Monday, March 26, 2012

A Monster in the Lunchbox on Muffin Tin Monday

Oh dear.  It's been a monstrous event here.  I sent Pierce to school with a monster in his lunch box.  I told him to be very careful in opening it, and to eat it quickly, before it had time to bite him.
As if the monster weren't insult enough (just look at that disgruntled face) you may also notice that there is an eight eyed, eight legged spider with huge fangs (made from an orange - which you can't really tell in the picture).  I tried to make up for all these evil lunchbox invaders by a heart shaped homemade cheese danish (those are pecans on top) and some docile barbecued corn nuts.

Anything scary in your lunch lately?

For more cute kids' lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom. 


Chris said...

Hey that's a great way to diet Lisa. Scare yourself thin!

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

That is awesome! I am going to do this today! {Do I have to tell the kids I stole the idea, or can I let them think I'm just that cool?}

Anonymous said...

very cute as always...

we attended a "pot-luck" lunch recently and while I'd stop short of calling anything there monstrous, I will say we were not very "lucky"

Michelle said...

This is too cute. I love the monster sandwich.

Jill said...

Adorable! One of my favorties of yours!

Anonymous said...

I bet he loved it! I love the monster!

andy said...

OK that's the coolest thing I've seen in a while! !! I have to try this with the little one. Have a great Monday! Shame on you for putting that awful creature in his lunch!! :)

Sugary Flower said...

I LOVE the monster! He's so grouchy he's cute!

Eat To Live said...

Very cute Lisa

That would be a great one for around Halloween.

Sally said...

LOL!! Pierce never knows what's going to be in his muffin tin, and I bet he loves every surprise. :)

kewkew said...

Oh wow, so creative. I love it. The monster is great

Chatty Crone said...

I happen to love monsters! lol sandie

I Am Woody said...

I love this!

Liz Mays said...

That is just the cutest little monster! It reminds me of the monsters in a book I used to read the kids!

Anonymous said...

My lunch scares me daily. OH yes it does? LOL

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

So clever!

Lyndsay Wells said...

Those are just WONDERFUL! I miss having little kids around *and* I would like to invite you to my great new giveaway for two brand new cookbooks and a Real Women of Philadelphia souvenir apron!Pop by my blog and leave me a comment for your chance to win!

TexWisGirl said...

too dang cute, lisa!

Andrea said...

That monster totally ROCKS!

Slamdunk said...

Definitely nothing that creative. How fun. Nicely done Lisa.

Out on the prairie said...

They just keep getting better

Ginny Hartzler said...

TOO COOL!!!! I will have to try the sandwich for the girls, they will LOVE it!

Jo said...

This is so great. And the monster sandwich--finally, something even *I* could do!! ;-)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This is so cute! I love the monster sandwich! I bet Pierce's friends think he has the coolest mom!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea Lisa, a good way to make healthy snacks. Cool sandwiches, and I love the spider.
Happy Monday!


LOVE MELISSA:) said...

This is one of my favorites! I LOVE it! Super cute!

Unknown said...

How cute! My son will definitely love this!

Unknown said...

Lisa: My packed lunches as a kid were dull by comparison!

Smiles! :)

Angela said...

I always look forward to Mondays to see what Pierce had for lunch! roflol Way cute!

Lindsay said...

Another adorable lunch. Love the monster sandwich!!

Michaele said...

A little boys dream lunch! : )

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Scary lunches are perfect!

Myya said...

That sandwich might possibly be about the cutest errrr I mean scariest thing I have ever seen!!!

Betty Manousos said...

hi lisa, that is really awesome, love the monster sandwich!!

and thank you for yous kind get well wishes for my sister. much appreciated.

Nancy said...

Love the monster sandwich. :)

Irish Italian Blessings said...

You are so amazing! I wish I was creative enough to make something cool like this :)

Vision By Mila said...

I'm definitely gonna make myself a sandwich like that! ;)

Barbara said...

Your creativity is amazing. The sandwich looks great.