Friday, February 3, 2012

Tropical Traditions Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil for Pets Giveaway!

Our border collie, Scooter, is a loyal farm dog.  We adopted him from a shelter in the city shortly after the twins were born.  A family who lived in an apartment had surrendered him, at the tender age of one year, after he destroyed their furniture and his crate.  So we brought him home for a trial visit, and fell in love.  He's so well behaved and always up for adventures with the boys - and running with me.  He's a hard working dog, and the best dog we've ever had, so we really want to give him premium care. 

You've probably heard of all the health benefits of coconut oil lately.  It's been pretty popular among humans - but did you know you can get it for pets?  Tropical Traditions carries Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil for Pets - and right now it's on sale for 70% off!  It contains no hydrogenated or trans fats.  Coconut oil offers very nutritive medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) which is what makes it so valuable to health.  You can also find Tropical Traditions on twitter and facebook.
Scooter seems to like the coconut oil.  It's actually a solid - similar to butter - unless the temperature is over 76*.  I sprinkled a generous spoonful right on top of his food, and he gobbled it all up.  I will continue to put it on his food daily - and hopefully he will enjoy good health! 
Disclaimer: I was provided with a quart of  Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil for Pets for purposes of review.  The opinions stated above are my own.
Want a chance to win some for your pet?  Click on "Read More" below to enter through Rafflecopter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jill said...

I love the story of how Scooter came to be yours. He is a beauty.

Unknown said...

It's also a great "hot-oil treatment" for hair!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Scooter found a wonderful home!

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Great review! Now I wish I had pets:)

Karen said...

Scooter is one lucky dog, the right family was all he needed.

Megan Sutliff said...

For my parents dog, which is the dog I grew up with since i was 16! Love her :)

Texan said...

Coconut oil is wonderful stuff for sure!

Its been our experience rescue doggies are just the best. Our Kota was a rescue doggy and so was our Major before him. Good for you getting a furry friend from a shelter!

Eat To Live said...

I use their coconut oil in so many ways. Love it.

It is very seldom that you get such a great pet. I have had one maybe twice in my life.

Anonymous said...

Well, Jax eats his own vomit, so he'd probably eat this (hahaha). Here's a high-five from one rescue owner to another.

Slamdunk said...

What a great dog that Scooter must be.

Our dog is a shelter dog as well. I have not heard of coconut oil for pets--I'll have to read more about it.

TexWisGirl said...

i'm so glad you gave this active pup a great, loving, home! :)

(i hate using my email in giveaways - always afraid i'm gonna get all sorts of marketing emails...)

Jane said...

Scooter is a very pretty dog,and very lucky to have such a good home. Blessings Jane

Unknown said...

We have used dogs too and they are the best! Our Border Collie Barty came to us in the same way, he was a condo dog in town driving his owner bananas. He came to the farm and is the best dog ever!

I Am Woody said...

So glad you brought Scooter into your home! I am amazed when people think they can bring a high-energy breed into their home and think that a once-a-day walk will be enough.

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

We have three dogs and I love them all...but I do have a favorite. She is a pit bull mix named Roxie and her heart is gold. The babies pull and poke at her and she just sits there and takes it with what looks like a smile!

Valerie Boersma said...

Both our dogs would benefit from this! It sounds great!

Out on the prairie said...

As I sip some coconut water I have never heard of the supplement features. I just like to drink mine, and use it for Thai cooking.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I don't think I knew about Scooter's beginning, and how he came to live with your family. Glad he's been matched well with humans.

I've heard good things about coconut oil for humans. I had a colleague who used it - she'd put a spoonful of it in her coffee, where it would melt into the hot liquid. (She also liked it in hot chocolate.)

I hadn't realized there was also a coconut supplement for dogs. I'll bet it will make Scooter's coat super glossy once he's been eating it regularly.

In My Wild Eden said...

Thanks for stopping by. It's nice to meat you!

beth said...

We just adopted a border collie/queensland heeler and he is a wonderful dog and has lots of energy. I would love to add this to his food.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have been reading about coconut water, so controversial, and coconut milk, and yogurt made with coconut milk. I even got some coconut water to try. But I haven't heard all that much about the oil, I guess I will be. Especially for pets.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

De nuevo por tu casa, disfrutando de las cosillas que nos dejas. Un placer siempre.

Saludos y un abrazo.

Chris said...

Thanks for that brilliant tip Lisa. Faith (my beloved Cocker Spaniel) has just seen it and now I'm in trouble - bad Daddy.

My pampered pooch will now demand this or she will be straight on the phone to dogline or what ever they call it, claiming neglect and cruelty.

Michaele said...

I use coconut oil in my soaps and the dogs have always been interested in it. I did not know it was good for them. Something new : )

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We have never heard of it- so we will look it up now.

Zombiemommy said...

I would like to win this for Dusty. He keeps the kids entertained.

Tracy said...

huh, there's an idea...I wonder if Hurricane would eat it...

Angela said...

I'm so glad that you gave Scooter a second chance! The poor pup just needed a farm to live on and some kids to love!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Scooter is so adorable!! This is really interesting and I am going to check it out.Thanks!!

Tiggeriffic said...

Coconut oil is so good for Dog's skin.. It helps with the dander.. That is what people are allergic to with dogs.
What a sweet dog is he and he looks like he is given so much love~!
Have a Tiggeriffic Day ~ ta ta for now from Iowa:)

Nancy said...

Sounds like a great supplement for the kids -- count me in, Lisa. :)

Sandi McBride said...

Been away for a while Lisa, RA is a bitch this time of year...but glad I stumbled over from One Cat Shy of Crazy, you think cats would like this? Gonna give the link a try that you provided...we just adopted a little Peke from our shelter for a "friend" for our spanial...saving a life always makes me feel better...glad your sweetie got that extention on life!

jennohara said...

What a great story about Scooter! I wouldnt have ever thought about using coconut oil for pets!

Unknown said...

Beautiful dog. He is soooo ute. How does the coconut work out for kittens? My furbabe is like 7 months old now.

Sue Bunting said... the pet you'd love to win this for is tedted and How he makes my life special is he protects us and loves us.

Sue D said...

I would like this for my grand dog Max. He keeps life interesting.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Wow your find sounds like it could do wonders for Copper, the ever running, jumping pooch that no one wanted except us AND Moon, my dutiful stray from your neck of the woods! I think I'll do a little research about coconut oil,Lisa...:)JP

Sandy said...

I didn't know Scooter was adopted! How wonderful, and I am sure he is happy to have a loving home.

Dani' said...

This woul dbe for my dog Bella. She was recently diagnosed with cancer and just had surgery to remove it. I'd like to improve her health so she won't have a reoccurence. contestd(at)hotmail(dot)com

Jessica Peeling said...

For my dog Icarus -- he is the best dog in the world! He keeps me entertained and smiling every day, because he is constantly doing something outrageous and un-dog like. At this very moment he is sitting next to me swinging a bag of treats around and looking out the corner of one eye waiting for me to get one out!

Jennifer Carroll said...

I want this for my two cats. I love watching them play together and I also love how loving they are with my girls.

Anonymous said...

for my lab Sophie. She is a sweetheart, always greets me with a wagging tail and cheers me up!

.ambre. said...

My in'laws dog, Freya. she was our dog until we had our first child and all outgrew the condo! we love visiting though!

Anna Galanos said...

I would like to win this for Daisy. She's one of my Chihuahuas, my first Chihuahua. I just walked into a shelter one day just looking for fun and I saw her on a red pillow in the animal control officer's lap. It was love at first sight. Immediately when I brought her home, she responded to me like I belonged to her for years! I believe that God sent her to me to help me deal with the loss that was to come, that December, just 5 months after bringing Daisy home. My very first dog, Barkley, a black toy poodle I got for my 10th birthday, passed. Daisy was broken and damaged, having heartworms, and double ingroinal hernias, and missing teeth. So was I. She has helped heal me and transform my life into something better, better than I would have ever dreamed my life could be.

DebbyM said...

I would love this for my dog Monet. She is a wonderful Lhasa Apso. I live with my 80 year old Mom...who swore she didn't want a dog again. But she has now taken to asking if the dog wants to take a nap with her...and give her "kisses"....she is such a wonderful companion for my Mom. I LOVE THEM BOTH!

JC said...

I'd liketo win for my cat who needs lots of healthy stuff to keep up his energy.

Kim said...

I love hearing about rescued pets! Someday we will have to get another dog. Both boys constantly ask about it. With a full time job, and family life, I just don't know if I could handle it right now!

Unknown said...

my wonderful sidekick mini doxie Donte and Shadow my 14 yo ragdoll that I have raised since 2 wks old!

Beth said...

I would like to win this for my dog Princess. She deserves to be pampered, too.

judithelenore said...

i would like to win it for my sweet pomeranian mix, Ruby!

Brittany Boardley said...

I would use this on our two dogs, Dallas and Duke.

Tiana B. said...

I want to try this on my cats

Beki Lozano said...

I have an English Bulldog names Mr. Beefy hes about 4 years old hes so loveable and hard not to love he look mean and gumbie but hes such a love bug and lazy and i love his to death

Amanda said...

I have 2 dogs, a yorkie and a doberman. They make our lives so special by always being there for us. They are so loving and caring

1955nurse said...

I would love this for our Siberian Husky Natasha! She is our "Empty nest 'child'" and we love her so much, & want to keep her healthy & strong! (HollyCunningham)

AB Smith said...

we have a bernese mountain dog Koda that has itchy skin - this would help her a lot!

Anonymous said...

I want to win this for my labrador retriever, toy poodles, two cats, and the chickens. It wouldn't last long around here. lol Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I am your newest GFC follower its the simple things. I hope you can visit and follow me back at Its the Simple Things I have the new Linky followers widget since GFC won't work on Wordpress after March 1

Unknown said...

I would like to win this for Nala, Chewy and Thor. Our three dogs. They protect us and our farm animals and are great friends to our family.

my_2_cents at hotmail dot com