Tuesday, January 3, 2012

December Fitness Recap 2011

I know what you probably really want is my year end summary, but be patient, it's coming.  For now, I've got my December fitness summary for you.

This month saw short days, and I struggled to keep as many runs as I could outside.  I still blame the treadmill slightly for my injury last winter.  My goal is no more than one treadmill run a week, but it isn't always easy and sometimes I have no choice.  It's either sit on my butt or treadmill, and in the end, the treadmill is still the better option.

I incorporated some crosstraining back in this month, since I let my mileage drop down some.  It was nice to break the weights back out.

Circuits w/ weights x 7
Ab workout x 1
Yoga x 2
Running mileage = 99
Track workouts x 4
Races x 0

This is the first time I've continued to hit the track during the winter.  Let's hope I can keep it up.  I'd love to head into the spring racing season faster than I was last year.  Oh wait, last year I was injured and missed all the spring races.  Okay, maybe I should just say I'd love to head into the spring racing season uninjured ;-)  That alone would be an improvement!

Bundle up and head outdoors folks!  Once you get moving, it's really not that bad.  I promise :-)


Jill said...

Good job, Lisa. You are an inspiration.

Nancy said...

Nice! Hope you get through to spring with no problems. :)

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Ahh, I love exercise but for some reason can't catch the running fever. I want it, but my body doesn't! Any tips for dealing with the pain after a run?

andy said...

Good luck on your workout!!!

Anonymous said...

It is so cold this morning. I may have to run to the car!

Andrea said...

You motivate me, lady! Here's too a movement-filled new year!

Andrea said...

Omg. To. Why did my keyboard think I needed a second o there? I am the grammar police, so that is not acceptable. Gasp!

Ps. So glad we got to meet in 2011! ;)

Slamdunk said...

99 cold weather miles--congrats Lisa.

Eat To Live said...

I can't believe how many miles you run, well I can believe it... but wow!! I don't run because of my hip replacement, but that is a lot of miles regardless.

My weights would look like sissies next to yours. LOL

TexWisGirl said...

yup, i'd say your ahead of the game already, then! :)

Sandy said...

Your commitment to exercise amazes me. I used to be like that but I just can't seem to get back into it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats, Lisa... We did bundle up yesterday and went to the track to WALK. It was 25 degrees --but the windchill made it feel like 13.. Brrrrrr.....


Valerie Boersma said...

I agree! I walked to the post office this morning-it was 21 degrees out-but it felt really good to be out in the fresh air!

Lisa-Here's wishing you a running season free from injuries:)

Chatty Crone said...

I am so impressed with you girl! sandie

Liz Mays said...

Even in the cold, you keep on keepin' on. I couldn't do it!

Jane said...

I admire your fitness drive,myself I am just getting back into walking again(after being sick) but I agree,exercising is alright once you get started. Blessings Jane

Myya said...

Those are still some pretty great #'s, especially for December.
I've continued to do 3x a week walk/jog mostly walk as of lately because I tweaked my back. I am going to start adding in another couple treadmill days. I also REALLY NEED to add in abs. I definitely have got to be doing more if I want to start losing at all.

Michaele said...

Great plan! The weather has been so nice here this year we have all stayed very active. But I now have a Wii Fit - for whenever winter hits.

Michelle said...

Very inspiring. True that you always feel much better after the workout than when you first start :)

camp and cottage living said...

Good advice. I just got back to my daily 2 mile walk, which I hope to step up a notch.
I love the cold, crisp air!

Sagittarian said...

great Lisa! Hope you can get there without any injury! :) Health is wealth,so stay fit! :) God bless! :)

Helene said...

You are such an inspiration!! Way to go!!

I've vowed to walk the kids to and from school at least 3-4 days a week. That's 3 miles round trip. Let's hope I can keep it up all year!!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I actually started running again a couple weeks ago! But it was so windy and cold that day, I was deterred. I may need to wait until Spring. :)