Tuesday, April 10, 2012

1000 Followers and Some Fairy Hobmother Goodness

It's not that I ever thought I wouldn't reach 1000 followers.  I knew it would happen eventually, you know, after like ten years of blogging.  Imagine my joy and surprise to reach the milestone in a slightly shorter amount of time.  I'm thankful to all of you who read my blog on a regular basis and even leave thoughtful and inspiring comments.  One of the best parts of blogging is visiting your blogs and getting to see your lives and homes and sources of creativity and happiness.

Good things are happening lately all because you read and follow my blog.  You may have noticed, but I've started to write a few sponsored posts.  And I couldn't have reached this point without your support!  While I don't talk about it too often, our budget has been really tight since I decided to stay home after the twins were born.  See, our mortgage was signed at a time when both my husband and I were working full time, so it was really designed on a two person income household.  I don't regret the decision to stay home - not for a second - but there have been times when I've made do with pantry items for stretched out days rather than buy fresh groceries, because our finances were so tight.  But with every sponsored post opportunity, it makes trips to the grocery store just a little less painful.  By reading my blog, you're helping, in a sense, to support my family.  So thank you, dear readers.

I want you to know also that I won't represent products or brands I don't believe in, no matter the profit.  I have already turned down a few opportunities where I didn't feel like a product matched my own life philosophy.  I hope I can continue to share with you about products I love, but you will never see me posting on something that I wouldn't feel comfortable using myself. 

Another example of something exciting that happened because of your support and readership, is that the Fairy Hobmother paid my blog a visit!  I've long heard of the Fairy Hobmother, and let me tell you - she does exist!  She said that she found my blog and enjoyed it (and she might never have stumbled across it without you, my readers, following and building me up).  She wanted to grant me a wish.  And, as a typical mother, I thought of my kids instead of myself.  I thought of Pierce, who has reached a deep fascination with Legos.  He recently worked hard (for a month) doing chores around the house (and even helping me to clean out the car) to save up for a Lego spaceship.  Since then, he has wanted the Lego Space Center, but let's face it.  Legos are expensive.  We just couldn't pay for it.  And while normally I can find the toys he wants used (eventually), I have never come across full Lego sets at yard sales or thrift stores or on Craigslist.  Now I certainly don't think children should get every toy they ask for, but Pierce doesn't ask for much, and he is a really great kid.  So thank you, Fairy Hobmother, for granting Pierce's wish for a Lego Space Center.  I have fond memories of building an intricate Lego castle with my Dad as a kid, and I hope that Pierce will have sweet family Lego memories as well.  If you're curious, the Fairy Hobmother comes from this site - http://www.appliancesonline.co.uk/

So thank you again dear readers.  You all mean so much to me.  Even when I'm nowhere near the computer, I often find my thoughts straying to your lives, as so many of you have befriended me and moved me with your eloquent words and amazing pictures. 

Do tell....if you were granted a wish with the Fairy Hobmother, what would you ask for?   You never know - she might visit your blog next!


  1. I am so excited to be the first to congratulate you on being OVER 1000 followers! You have a wonderful blog, Lisa and I am so happy I found you. YOu are always a source of inspiration. You have such a beautiful family and I love reading what goes on in your world. I'm so happy the Fairy granted you a wish. YOU, my friend, deserve it and are so thoughtful to get something special for Pierce!

  2. I would ask her to grant the wish of a blog friend who is battling cancer. What a wonderfulthing she is doing! and I love your family pic :-)

  3. What a great post Lisa - so wonderful that Pierce got his wish for a lego set. I don't have a blog :) but if I did I would also wish for something for my boys. I would pick a Science kit for Andrew - he is my budding Scientist and is always trying to dream up some sort of 'experiment' - mixing water with toothpaste in a little cup and waiting to see what happens :) I'm not surprised your blog has reached 1000 - you have a special talent for writing that few people possess.

  4. It couldn't happen to a nicer person, Lisa. And I totally get what you are saying about finances. Shane and I did the same thing with the farm -- bought it based on two incomes -- then I retired. We make it work somehow -- but I know the sacrifices that need to be made to do so.

    I really have everything I need or could ever want -- so I really can't think of a thing. xoxo

  5. What a wonderful time it is! Congrats on your 1000 readers! As one of them I am truly blessed by reading your words and gettingt see your boys grow up!

    A Lego set for Pierce sounds perfect!

  6. You rock, Lisa... so glad you can stay home... a dream come true for every mother. Speaking of mothers... love the fairy hobmother and would ask for world peace.. LOL, ya right. Guess I am a bit more selfish than that and would ask for some new charms for my Pandora bracelet. Have a great day!!

  7. How wonderful Lisa. I am so happy the the Fairy Hobmother was able to help you out.

    This Fairy Hobmother must have a Heart Of Gold.... It must make her feel so good to help others out.

    Thanks so much for the the wonderful post. Bloggers are the BEST!!

  8. I've just come to your blog from Jill's blog.
    Wow, 1000 followers that is amazing. Well done.
    And congratulations on Pierce's lego - I'm sure he will get hours of entertainment from it.
    Love you family picture.
    I'm just going to hit you follow button. :))

  9. 1000 followers now that is quite something. I gave up work when my children were born, money was very tight but I always found it amazing the meals that cost next to nothing tasted petty good.I loved my pressure cooker then! The time you give to your children is priceless and this time is so short.......so just enjoy it.

  10. 1000 followers now that's great. I gave up my job for 7 years to look after our children when they were small. Our budget was tight but with creative thinking we managed and I am sure that we all benefitted from this time together. Well worth doing 100%

  11. Congratulations and nobody deserves a wish granted more than you. :-) I would ask for a book or video about organic farming for my husband, who is fascinated with the process.

  12. if fairy hobmother came for a visit, i would pay it forward, for sure!! i want for nothing but know very well the stuggle you are experiencing!!

    you have a beautiful family. i think it is awesome that you stay at home with the children rather then leave them in day care, which is what most families do. no money in the world gives us back the years with them!!

    you have such a kind spirit lisa, i feel it every time i come here!!

  13. Congratulations on a great achievement and on having your wish granted. My first wish can never be granted but my second wish would be to have farm help for a week.
    Like the feller said, "I'm so far behind, I think I'm in first place."

  14. Yay, congrat's on 1000 followers. That's amazing! I've got to say I've never heard of the Fairy Hobmother, but good to know she exists.

  15. Congrats on hitting the 1000 mark, Lisa! :) It's no wonder - your blog is wonderful!

    And about the Fairy Hobmother - you and your family deserve having a wish granted! Yay, Pierce!

    I think I'd be like you, if she visited my blog - I'd ask for something for Livie, probably a pair of paddock boots in her current size (since she outgrew the old ones).

    Oh, and I love your family photo, and that you got (a bit of) the pooch in the photo, too.

  16. Congratulations on reaching 1k, Lisa! That's awesome! I'll never hit a milestone like that so I'll enjoy it vicariously through your blog. Great job!

  17. Wow! Congrats on that milestone!

    I think I would ask for world peace. I don't ask much ;)

  18. So, so happy that your wish for Pierce was granted. Wonderful!!

    You're a smart, sassy, great wife and mother. I'm happy for you,and enjoy visiting here, and learning more about your lives! :)

  19. Congratulations and you are a very hard worker and a devoted pal. sandie

  20. Congrats girly on your 1000 followers and all the great things it bringing with it!

    Lots of hours of fun I know will be had with those Legos!

  21. Congratulations to you for over 1,000 followers! Wow--I don't know if I'll ever reach that milestone.

    I always enjoy your blog posts. I like the stories you tell and the photos you illustrate them with. You have a beautiful family!

    I think it's great that you're doing sponsored blogs. I always felt that you wouldn't endorse or suggest a product if you didn't find it fitting.

  22. congrats to you, dear lisa! well deserved to reach 1,000 followers! you rock! and congrats to pierce on his reward, too!

    i think i'd wish for a trail camera to set up along the pond trail/woods to see what kind of critters i could catch. :)

  23. Congratulations on 1000 followers Lisa! It took me forever to get 100 so if I ever get 1000 I'll be in shock! lol

    I've never heard of the Fairy Mother before. That is so sweet of her to go around blog land granting wishes! I know Pierce will love the Lego's and I'm sure the twins will too! My kids love Legos. That's what Santa usually brings them is a Lego set. I actually bought an old coffee table at a thrift store just so the kids can build on it instead of the floor. It's nice too because it has a drawer to put some of the spares parts in.

    I quit working 16 years ago and I don't regret it for one bit. I do feel strange since so many families have both parents working but I think that is mostly because of the way some will say she's a stay at home mom with a slur about it. They just don't get it. They don't understand how important it is to stay home with their children like I do. They would rather go to Disney and have tv's in each room of their house hooked up to cable and each kid have a cell phone ever if they are only 7. They work for stuff that is only destroying their family. I could go on but I'll stop! lol

    Congratulations again Lisa!

  24. Go you for having so many followers! That means you have a GREAt blog!
    I love the family photo :)

  25. Lisa I'm so happy for you that you can earn a little from the blog. And I trust you when it comes to the products you endorse. You have that quality going on my friend!

  26. Why wouldn't everyone follow your blog? I mean, look at that family! And Pierce...well you know I think he is just the cutest, so I am thrilled that he got the legos he wanted. He deserved them! Congrats Lisa.

  27. I cant think of anyone more deserving. You are a great blotter and I find myself thinking of you often. Congratulations!!

  28. What a sweet little family... Lisa, you are just awesome... Even though I don't participate in giveaways or things like that, I do enjoy reading your blog... One reason is that many moons ago, I raised three boys also!!!!

    Good Luck to you with your sales/ads/promotions, etc...

  29. Congratulations on it all...getting your wish, getting a special visit and 1000 followers! If I had a wish, I would ask for a continuation of happiness!...:)JP

  30. I love reading your blog, my friend! You deserve the success!
    Beautiful family pic!

  31. Congrats!!

    ~ Jill


  32. Congratulations on over 1000 followers, what great confirmation that us bloggy people adore you. I wish I could get to every single post you write, but even when I don't still think about what you are up to.

    Awesome about this fairy Hobmother business. I honestly haven't ever heard of her. How cool is that! I wanna be a fairy & grant wishes too!!! :)

    On a unrelated note, I wanted to thank you for always answering my questions or leaving me sweet comments. You are definitely one that I think of when I need an honest opinion that I will know will also be given with morals & integrity in mind.

    YAY you & your great accomplishments, I am so happy for you!!! :)

  33. sounds like two full-time jobs

  34. 1000 followers...wow! I can certainly understand why because I'm one of them!

    You have a beautiful family...and you won't regret staying home even if means jumping through hoops to make the dollars stretch. :)

  35. Congrats! Happy Legos! Glad the fairy hobmother is real! I only read a few blogs and I always ho back to check in when I get a chance.

  36. WOW! Congratulations on that impressive milestone! I don't think you will ever regret the decision to stay home while your children were little. I am so glad that I did.

  37. Congratulations on reaching 1000 followers!!! It's easy to see why your readership has increased...because you are awesome and such a fabulous writer!! I love reading your stories, looking at the wonderful pics you post and, mostly, your positive outlook on life!!

    I was just visited by the Fairy Hobmother too!!!!!!

  38. omg - that is awesome! First of all, 1K+ is crazy! ;) I never pay attention to that on my friends' blogs so I had no clue of where you were. But I get to say I knew you when, right? Congrats!!!

    And the Fairy Hobmother? What on earth!?! I saw something about her once before but was clueless. How cool that you got something so fun, that helped you reflect back to a memory or two and create new ones for your boys. Hooray!

  39. Yah for 1,000! THat is one gorgeous picture- everyone is stunning!

  40. Lisa
    Of course you have 1000 followers!
    Who doesn't enjoy following your country life with your 3 cubs! I often share your creative ideas with my daughter, for her family or the new products you've tried.
    Keep at what you're doing, because
    I look forward to visiting you.
    Congrats on your gift for Pierce from the fairy hobmother too!

  41. Congratulations! It's nice to read a blog that is honest and down to earth. Keep up the good work.

  42. We are happy for Pierce, and we are happy for you!
    You rock!

  43. What a great thing to have happen! And I'm glad it happened to you and your family!
    My wish list is long and there isn't any room in the budget for anything out of the normal monthly bills! Right now the tractor is down with a major oil leak and the bush hog is broken down too! No idea when eather will be fixed!
    The list just goes on and on!

  44. Congratulations on 1000 and I love that you shared this story in such a loving way and shared with your readers the reason behind your sponsored posts. I've been visited by the Fairy Hobmother and I was quite grateful!!

  45. Congratulations, you should be very proud of yourself. Have you really been blogging that long. I am just at three years, way to go!

  46. Aw< so glad the fairy paid you a visit! Congrats on the followers and sponsored posts :)

    In being totally selfish< i would like a new lens for my camera. My kids get *MAYBE* too much stuff

  47. I am so happy for you!!! I have never heard of the Fairy Hobmother. How fun is that.

  48. so cool that you were visited by the Fairy Hobmother!


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