Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Taking Omega 3s for Ultimate Health

Do you think, on a daily basis, about small things you can do to improve your health?  One of the supplements that I really like are Omega 3s.  They help maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system, they support joint flexibility and movement, and they maintain a healthy immune system.  They also support optimal metabolism and body composition, help balance blood sugar levels, and support the body's natural anti-inflammatory response.  These are all things that I really care about as a runner and a mom. 

Recently I received some Ultimate Omega-D3 from Nordic Naturals to review.  Their products provide all the good and essential fatty acids without the risk of toxicity that you might get from fish.  Not to mention, fish has gotten quite expensive in the supermarkets lately (we aren't eating it in my family as often as we used to as a result) and it's more economical at this point to get your Omega 3s in a pill form.  Nordic Naturals Omega 3s are 750% purer than fish.  They have a mild lemon taste (no fishiness after taking one!). 

I liked that the pills are soft gels, because I have a hard time with large pills.  These don't seem to bother my stomach.  They even sent some samples (in a cute ecofriendly reusable produce bag) - so Pierce got to try their strawberry chewables (he loved them) and our border collie, Scooter, got to try some pet Omega 3s on his food. 
Nordic Naturals is currently running a What's Essential contest, where you can share your own story about what matters most in your life, and enter to win a trip to California and other prizes.  You can check it out here. 

Disclaimer: I was sent a bottle of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega D3 for purposes of review.  All of the opinions stated above are entirely my own. 


Dreadnaught said...

I agree. I also take Omega 3 as well as Zinc and Vitamin D.

Been ages since I have been sick. I do also take several other vitamins and minerals. As well as eating healthy.

And people wonder why they are sick when they eat boxed crap lol

Jill said...

I can attest to the benefits of fish oil for osteoartritis! It's been a life saver!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Girl, you've got people sending you free product to review all the time. I'm thinking we need to swap mailing addresses so some of that stuff can come my way! ;)

Anonymous said...

My husband swears these are so needed.

Nancy said...

I generally don't take supplements due to my other meds I take, but I know the benefits of omegas. Great review!

Anonymous said...

I also take them, and I try to keep current on the literature about supplements as many of them have been proven ineffective after some initial hype. Here's a link to a consumer reports article about O-3s...

Anonymous said...

Taking Omegas at our house too!

I Am Woody said...

I'm going to give them a whirl! Anything to avoid those awful 'fish burps'!!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I'm usually pretty good about remembering to take my organic multivitamins, calcium, and probiotics (and fish oil when I remember). I've found that when I remember to take them regularly, it helps me a lot. My first semester of grad school, I wasn't taking them regularly (or at all!) and I'd gotten strep TWICE! But once I got back in the habit of taking them daily (and trying to get enough sleep), it's helped.

With the new semester having started and a completely different routine this time around, I sometimes get to school (about a 45-60 minute drive one way) and realize I've forgotten to take my supplements!

Unknown said...

This one for us too!

Texan said...

I have been increasing my omegas as well using Walnut oil in my salad dressings and cooking etc. I also use a ton of FlaxMeal in our bread I make. We also eat a lot of fresh Walnuts. Always on the look out for a way to increase our intake. Being vegetarian I do go that route but either way I agree Omegas are surely important to get in ones diet.

Sally said...

I'm sorry to say I don't take vitamins like I should, so maybe I need to research the link. Thanks for the reminder, Lisa!

Have a wonderful day! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Omega threes are important for inflammation and lots more. Do dome research on Krill, too. I switched to that awhile back, it's an amazing source.

Helene said...

Yep, I take Omega 3's for the same exact reason but also to help keep my cholesterol levels in check!!

Fish is so darn expensive these days! So I'm happy I can at least get my Omega 3's through capsule form!

Eat To Live said...

Omega 3's are great and very essential to our health. I take them daily.

Anonymous said...

Omega--makes me think of Greek fraternities...

Chatty Crone said...

They sound good. Chocolate ones too. sandie

Chatty Crone said...

You do have a dog. sandie

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo!!! Farm Boy and I have both taken Omega 3's for years. My hairdresser can't believe I have the skin and hair I do at my age, I chalk it up to the Omegas baby!

God bless and have a fantastic day sweetie!!! :o)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I take omega 3 everyday with my vitamins. Very important!

LogAllot.com said...

I take these (not this brand), but in liquid form. Just 1 teaspoon in my protein shake and I am good for the day. The older I get the more I want to be in optimal shape and eating right starts first.

Soft gels drive me crazy because I too have a hard time with large pills, but having it in liquid form helps me digest it much more faster.

Michelle said...

I take Omegas as well and Nordic is a great brand.

Michaele said...

I take them for awhile and then forget why I take them and stop. Thanks for reminding me why I need to take them again. That or eat more fish right?

4kids1mom said...

Hmm I might need to check these out. I'll admit I'm not that great at making sure MY health is on track. I'm busy keeping up with the 4 kids, husband and dog. Last year I had a scary scenario with my heart. Had to wear a monitor for a month and have a bunch of tests - come to find out I was super low on Vitamin D. I need to do a better job of taking care of me!

Out on the prairie said...

I take a fish oil called Lovaza. It was prescribed by my doc to be more regulated in purity by my doc.

Kim said...

Shaune is constantly bugging me to take an Omega supplement. Maybe I should.

Hannah said...


Great post! We love our omegas too! Especially for pregnant & Bfing moms.

By the way there are still some spots open for this product review! If anyone's interested, you can read this link for more info.


Valerie Boersma said...

I like the idea of the pet supplement. Kona is such a picky eater-and at this moment she has skipped her last three meals! I worry about her getting the proper nutrition.