Monday, January 30, 2012

Groundhog Day Themed Muffin Tin Monday

Groundhog Day is just around the corner.  When I explained the tradition to Pierce, he was fascinated.  He gets pretty excited about the changing of seasons.
Pierce had ranch bacon chicken salad wraps (made from one of our own chickens - sooooo yummy), pasta salad, apples, and pickles (canned from last year's garden).  In addition, he had a groundhog in pudding with crushed cookies.  I have to give credit for the groundhog idea to Angela from WV Treasures.  Thanks Angela!
Pierce is torn.  He wants the snow of winter (since we still haven't actually had any snow) but he also wants it to be spring.  Can't wait to see what the groundhog says on Thursday!

For more cute lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom


Jill said...

Love your little groundhog, Lisa. Such a good looking lunch. Yum!

Anonymous said...

I love your groundhog! The chicken sandwich looks awesome!

We haven't really had winter here yet. JDaniel would like a little snow.

andy said...

Very cool! !!! Have a great monday

Unknown said...

Cute! Love the little groundhog. Cold without snow is so yucky! (Says the girl from Florida). Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly hope that the Groundhog has a discussion with Old Man Winter and Mother Nature before he makes his prediction. Maybe between the three of them they can get us at least one good snow this winter!

Sagittarian said...

I love it!:) thanks for sharing! :)

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

I love Muffin Tin Mondays...I've still never actually put one together, but for now I live vicariously through Pierce! My opinion of winter is that if it's not going to snow, spring is welcome to take over!

Barbara said...

That groundhog is adorable!

Eat To Live said...

Oh Lisa... cute, cute, cute.... I forgot about Groundhog Day. I only live about 2 1/2 hours from Punxsutawney and have been there but never on Groundhog day. Too many people for me.

GardenOfDaisies said...

The little ground hog is so cute! I bet that chicken tasted very good. But I couldn't do it. I'd want to keep any chicken I raised as a pet. I would totally fail at raising animals to eat, or as a farmers wife.

I'm with Pierce! May I have both please? (We didn't really get a winter here and it doesn't look like we will, based on the weather forecasts.)

Liz Mays said...

So very cute! I like everything in there.

I feel like this year we went from summer to spring. We didn't have fall or winter. It's going to be about 70 today, so ridiculous!

Sally said...

Awwww, so cute AND healthy! :)

AudreyO said...

Does he like the lunches? I come by your blog each week and I love your lunches :)

TexWisGirl said...

the ghog is pretty darn cute, lisa!

Valerie Boersma said...

Love the groundhog! And I'm torn like Pierce too-I love the snow, but spring seems like a welcome change too. Happy Monday Lisa!

Out on the prairie said...

Fun meal, winter really hasn't showed its face yet.

Jane said...

The ground hog theme is so cute,I know your little ones loved this!

Blessings Jane

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, THIS groundhog is the cutest I have ever seen! And thanks for reminding me about Groundhog's Day, I didn't have a clue!!

Sandy said...

Holy Cow! I didn't realize it was groundhog day coming up already. I want spring....summer

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

You are so creative!! LOVE!!

kewkew said...

That groundhog is adorable. And the lunch sounds really good.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Cute little ground hogs!

Jen said...

The groundhog better say spring! Love your very creative meals you make :)

Michaele said...

Very clever. I don't know how he can stand to eat it and make it go away.

sara d. said...

great groundhog! I saw something similar on Pinterest and considered trying...until I realized that 2/1 is just 2 days away and I already went to the grocery store (and didnt get the needed items)...ha!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

dang. I'd love to have someone fix me a cute lunch like that -smile-.

Angela said...

It's too cute Lisa! I'm so glad that he liked it! I can't help but to send on cute things like that for Pierce because I know he will love it! My son is going crazy over ground hog day too and it is also their 100th day of school party.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

A good looking lunch. Love the groundhog.

I just found your blog and wanted to tell you how lovely it is! Your writing is warm and smart, and the photos add a lot. I love your animals. I'm a fan of all animals, but my husband and I are focused on cats. We have two. Your Maine Coon looks so much like our Thunder Cat, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge almost 3 years ago.

I look forward to reading more!

Katie said...

Yum! I always want to come for lunch at your house Lisa. Winter hasn't even really arrive in North Dakota. Tell Pierce he isn't the only one missing winter but torn by the hopes of spring!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I want to come eat at your house- its more fun! I love the Groundhogs!

Myya said...

Adorable & yummy, can't go wrong there!

I'm hoping for Spring :)

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

Love the theme! It is perfect. You are so creative Lisa!

Nancy said...

So in the spirit of Groundhog Day, will the kids be having the same meal today? ;) So cute -- you outdid yourself.

Cuby said...

Your food looks and sounds so yummy Pierce is a lucky chap. Muffins are so good to eat. :)

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh so adorable!!

Becca said...

I think muffin tin lunches are just the cutest things! If I ever have kids I want to give them cute lunches like you do :)

Kim said...

I'm sighing with envy at what your kids will eat. This week Deaglan refused chicken nuggets and whole wheat noodles. These are two staples (we buy an organic flaxseed coated chicken nugget) that I could depend on that he would eat. Now he's refusing even these.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Adorable groundhog! Super creative :)