillavbenavides
G+ Priscilla Benavides
Facebook Priscilla Villarreal-Benavides
Twitter @prissybenavides

Ashley said...

I like caramel fraps.

Jessica Peeling said...

I love iced caramel machiattos (can't spell this sorry LOL)

Unknown said...

I love anything Starbucks has!! And as a SAHM, I need anything with caffeine! =)

jadavis said...

Mocha Peppermint Frappe

Megan C. said...

Hot chocolate with caramel and whipped cream

Ellie Wright said...

My favorite is hot chocolate.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Jodi said...

I love their White Chocolate Mocha! Warm or cold, I love it! I follow via GFC as Frozen Pizza Mommy.

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Mandy said...

hot chocolate

Ashley T. said...

Vanilla Bean Frap!

Michelle said...

peppermint mocha java chip frappachino with whip and chocolate drizzle, not a hot coffee person unless it is made at home

Christina Dragan said...

Love Skinny Vanilla Late

Laurie said...

Love the Strawberry Frapp!

Barbara Montag said...

Favorite - Skinny Mocha!
And GFC name is Barbara Montag
Thank you.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Google+ and Facebook name
Barbara Montag

Amy Orvin said...

Mocha Frappe

Amy Orvin said...

GFC Follower as Amy Orvin

Amy Orvin said...

Google + name is Amy Orvin
Facebook name is Amy Orvin

corey1971 said...

I love their hot chocolate and cinnamon coffee cake.

littleolliesmom said...

My favorite coffee is the peppermint mocha and my favorite food is the pumpkin loaf.
kathleen siegle

AB said...

mocha frapaccino

Unknown said...

Cafe Mocha with five shots of peppermint/Peppermint Mocha

Jennifer said...

Peppermint hot chocolate is my fave!

Erin said...

salted hot chocolate
