Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How Much Longer Before...

How long do I have before Pierce starts saying:

Mom, can't you wear real shoes to get me from the bus?  Slippers?  It's so embarrassing!  

Mom please!  No more yoga pants!  Don't you own any jeans?

Please tell me you're not walking out to get the mail in that.  Again.

I can't wait until I can LEAVE FOR COLLEGE! 

At least I haven't gone to Walmart in them.  Yet. 

Check out my giveaway - $10 Starbucks gift cards w/ 3 winners - here.  


Jill said...

LOL! So funny (and sadly so true)! ;)

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

I did go to Target in mine!... and my son says all those things now.. he'll get over it.

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

Hy Lisa,
just found your space..awesome space you have..
very interesting posts..
Am your happy follower now..;)
do stop by mine sometime..
Tasty Appetite

Kerry said...

My kids always ask me if I am going out looking the way I do. Sometimes I am shocked because I think I look fine and then they go and plant a doubt in my mind. OK granted I could make a little bit more of an effort, but if it's only to a swing park, no big deal right? lol

Anonymous said...

Those look so comfortable. I would wear them to the mailbox. I don't think I would wear them to the store.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Haha! At least you're comfortable!

Livie gets mad at me when I sing along with '80s songs in the car! Do your boys get irritated when you sing along with a good song in the car?

Salviano Adão said...

My blog is in Portuguese? S to translate? s?
click on the flag that you want.
Thanks for visiting.
Salviano Ad? The

andy said...

Hey I think they look comfortable. Have a great day

Sally said...

You'd still be "dressed up" at Walmart. LOL

Have a great day!

Slamdunk said...

Ha, hang in there mom.

Our older boy is at the age where he is embarrassed by the Mrs. He is ok with me for now. With the emphasis for now.

Andrea said...

I cannot even imagine - and YET - I so CAN!

Love the new header. Fantastic pics. Cannot believe how quickly the boys are growing up!!

Jill said...

Too funny. I often find myself driving down the driveway only to realize I still have on my slippers. They will appreciate your fashion sense once they have kids of their own. Ha.

Susan said...

Don't have any young ones, but the Hubs routinely says when I get ready to run to Lowe's with him "you are going to stay in the car, aren't you?". Boys, what do they know? Fun post! (I type this while wearing pj bottoms,a hoodie sweater and fur lined slippers)

TexWisGirl said...

ha ha! i like to live in sweats...

love the header, too!

Unknown said...

Oh I love it! Kids can say the cutest things...when you least expect it!
Have a good day Lisa...Hugs

Out on the prairie said...

Part of living by myself is not worrying what I wear around the house.It is 10am and I am still in jammies.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Lisa, I did enjoy this quick read. Your humor is contagious. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some extra time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a great spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Becky Jane said...

It's a Mom's duty to embarrass her kids! We just can't help it...lol

Found you blog link on Stuff Could Always Be Worse!
New follower! Thanks, Becky Jane

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You said it right, he will be saying that too soon, sadly...they grow up too fast

Anonymous said...

They look cool! At least they're not pink and fuzzy, right?

Jane said...

lol,they do look comfy! And I probably would wear them,walmart here I come! lol. Blessings Jane

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

My oldest is 14...he has learned to just laugh and love me through the embarrassing moments. He learned quickly that letting on he was embarrassed by me only made me want to try harder to turn his sweet face red!

Michelle said...

lol I ran into an older man at our tiny minute mart gas station and he was in his PJ's, house shoes, and robe....with his own coffee cup filling it up from the machine. So, I think your habits are still pretty safe.

Sandy said...

LOL....I am sure it won't be long. Kids seem to grow up much faster than we did.

Anonymous said...

Ha, this is great. I wonder at my end how long it will be before I hear about the yoga pants.

Angela said...

He might take the sweet route of getting you to wear something different like my son does by telling you how good you look when you wear nice things! lol My son goes wild when I dress up when we are going somewhere. I won't leave the house looking shabby like I do at the house! lol There are mothers at his school that hate me because I dress up! Seriously, there have been comments made to me about it! lol They would die if they seen what I wear around the house!

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

At least you're not walking out there in your bathrobe and bare feet!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Ha ha ha ha!!!! I love this!!! You and me both! Yes, I have started going out in my slippers, but so far it's only if I am not getting out of the car. But I sense it creeping up, getting out of control!!! I'm glad to see it's not only us old folks, but young and healthy ones like you, too!!! For me, it is rather a chore changing my shoes, as I need surgery on both knees. Actually we have the same style slippers, mine are just like this. Only I have them in different colors. And you look better in Yoga pants than anyone I have seen!

Cascia Talbert said...

That is so cute! Glad that my kids don't worry about what I wear, just yet anyway.

Chatty Crone said...

HA - the time will come where they don't want you to come to the bus at all! Sandie

Misty said...

While shopping may be drawing the line, if I am going to pay $10 for a ticket to see a movie- i deem pajamas and slippers acceptable attire... and furthermore, to bus stops, mail boxes and to get the paper are the equivelant of wearing them from the bathroom to the kitchen so you are completely acceptable! :)

Valerie Boersma said...

They are cute and they look comfy too. I'm guessing in a few years the "don't do that's" will go both ways... It happens around here ;)

I Am Woody said...

I see nothing to complain about. At least they aren't hot pink and furry:)

AudreyO said...

I drive by the school bus stop each morning on my way to work. I giggle at the amount of moms in PJ's with a coffee cup. It's truly the norm around here :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thanks for the laugh. Believe me after seeing the most recent Walmart photos you would look really dressed up in those slippers!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your slippers look comfy enough to wear anywhere!
But, I do think you have a lot more years before being asked those questions

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Too funny! Looks comfortable! I do the same:)

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

I think embarrassing your kids is a parental duty! I love comfortable shoes! I'd say those are definitely Walmart worthy. :)

Myya said...

You'd fit right in at Walmart, heck you would probably be a little overdressed in them :)

Nancy said...

I don't make fun of my kids' clothes as long as they don't make fun of mine! :)

warren said...

My bot in middle school still lets me wait with him at the bus stop in the morning. I figure he knows that if he complains it will only get worse!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

This is so cute! I have heard similar words from our children when they were younger!

jennohara said...

Hey, I think I'd be doing EVERYTHING in those! They look SO comfy!

Lindsay said...

LOL, I love the yoga line.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That's so funny! I wear my ugly Uggs to the bus stop every morning and afternoon. Even with yoga pants tucked into them.

Kim said...

Deaglan asked me a few weeks ago if I was going to wear that hat to his school. It was raining and since my umbrella was at work I'd grabbed a plastic bag to put over my hair. So it begins:(