Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chicken. It's What's for Dinner. Rural Thursday Blog Hop

I think I've cooked chicken in just about every manner these past few weeks.  Except frying.  I don't do fried chicken.  Anyhow, the other day I (in desperation for something new and different) emailed my mom for her dumpling recipe. She makes seriously awesome chicken and dumplings.  She emailed me back something along the lines of take a few handfuls of flour and a few spoonfuls of crisco and some buttermilk and mix it up until it looks like oatmeal.  Uh huh.  So google it was.  I found a dumpling recipe and decided to see if I could use it to accompany my chicken that had been in the crockpot all day.  I turned the crockpot on high while I mixed up the dumplings, then as quickly as possible removed the chicken from the crockpot and dropped in the dumplings.  I covered it up and let it cook for 20 minutes (instead of the 10 minutes on the recipe).  It turned out perfectly and even made a nice gravy style broth too.

Another day, another chicken in the crockpot.  This time after it was done, I shredded it and tossed it with barbecue sauce.  Served up with homemade cole slaw, corn, and mashed cauliflower. 
Mashed cauliflower, you say?  Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it!  You boil the cauliflower just like you would potatoes, and then mash it the way you would potatoes (I like to add a little butter, light sour cream, light cream cheese, salt and pepper to mine).  It is so good! 

I finally told Paul I had to take a break from chickens.  I just can't cook another one for a good while.  Thankfully, our portion of grass fed beef is here, so bring on the beef recipes!

This is a blog hop hosted by A Rural Journal and myself.  Grab the code below the button and paste it into your blog post about anything relevant to the rural life.  Then add your direct link to the linky.  Nature pictures, crafts, recipes, animals and small-town events would all be perfect!  Please try to visit at least 5 other blogs that link up and leave them some comment love.  This is a fun way to meet other rural bloggers, so I hope you'll join in!


Eat To Live said...

Hubs and I can't wait to get home to have a good steak. I have eaten so much chicken out here that I am sick of it too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have heard of the mashed cauliflower and really need to try it. Your add-in suggestions sound the yummiest of all.

Out on the prairie said...

there is a special touch to drop dumplings as your mom relayed

Anne Payne said...

This is the second post I've seen this week with a chicken & dumplings recipe...must be I need to make some! I love it :)

Nancy said...

Both look really good! Thanks for the ideas, Lisa. :)

Anne Payne said...

Lisa, I'm thinking you might better look at my post before I link it up.

Tanya Breese said...

ha, we're chicken tonight too...chicken gyros from pinterest...they are sooooo good! my mom cooked like that too, learned it from grandma, nothing is measured, hard to duplicate!

Anonymous said...

Your smashed cauliflower sounds wonderful! I have made it minus all your wonder add-ins and it needed something.

Jill said...

I love chicken! Yours looks so good. Mmmm Mmmmm mmmmm!

Mere said...

Taylor recently asked for your mom's biscuit recipe, which i think is the same the the dumplings...we received a similar recipe that you did. I went ahead and attempted it and they turned out great! I was very skeptical during the entire process tho, so I understand your hesitation. :-)

Jill said...

Love chicken and dumplings!! I never tried it in the crock pot, but now I will. Made a great lemon chicken the other day. Lemon juice, rosemary, thyme, and sage inside. Rubbed some garlic, butter and rosemary on the bird and in the oven. Yum! My mom did the same thing when I asked her about homemade ice cream. Mine did not quite taste the same.

Jen said...

Looks good ;)

Evelyn S. said...

I just read about mashed cauliflower somewhere else! Guess I need to try it. I love it raw...lately, I've been dipping it in poppy seed dressing (that dressing is my real weakness!).

Liz Mays said...

I can easily get sick of meat, but carbs not so much. I can eat them repeatedly while remaining very, very happy. Your meals do look absolutely wonderful though!

Tracie said...

This post reminded me you asked me to share my Sour Cream Chicken recipe. Here is the link to my cooking blog for the recipe. Give it a chance when you are ready for some chicken again. It is really good!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I have never heard of mashed cauliflower, but it sounds delicious the way you do it. I am going to have to try that. Thanks!

Nancy said...

Your chicken dishes look delicious. We love cauliflower and I bet it would taste great the way you cooked it. Thanks for sharing.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

YUM! Chicken & dumplings...count me in for that and the BBQ with slaw and mashed cauliflower...LOVE it, isn't it great?...:)JP

Teresa said...

If I weren't a vegetarian, it would be wonderful. Maybe it would work with tofu. :-)

Helene said...

I've heard so many people say that mashed cauliflower is delicious but I have to try it. I usually just roast it in the oven.

I get sick of chicken too. There's only so many ways you can make a meal out of it before you're wanting to eat something different.

gtyyup said...

Now you've got me craving chicken and dumplings of course!! I'll have to put it on the menu for next week.

I like doing dumplings in the crock pot. I like cornbread dumplings over my taco soup!

Thanks for hosting!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

We tried the mashed cauliflower a while back and really enjoyed it!!

Unknown said...

Never made them; ate them though!
Mashed cauliflower?
We have it regularly. Yum.

AudreyO said...

We eat a lot of chicken, often 3 times a week or so. Then like last night we went out for chinese and ended up with two chicken dishes LOL.

Sally said...

LOL!! I was wondering the other day how you were making out with all that chicken. You did good, girl!! Your mom cooks like I do, a little of this and that. :)

le Chef said...

I'm hearing you on that chicken - LOL!
This is great! I need to get by more often. I subscribed, but I never get notified ... ?
Anyway, this is awesome! I'm adding your button to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Don't you love how Google can help you out?

Sandy said...

I love chicken, but I think even I would be getting tired of it.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

hey, if you are cooking ... i'm coming to dinner. ha. ha!! just kidding. but i love not cooking. well, i enjoy cooking as well...but really enjoy it when others cook. great to see you again this week. have a good one. enjoying 70 degree temps today. fun!! (:

Dawn said...

Oh YUM! Mashed cauliflower sounds really yummy!!!!!!

Sagittarian said...

Delicious sharing Lisa, I love to taste all of what you've shared here!:) Thank you!

Rural Journal was awesome! I enjoyed browsing, hope I can share sometime soon..:) Thanks Lisa..:)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I actually love mashed cauliflower. I discovered it at Ruby Tuesdays..yum! We eat so much chicken too- these are great suggestions. I do love me some fried chicken though too:)

Nancy said...

Your dinner looks delicious...I think I am going to try the mashed cauliflower...We love it but just never tried it mashed....Thanks for the idea....

Kim said...

Chicken has to be really flavorful for me. I've never had dumplings.

Chatty Crone said...

I get tired of different meats at different times too. You have some great recipes there. sandie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Chicken and dumpling sound sooo good. Do you have an brocoli recipes?
We are tired of it plain! Real tired. Now we need to disguise it somehow.

Emily said...

Oh, that looks so good!! And enjoy your grass-fed beef. You're making me hungry!

My Mad World said...

Great chicken recipes! I have heard of mashed cauliflower but haven't tried it yet.

Have you tried the cauliflower pizza crust? Haven't tried that one either. They say it is very good!

It won't come out right but here's a link to one of the recipes

Anonymous said...

Mashed cauliflower is AMAZING. ANd MOST of my family will even eat it!

Jen said...

Ha! I love your mom's recipe for chicken and dumplings!! And, mashed cauliflower sounds really good!

Brian King said...

That looks delicious, Lisa! I just got a new crock pot for Christmas so I'll have to try it. Thanks for visiting my blog - I appreciate it!

grace said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. I love your hop, I just found it. there are really fun submissions to it. Where I live, our dumplins are "slick", like a big, wet noodle. Grosses a lot of people out, but they're yummy :)

Barbara said...

Oh how I wish I had a crock pot here! Iove how creative you were with your recipes.