Thursday, March 29, 2012

Booker T. Washington National Monument - Rural Thursday #9

Last week Pierce had Friday off from school, and it was such a beautiful day that we decided to head to the Booker T. Washington National Monument.  Admission is free, and we were able to take a leisurely tour of the park and do some hiking (more about that tomorrow).
First, we checked out their heirloom garden.  I spotted onions and carrots.

 The boys wanted to know if there were any birds at home...

A reconstructed slave cabin:

The boys were glad they were able to go inside.  They were quite curious about the different buildings and their uses.  We put the brochures we picked up in the Visitor's Center to good use, answering our many questions.

A smokehouse-

Pierce is big on fire safety, and he was concerned that there was no fire alarm in the smokehouse.  Note the bell to the far right corner of the pic - the boys had a blast ringing the bell.

A view of the horse barn, corn crib, and chicken and duck lot-

You know who loves ducks?  Reid. He talked about those ducks for the next hour.

And through the fence, we spied this guy, who was really showing his stuff -

I just loved this old barn -

And these overly wooly sheep.  Thinking they might be getting a little warm...

Checking out the interior of the old barn -

This fellow seemed to be taking a break from the sun -

Now if only I could get these boys some wheat.  Maybe we'd have some bread for dinner...

Today is Rural Thursday and you know what that means!  Time to link up your rural blog posts with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself!  Grab the code beneath the button and paste it into your blog post.  Then come back and add the link to your actual url in the linky.  Even if you don't live in a rural area, if you have a post that is of a simple, country living mindset we'd love to have you link up!  Please remember to visit the blog posts of at least 5 other folks and leave them some comment love.  I can't wait to read what you've been up to this week!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for taking us on the tour with you, it looks like you covered everything. I didn't even know this place existed, it is very cool!! Sort of like our Frontier Culture Museum! Love the picture of the sheep, they are so clean and white!!! The ones around here are always muddy and dirty.

Becca said...

Wow, that looks like a really awesome place! I live in Santa Barbara and always wish we had cool places to go like that :)

Brian King said...

What a fun trip! Looks like the kids really enjoyed it. I like the cabin, smokehouse, and barn. Great structures! Nice photos, Lisa!

Clint Baker said...

Looks like a very fun day! We love visiting historical places! Our favorite is Colonial Williamsburg!

Vision By Mila said...

the sheep are so cool ;)

Anonymous said...

The boys are getting so tall! This looks like a wonderful park to explore.

Tanya Breese said...

oh i love the booker t park! maybe we'll go over spring how curious the boys all look!

Eat To Live said...

I love visiting places like that. I bet the boys had a lot of fun.

I don't have a lot of rural posts.... well, I kind of have none really. But I did link up last years organic garden. Thanks for the link

Anonymous said...

no fire alarm in the smokehouse...priceless

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Fantastic tour with your three cuties- I bet they had a fantastic day out with you.

The Southern Peach-Girls said...

Wow, looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves. It looks like a lot of fun! The over wooly sheep look hilarious :D. Thanks for hosting!

-Moira (Farm Girl)

link: Chick Pictures!

Jill said...

What a great/fun place to visit! Looks like they were really taking it all in!

Candy C. said...

What a great place for the kids, lots to see and do! :)

Out on the prairie said...

What a great place to visit, I have seen a few childrens books about Booker T.

TexWisGirl said...

love that your boys get to explore such great places. :)

The Southern Peach-Girls said...

Thanks for commenting! And it looks like you have little cuties of your own :)!

-Farm Girl or Moira

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Wonderful photos! It looks like your boys were very interested in the sights. It's been years since I've been to the park. A lot of history there.

Katie said...

Love that smokehouse and the inside of the old barn! I want both on our property. :)

Michaele said...

What a fun outing!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What a great outdoor activity! I love going to historic places like that.

Sally said...

Such a fun day for you and those precious boys. I love that you take them to interesting places, and that one surely is! :)

AudreyO said...

Love the photos. I live in a real city, but sometimes I get stuck behind a tractor on the road. Your photos made me smile thinking of those times I feel like I live in the middle of no where LOL.

camp and cottage living said...

I love pioneer villages; the old barns, the animals, and just seeing
how they lived their lives so long ago.
I bet the boys had fun-especially ringing that bell!

Valerie Boersma said...

I remember how much I loved visiting places like this when I lived back east. There is so much great stuff to see-and it looks like you guys had a wonderful outing!

I love Pierce's concern for fire safety in the smokehouse. Too darn cute:)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Tell Pierce there was a smoke alarm; he rang it.

Melanie said...

Looks like such an awesome adventure for your handsome fellas! Loved ALL the pics!!

Evelyn S. said...

What a wonderful opportunity to be able to visit historic places; of course, you're in the right location for that! I love the images that include your darling boys.

Laura @ Green Legacy Farm said...

Love places like this! There was one further up the Valley, close to where we used to live.

Unknown said...

Just found that there is a place for us rural farm chicks!!! Thanks for the photo challenge.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great family day!

Nancy said...

You always seem to incorporate history into your outings with the boys. Love that.

MarmePurl said...

I carted my kids to many such a place when they were growing up. Time well spent!

Prairie Girl said...

Looks like fun! Wish we had something like that around here!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like a wonderful place to spend the day. I love places like that!

Jen said...

What a fun field trip!! It looks like you had awesome weather too.

Debbie said...

so fun and you got some great pictures!!

it's wonderful that you do these things with the boys, memories they will have forever!!

Mom of 12 said...

Love you pics! I grew up in a small town so they made me feel right at home!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a great trip that looks like it would be for all. fun!! i've been at disney world ... so i'm so happy to have the chance to link up for rural thursday. it has been a busy time after returning. need a break. ha. ha!! take care. (:

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We would have a blast touring all the sites! So much to investigate!
The old barns- we love them

Clover said...

Great pictures. That heirloom garden looks awesome!

Anne said...

Beautiful! Lovely blog; I'm now following!
Anne ♥♥ (You are almost at 1000!)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the barn & an extra thanks for shooting the inside! I love old barns! =)

Looks like a great trip w/ the boys, too cute! =)

gtyyup said...

What a fun day with the T-Shirts no less!!! I'd like to visit there too someday.

Have a wonderful weekend Lisa...and thanks for hosting Rural Thursday!

Barbara said...

That looks like such a fun place!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Playing catch-up...still! I loved the volunteer work we did here and both my visits to the park! Sounds like you need some birdhouses at your place...perhaps near THAT pool!...:)JP