Saturday, January 7, 2012

Family Game Night - Zoopanic by Endless Games - A Review

Do you like to have game nights with your family?  Our twins are still a little young, but lately Pierce has been an avid gamer - board games, that is.  Recently we tried out the board game Zoopanic, which is recommended for ages 3-4+.  It doesn't involve any reading, so it's great for kids who haven't reached that stage yet.
 The box and the game board are vibrant in color.  The theme of the game is that the animals have escaped from their cages, and you have to return them.  All sorts of animals are scattered across the game board, and each zookeeper tries to return as many to their correct cages as possible.  Each time an animal is returned, a trophy is awarded, and the person with the most trophies at the end of the game wins.
The game took us just over 30 minutes to play.  I had started off the evening in a bit of a bad mood, but playing this game with my family cheered me up.  Paul won.  When I asked Pierce what he liked best about the game, he said, "I liked winning."  Paul and I were confused, because he didn't technically win. But Pierce explained that he won every time he got a trophy, and he got six trophies total.  So in the end, he felt like he'd won many, many times.  How great is that?  He also declared the panda to be his favorite animal in the zoo.

Endless Games carries Zoopanic for $21.99 in addition to many other board games, puzzles, and a seriously cute collection of animals.  You can also like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter

Disclaimer - I received the board game Zoopanic for review purposes.  All of the opinions written above are entirely my own.


Jill said...

Wow! A game that makes a child feel like a winnter all of the time? That is tops in my book! Wish I had a little one around to try it out.

Nancy said...

Sounds like a fun game, Lisa! :)

Dawn said...

Sounds like a ton of fun!
My favorite part of winter is all the games the kids bring out to play!!

Debbie said...

sunday funday always ended with game night.....this sounds fun!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun game! I loved getting to see your guys playing it.

Jeremi said...

i appreciate game reviews! it's hard to know with some of the newer ones if they're worth it or not. Yay for getting trophies!! : )

Jane said...

Sounds like you had fun,and I can see where this would be a boon for family togetherness,and that's always a winner ! Blessings Jane

TexWisGirl said...

i hope family board games make a serious comeback!

Eat To Live said...

I like winning too... maybe I should find an adult game that makes me feel like a winner.

I tweeted this if you want to retweet.!/CandidaJourney/status/155678896937906176

Zombiemommy said...

My 6 and 5 year old boys have been into games lately. But there is always some tears at the end because someone has to lose. This might be one of those games that makes everyone happy.

Thanks for the tip.

Zombiemommy said...

I think my comment missed.

Here it is again, thanks for the game review. My boys aged 6 and 5 are getting into games, however there are tears at the end because someone has to lose.

Zoopanic might be an answer!!!

Great idea for Friday Night Fun!

Ryan said...

Sounds like fun. The kids love games!

Unknown said...

Game time with the boys has to be great fun! I love the concept of this one...thanks for sharing!Have a great weekend! Hugs

Sandy said...

That sounds as an absolutely fun game!
Great for during the cold days too!
With maybe in the bacground some music by Lindsy Morton!
Hint hint!

Sagittarian said...

Playing games together with your family is a bonding moment, and help us to make our family get really close to one another,. I love this! Thanks for sharing! :) Have fun!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

We're always looking for new games! Even better if they can feel like winners when they lose!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

This game looks like it is a lot of fun!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I remember playing games with my family long ago when I was a kid- and I remember how fun it was!
The memories live forever!

Myya said...

My girls are BIG into games lately too. Thier favorites at this moment are Hi Ho Cherry-o & Feed the Kitty. LOL.

Valerie Boersma said...

I love Pierce's ideas about winning! Amy used to get upset when she would win-she felt sorry for everyone else:) She would have loved this game!

Chatty Crone said...

I like his attitude about winning! So cute. sandie

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

That looks fun! I like winning too. :) And we could use some new games. Most of our old ones are missing numerous pieces.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

THis looks like a great game. Hayley would love this. We are into the phase with new board games so I am sure she will love this! Thanks!

Kim said...

I am so looking forward to the day we can begin game night. Deaglan is kind of into games but his attention span is still very short. This looks like a good one!