Monday, February 20, 2012

There's a Caterpillar in my Lunchbox - Muffin Tin Monday

Spring hasn't exactly hit yet, but I thought I'd get in the theme of things anyhow with a fun spring-themed lunch for Pierce. 
He had a spider muffin cup filled with Ritz pretzel crackers, some bologna rolled up with a bunny pick, a chocolate covered strawberry, carrots, a little caterpillar (made from Power Bar oatmeal raisin energy bites) on a bed of roasted seaweed. 

I realize this seems like a light lunch, and it is.  Pierce has been having a slight flare-up of reflux and it's making his tummy feel bad.  He's not eating much as a result.  I've been trying different things in his lunches to try to get his appetite going.  I mean, how can you resist a chocolate covered strawberry?!?

For those of you who guessed Dr. Seuss on Friday's post, you were correct!  And for the two of you who guessed I Wish that I Had Duck Feet - great job, you got it!!

For more fun lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


Emily said...

What a cute lunch! I hope he gets his appetite back soon. This definitely looks tempting!

Anonymous said...

Love the happy little faces on your critters. How fun this lunch must be to eat. :-)

How did you fair with the snow??

Clint Baker said...

How creative!

Sagittarian said...

oh, lovely muffin, hope he get his appetite back soon.:)

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

Reflux is the pits, poor boy! He's lucky to have a Mama that works to make his lunch so cute and appealing when he doesn't feel much like eating!

andy said...

Thank looks great and yummy. Happy Monday to you!

Anonymous said...

I love the caterpillar! It felt like spring here this past weekend. I hope the reflux calms down soon.

Samantha said...

Hope the little guy starts feeling better soon.

Jill said...

So sad to hear that he is dealing with reflux at such a young age. I hope he is feeling better soon. He's lucky to have such a loving, creative Mom on his side.

Michaele said...

That would bring back any boys appetite : ) Love the ritz.

Mary said...

I am always impressed with how creative you are with his meals! That is really cute. I hope his reflux goes away.

Have a great week Lisa :)

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear that he is having tummy trouble. Nice lunch thought! Very enticing!

Sally said...

Another cute lunch! I sure hope Pierce starts to feel better soon.

Eat To Live said...

I am thinking I might need to try and make those oatmeal raisin energy bites. If they have sugar, I can substitute.
Is the recipe on your blog?

terrylee5151 at aol dot com

Angela said...

It looks so cute Lisa! Poor Pierce. I hate it he isn't feeling good. I'd say it won't be much longer before he starts trying to eat you out of house and home! lol My son is going through a growth spurt and my oh my can he eat! And I had to go and buy him new socks and undies and pants! Luckily I found a good sale. I even bought clothes for the next growth spurt because they were on sale at very good prices! :)

My Mad World said...

You always have fun and created MTM! Love them and I am sure the kiddos do too.. as usual! :)

Hope Pierce gets to feeling a little better

TexWisGirl said...

i sure hope pierce gets back to feeling better soon. i know he (and you) suffered greatly when he was young...

Liz Mays said...

Poor little guy. I hope his tummy settles down soon and he feels better again. The lunches are cute though!

Ali said...

If this was my daughter's lunch the chocolate covered strawberry would definitely be the first to go! Cute lunch!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

So creative and so cute! I bet your son is so proud of his lunches! Looks tasty too. I hope he starts feeling better. Reflux is hard on adults, so I can imagine it's very hard on little ones.

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

HOpe his reflux gets better. Poor guy. Thank you for joining in.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I hope his tummy starts feeling better, soon.

You always have such clever lunches for him!

Cuby said...

Yummy delicious I wish it had been my lunch.

Chris said...

Love the caterpillar Lisa. I shall never wash my lettuce again!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, Love Pierce's 'spring' lunch... The caterpillar is adorable.... YUM!!!!!!

Hope his tummy feels better now.

It's sunny here today but cold and there's still a ton of snow around. Did you get alot of snow?


Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

The caterpillar is my favorite! Though the chocolate strawberry would be my favorite to eat! I'm thinking I'll try some fun lunches this week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is absolutely adorable!!! Do you come up with these ideas yourself? Did he eat it all and is he feeling better?

Valerie Boersma said...

I hope Pierce's tummy is better soon! I know these loving lunches will make him feel better Lisa! So cute!

camp and cottage living said...

I, too, hope little Pierce's tummy gets better soon. I've never heard of roasted seaweed. Is it anything like spinach to taste?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Love the bologna roll up & he and I always liked our strawberries!!!...:)JP

Chatty Crone said...

I'm sorry his reflux is going on - I have that too. Eating makes mine feel better - takes the burning away - haha. sandie

Sandy said...

Poor Pierce. Hope he gets his appetite back soon.

Lin said...

Can he chew gum at school? I find that the gum helps with the reflux. It keeps the saliva going which helps a lot.

Cute Bento! I can't believe you moms do all this work for lunches nowadays! And I thought PB&J sammiches were a pain to make. :)

Becky Jane said...

You make me feel so kids lunches are plain ordinary! Hope his tummy feels better soon!

Adrienne said...

That lunch is too cute!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So cute...Hope Pierce feels better soon

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I hope Pierce's tummy gets to feeling better soon!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

You are so creative. Do you have pin interest? I don't but these posts would go over so well there!

Lindsay said...

Yet another cute and creative lunch idea!! Love it.

Barbara said...

Such a cute lunch. I hope your little guy starts feeling better soon. I know I wouldn't be able to resist a chocolate covered strawberry! ;)

Andrea said...

Cute and creative!

Hope he gets to feelIng better soon.

Nancy said...

I never would have guessed Dr. Suess -- that must have been written after my kids were older!

Cute lunch. I hope Pierce feels better.

Sugary Flower said...

Cute caterpillar. Hope Pierce feels better soon.

Jen said...

LOVE that caterpillar! And hope your little guy is feeling better soon :)