Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Conversations with 2 Year Old Twins

The twins are talking a lot more lately.  Sometimes I wish they weren't.  But most of the time it's amusing. 

As we're walking out the door...
Reid- Mom, I want firetruck!
Me - No, Reid, firetruck stays here.
Reid - Mom, I want catty!
Me - No Reid, the cat stays here.
Reid - Mom, I want blankie!
Me - No Reid, blanket stays here.  Hey, Reid, look, chicken!
Reid - CHICKEN!!!  Mom, I want hug the chicken!
Me - Chickens don't really like hugs, Reid, let's get in the car.
Cort was on steroids recently for yet another attack of wheezing.  Steroids give him 'roid rage, which isn't pretty in the 2 year old form.  Sometimes I secretly call him Cort Manson when he's on steroids.  He can dole out some rather sociopathic stare downs.
Me - Cort, we don't have apple juice.  Sorry.  Do you want some water?
Cort, tugging on the door of the fridge, making screaming noises, with tears streaming down his face - APPLE JUICE. I WANT APPLE JUICE!
Me - No apple juice, Cort.  Do you want milk?
Repeat for the next 20 minutes, until he finally decides that he now wants something different - like to torment his brother.  'Roid rage, I tell ya, it's something else!
Good thing they're so cute all the time, even when rotten!

This post linked with Saturday Laughs at The Mommyhood Chronicles.


Jen said...

oh two is rotten, but so stinkin' adorable!! Sounds like my house for sure...
Little man: want juish box, Momma.
Me: we don't have any
Little man: want juish box, NOW, Momma.


Enjoy your day loving on those blessings!!

Steve Surratt said...

My 17 yo has none of those cute qualities. I'm working on an "internship" with the Chinese government which will help him learn valuable assembly-line skills....

Clint Baker said...

That sure makes me miss my kids being little!

Jill said...

I can't help but just love this! Brings back my good old days. :)

I'm so sorry Cort has to have the steriods...I know how nasty they can be. I do hope they help.

Put your armor on, Mom! Gotta fend off those roid attacks!

E @ Act Fast Chef said...

I love talking to 2 year olds (and 3 year olds too!). I hope Cort is feeling better!!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Bracing myself over here.... :)

Angela said...

They are so cute Lisa!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a day at my house.

Nancy said...

Oh, poor little guy! Wish there was another remedy for his breathing problems. They are such cuties! :)

andy said...

Funny thing I have those pretty much exact conversation s. Have a good day

In My Wild Eden said...

I miss my two year olds. I remember they can be quite trying, but you brought back so many good memories. I have to say I enjoyed my kids a lot more at two than I do at seventeen. Although I wouldn't want to miss a day of seventeen either! Your boys are adorable. I hope Cort feels better soon!

Barbara said...

I have the apple juice fight every day! How cute!

Karen said...

It can't be easy being you during roid rage episodes... and lord help us when we don't have apple juice in the house. Our fav is Martinellis.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

They are very cute! But also very good at testing your patience!

I Am Woody said...

Poor baby! I get 'roid rage when on oral steroids. It is a terrible feeling:(

Valerie Boersma said...

That "cutneness" factor is what makes up put up with our babies-at any age:) Just wait until they are 16 and you are reminding them that they need to do those chores...;)

Cort Manson-too funny Lisa!

TexWisGirl said...

i'm praying for patience for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Cute has saved many children throughout the centuries from being sacrificed to the Gods. LOL

Sandy said...

LOL, a 2 year old with roid rage. A bit sad but funny at the same time.

Eat To Live said...

LOL, So cute Lisa,
But I have to say, I sure don't miss the terrible twos. The problem is, I now have a grandson who is two and he is acting the same way.

Slamdunk said...

Funny stuff Lisa. I can relate though our twins are 5 now. Until becoming a parent, I had no idea how much logistics were involved everytime we get into the family car.

Dad bring this and dad remember that is an unending theme at our house.

Unknown said...

Who cares if they are rotten...they are sooo darn cute! Luv

Tracie said...

My two year old has recently started that and unfortunately the twins now four think they can get away with it because sissy does.

Great times.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the conversation! Gee maybe I need to use that one "Roid Rage", I've been on steroids for years blaming my mood on menopause!

Helene said...

Roid rage on a 2-year old...yeah, not such a pretty sight. Cole had the same reaction when he was younger. Now not so much, thankfully.

What is it with kids wanting something you clearly don't have? As if you're a magician and can magically make a bottle of apple juice appear in your fridge?

theconstantwalker said...

You have just put the biggest smile on my face... I am so pleased my little chap is now 27 years old..
Take care xx

Sally said...

Those two are so stinkin' cute; I love reading what they're up to. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Well wait until they get 10. 15, 20 and so on. Teehee

No seriously be glad they talk - means they are healthy and normal.


Myya said...

Can I borrow Cort for a while... maybe he can put my sassy 2 year old in check. She thinks the whole world revolves around her & her little fits are UNBELIEVABLE for someone so tiny. :)

Prairie Girl said...

My twinnies turn three today, two seems so far away but it was sooooo much fun!!

I'm so sorry about Cort and his roid rage! ;-) But more that he has to be on steroids, poor pumpkin!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How funny!!! I really sympathize with Cort's steroid rage. a friend just had to pt her toddler on them, and both her and her husband together could not handle the violence. I hope he gets better and goes off them soon!!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I know you will make it through although you'll need to do some extra running now and then!!! Besides they have their old brother as a role model...he's young, I'm old!...)JP

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

This is too cute! I have H who is around the same age but with twins, it must be even cuter. You should def link up on my Sat laughs:)

Michelle said...

Nothing like the toddler stage! They are cuties!

Sagittarian said...

Love to hear them here! So cute!:) Thanks Lisa!:)

Liz Mays said...

Cuteness does make a difference!

OneMommy said...

Sometimes being cute is all that keeps my 2 year old alive. :)

Anonymous said...

What cuties... so sorry for his troubles...

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your right- they are the cuttest little boys ever!
We can just hear them now!

Out on the prairie said...

Sometimes as frustrating as all this can be will be a treasured memory. I laugh sometimes when I see families out getting frustrated as I was at times.

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, I was laughing out loud Lisa. This is the kind of stuff my life is about.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So funny! I love to hear little ones talk. Of course, "I want apple juice" gets old after 20 minutes, I'm sure. Poor Cort . . . when I take prednisone for my asthma, I get like that too. But I'm not as cute!

Anonymous said...

I love little voices. I also love their mix-ups (alligator = elevator), but I don't love the same thing said over and over and over!

RobynHTV said...

What a couple cuties! I get lots of repetition, too, and unfortunately I'm STILL getting it from the 7 and 10 year olds! I really like your blog - I'm here from the hop, and I'll be back plenty to live vicariously through your rural lifestyle - I'm stuck in the suburbs now, but I've always wanted to escape to the countryside!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

They are SO cute!