Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A New Line of Decor in My House

I was sitting on the couch, taking a quick (and much too infrequent) breather when I noticed something strange on the sliding glass door.  What on earth is that strange circle, I thought to myself. 

My first thought was that it might be a sticker, but as I squinted from the couch, and realized what it most likely was, I groaned inwardly....

Apparently, we are now decorating our windows with bologna.  How this escaped notice for so long is beyond me.  I'm pretty sure I had given the twins a Lunchables as a treat four days prior to my noticing bologna on the door.  Ewwwww.  And I'm pretty sure it was not on the door that whole time.  Which means it was stashed, somewhere (???) and retrieved later to hang on the door.
And yes, I do need to clean the glass.  But there's really no point.  See, it gets little fingerprints again the very next day. 

Two Bears Farm is now leading the world in a revolutionary new line of home decor.  Cost effective, too, to decorate your walls with bologna.  Much cheaper than Rembrants. 

Happy birthday to my Dad today!  I hope this made him smile :-)


Chris said...

I Like it Lisa! ;-)

How's about a spaghetti rug to go with it.

I wonder what else has been stashed (and where!!!!!!)...

Anonymous said...

Very creative! I might have walked by it for days.

Steve Surratt said...

I think the bologna slice is too lonely up there and the addition of a cheese slice or two can add immeasurably to the ambiance and feng shui of the room...

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

Happy Birthday to your Dad! Did HE teach the boys this method of deocrating?...lol...

Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

That's hilarious! And just slightly disgusting! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA'S DAD!!

Anonymous said...

:) I'm sure this will become the new interior design fashion!

andy said...

Happy birthday to your dad I hope he has a great birthday!!!! Yea we have some weird decor from time to time also:) have a great tuesday

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

What?! Bwahaha! Funny and yucky!

Gone Country said...

I literally laughed out loud! Thanks for a good laugh this morning! In fact, I'm STILL giggling!

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, you never know which direction this creativity will take you next. :)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Haha-too funny! Yucky though:)

Eat To Live said...

Hmmm LOL>.. they are a chip off the ole block. They do have a Mother that makes them all this artistic food..... I guess they are just trying to be artistic too.

Nancy said...

Ewwww and lol! Edible home decor. :)

Anonymous said...

I am headed to Wal-Mart RIGHT NOW before there is a stampede and the bolgna is all gone!!

dr momi said...

Haha...love it :-)

Michaele said...

Priceless and CRACKED ME. UP!!

I Am Woody said...

I bet the pets LOVE it!

Melodie said...

LOL! You need a dog to clean up all those kind of things!

Mary said...

Haha! Hey it's unique and creative. We also don't clean our sliding door very often because of hailey hands and a certain dog nose or paws. :)

Liz Mays said...

Oh my goodness! Aren't you glad they left it there and didn't eat it though?

Jill said...

Oh dear Lisa...I am laughing so hard right now! We've all been there, hon.

Happy BIrthday to your Dad!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

This made me laugh--it made my day! I love how it's such a neat circle and pasted so nicely. There's no telling what's been "stashed" around the house . . .

TexWisGirl said...

could TOTALLY start a new rage! :)

Becky Jane said...

Plus, lunch is so handy when it's stuck on the window! hehehe Your post brought laughter to my heart!

Anonymous said...

Only little boys--TOO funny!

warren said...

My grandpa used to put stickers on glass doors and things...said he got tired of cleaning people's nose prints off the windows when they walked into them...maybe you could justify it the same?

Slamdunk said...

Awesome Lisa. I think that is why we enjoy our big buffalo dog--anything like that would disappear fast.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The boys are so inventive and curious! And that's not a bad thing at all, you want children with the imagination and gumption to experiment. Plus it makes for OUTSTANDING blog posts, we all need so laughs!!! Happy birthday to your dad, does he live very far away?

Helene said...

Well, it could be worse. They could be putting boogers on the sliding glass door, which is the case in my house. I can't figure out which kid is doing it.

And I don't clean my glass doors for the same exact reason!!

Happy birthday to your dad!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is so cute! I remember those days of kids decorating like this

Andrea said...

From the first picture I thought it was Pepperoni! :>

Your lil man is an interior design/decorator!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how funny... Life is never boring when there are little ones around. Don't even try to clean your windows --at least the bottom parts---for a few more years...


Mom of 12 said...

At least no one tried to eat it! My kids would be thinking it looked delicious...bologna is in high demand around here!

Jen said...

Bwaaahaahaa!! A little gross, but very funny!
And Happy Birthday, Lisa's dad!

Michelle said...

I find this hysterical and so much like something that would happen at my house....and my kids are older!!

Angela said...

I am sure this post made your dad's day Lisa! lol I'm sure it brought back some sweet memories of when you were little and you did some decorating of the house yourself! lol

Thanks for the good laugh for me too! :)

Jack Steiner said...

Food is a very useful "tool" good for sustenance and decoration. ;)

Lin said...

Hey! It's one of those window clings that tells you the door is shut so you don't walk through the glass or bump your face! Those kids are GENIUS!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am sure that my nose could sniff out the stash!

jennohara said...


Katie said...

Unique for sure! And it only gets more exciting with boys! Happy Birthday to your dad.

Barbara said...

Oh my that is priceless! We've lost pieces of food before and I rather not think where they might be. Yuck. I hope your dad had a great birthday!

The Southern Peach-Girls said...

Sorry for not answering your question in your comment sooner. Well about the cat's medicine it was medicine for his worms and a cough. We also had to give him eye drops. Thank you for commenting! And a Happy birthday to him!

-Farm Girl

laughwithusblog said...

lol I love it!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good gravy! I thought it was bubble gum! Perhaps the boys think they can fry it in the sunshine???...:)JP

Kristie said...

Too funny! My kids have done some goofy things, but never bologna stuck to windows-lol!

Good to know there is someone else who feels the same about cleaning as I do! I do that kind of cleaning when I know company is coming :-)

GardenOfDaisies said...

LOL!!! The way to do your walls in polka-dots! I bet you could use spaghetti for stripes too.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

ROFL- Sorry- that is just too funny! It reminds me of the grape jelly one of my kiddos globbed on a kitchen chair, and the day a friend of ours sat in it. (He didn't have children, so of course it upset him a bit). I just laughed. Ah- kids are such fun!

Chatty Crone said...

LOL - that was so funny!
Happy birthday to your dad.

Anne Payne said...

LOL! Boys are great for that sort of stuff :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

That is really funny!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

LOL...I love it!
Hope your dad had a great birthday.

Pepper said...

That's funny! Got any eggs to go with that? :)