Monday, January 23, 2012

Frogs and Toadstools on Muffin Tin Monday

I used up so much creativity last week doing that Toy Story 3 bento that I decided to sit back this week and be lazy.  I used our kiddie frog theme, and added our toadstool (or mushroom) muffin cups.  Because obviously toadstools go with frogs, right?!
The boys had caesar salad, homemade classic white bread, and beef stew made in the crockpot.  A perfect meal for a wintry day, in my opinion.  And while Pierce whined about the salad, I was happy and stunned when the twins ate every last bite of theirs and asked for seconds!  Hooray!  At least my 2 year olds will eat salad, even if my 5 year old still won't!
For more creative kid lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom


  1. Those frogs are so cute!! I love seeing all the things you come up with on muffin tin Monday/

  2. Very cute and it looks mighty good. Yea for 2 year olds and their like of salads!

  3. I have often been frustrated by my now-fifteen year old's poor eating habits... we always have he good stuff here, torcherous trying to get him to eat enough of it. Still!

  4. I think the salad looks great! What fun lunch!

  5. Wow, that's impressive! No way my girl would have eaten salad of any kind at age 2 (she will eat some types now). I like the froggy gear!

  6. Kids and salad justn't doesn't seem to be a combination made in heaven!
    However well done to the twins for eating your salad even if Pierce just hasn't got the taste yet.

  7. I need to get some cute lunch stuff. Love the frogs. BTW, my two year old loves salad also, but his big brother (4) hates it! Really, my two year old will eat anything...crayons...sand. The only thing he fights us on is medicine!

  8. Beef stew and chili are two of my favorite winter foods, and a nice fun touch for the kids as well. Richard

  9. I have no idea how or why, but my every one of my kids (with teeth, that is!) would choose salad over ice cream any day. Not so much with green beans or brussel sprouts, but it's something, right?

  10. Cute meal, mama! No salad for the big guy? Hmmn. There have to be ways to get it past him! :)

  11. I love when kids will eat salad; Hunter will order that in a restaurant!

    Cute, cute ideas you come up with, Lisa!

    Have a great day!

  12. That does sound like the perfect meal for a winter's day:)

  13. I could not get my kids to eat salad...good luck with your 5 year old. When are you lazy? that is funny

  14. "caesar salad, homemade classic white bread, and beef stew."

    Great meal and with the kiddos asking for seconds, that is a definite A+ for you mom.

  15. Ahhhh....maybe they will rub off on their big brother;))
    Cute meal. I would like that for lunch today...and I would even eat the salad:)

  16. Made me think of the Froggy series of childrens books.

  17. I love it! So cute! It's great that the twins aren't listening to their big brother about the salad and were willing to try it! Glad they loved it! My daughter hates all things tomato except ketchup and some salsa. Her dislike of it and her saying it all the time has kept my son from even trying a tomato! He says he doesn't like them but he's never tried them. Go figure! lol

  18. Homemade bread, salad, and stew? all for lunch? When can I come over? And a salad two year olds will eat???

  19. I think those frogs are cute too! Boy is it ever wintery here! I've shoveled more snow in the last two or three days than I've done in a long time! It makes me hungry enough for a couple helpings of salad myself:)

  20. How fun!!!

    I wanna have lunch at your house. We could just pretend I'm just one of the fellas there!!!

    God bless your week sweetie!!! :o)

  21. Looks like a great froggy lunch ---on a cold, winter day... That beef stew looks yummy... AND--I'm thrilled to see kids eating salad and veggies... So many don't!!!


  22. Ohhhh, what's your white bread recipe???

  23. Love the toad stools and frogs. Your stew looks warm and yummy!

  24. The stew looks so good -- and the bread and the salad. You can send Pierce's portion to me. :)

  25. I love that adorable plate and bowl! Glad to hear that your little one is eating his veggies.

  26. The salad looks awesome! I wish I could get H to eat salad! Maybe one day..

  27. Great meal! I love the toadstool cups and those froggies are adorable! :)

  28. I am very proud of all your good eaters - whether they eat salad or not! sandie

  29. I think you would be such a fun mother.
    Your boys will always remember how you made meals so fun for them

  30. My kids both liked salad and I thought that was normal. It was other people that told me that it was rare, so I guess you're double lucky too!

  31. LOVE your new header, SUPER cute!!!

    Mmmm homemade stew YUMMY! Two of my lil ladies will eat salad the other one is hit & miss depending on what kind.

  32. My three year old just started eating salad. It was a total texture issue. That frog theme is so cute! Love it!

  33. My oldest wouldn't eat salad until she was a teen. I tried the ranch dressing, the ketchup, I tried everything and still she wouldn't eat salad until she was a teen.

  34. I am so jealous that your two year olds eat salad!

  35. None of my boys will touch a salad!! Well, Cole will if I drown it in ranch dressing. Bella is much more adventurous when it comes to trying new foods!

    Love the frog theme!!

  36. Piere is really holding out on that salad! That's awesome your 2-yr-old's eat it! This meal looks delicious to me. :)


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