Thursday, April 26, 2012

Best Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup - Rural Thursday

Last week I was sick.  Sooooo sick.  Oh I had the worst throat infection!  I got some antibiotics, but I was miserable while waiting for them to kick in, and only able to tolerate drinking smoothies.  Smoothies are good...until they are all you get to eat for two days...and then they get old very fast.  Finally, I thought I would be able to handle some soup.  I wanted chicken noodle soup, and I had some cooked chicken leftover from one of our chickens to use up.  I ended up tossing a bunch of ingredients in the crockpot and it made the best chicken noodle soup I've ever done!  It's creamy, but not too rich, and has excellent flavor.  You might even call it "Get Well Soon" soup. 
2 cups cooked chicken, shredded
3 cloves of minced garlic (I added extra to boost my immune system, but you could reduce this)
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
2 tbsp. parsley
40 ounces chicken broth
4 ounces sliced fresh mushrooms
1 cup diced carrots
1 cup diced onion
1 cup diced celery
2 cups egg noodles, cooked
Pepper to taste

Place all ingredients except the noodles in the slow cooker and stir well.  Cover and cook on high for 4 hours.  Add noodles and heat through just before serving. 


It's Rural Thursday, and I'd love for you to link up with me and Nancy from A Rural Journal.  You just need to write a blog post with a rural mindset.  Like the comfort food of chicken noodle soup.  Or so many other topics!  To join in, grab the button code below and paste it into your blog post.  Then come back and link up your direct url into the linky.  That's it!  Please be sure to visit at least 5 of your fellow participants and leave them some comment love on their blogs.


  1. So sorry to hear that you were so ill. Glad you are feeling better. Your soup sounds very yummy. I make one similar, but I add green chiles. I haven't made mine in the crock pot before. I am going to give yours a try sometime. Thanks for hosting!

  2. I just made a big pot of chicken noodle soup for dinner, we were so busy that we ate at 10:30. I hope you are feeling better?! Chicken soup is a natural remedy that really does help. They recently found out that there is natural medicine in the chicken fat, that is why.

  3. Sorry to hear you were unwell, but this soup sounds just the tonic you needed. It sounds delicious. You can't beat a good plate of soup - that's what I say anyway :))

  4. This makes me wish I owned a crockpot!

  5. Ugh! Hope you're feeling much better now... and the soup looks wonderful.

  6. So sorry your were so sick, Lisa. I do hope that's all behind you. Your soup looks great!

  7. Glad you are feeling better-Spring is the worst time to be sick! Your soup sounds delicious.

  8. Oh dear, I know exactly what you mean. A few years ago I had an illness where I couldn't eat anything solid for a month and a half. Sustagen drinks got old really quickly... This soup looks yummy though!

  9. it looks yummy! hope you are feeling better :)

  10. It has been chilly here lately. This would make a perfect meal for these chilly days.

  11. Hope your feeling much better,looks tasy thanks for hosting :)

  12. I didn't know you weren't feeling well, Lisa. Hope you are better.

    The soup looks great -- making me hungry already this early in the morning. :)

  13. That's one nasty cold that's going around - hope you're getting better. You soup recipe sounds delicious - must get out the crock pot and give it a try.

  14. hope you're feeling better

  15. Oh, I bet I'd like the taste of this!

  16. I'm sorry you were sick! That soup looks great. Thanks for sharing recipe! :)

  17. I am SO sick too right now! My throat is on fire. Don't you miss the days where when you were sick you could just lay in bed all day?

  18. Sounds delish!

    Smoothies are good. Except when eaten just before going on a 20 mile bike ride. Then they are just awful!

  19. Hope you're feeling better real quick. Love the name of your soup and that it has lots of garlic. I needed your recipe 2 weeks ago...all I got was Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup. Not near as good as yours. I'm keeping this recipe for future use. Thanks!

  20. I am so glad you are feeling better! It stinks when you are sick! That soup looks amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Sorry you were feeling so rotten. But I'm glad the antibiotics kicked those germs out of your system, and that the soup helped you feel better.

  22. This looks lovely! I love a good soup.

  23. You poor sweetie-I hope you are feeling better now! This soup looks so good, too. It's cold and rainy here and I could use a nice hot bowl of soup.

    I'll be writing very soon!

  24. Hope you get better, I have a bit of the same and hate being grounded.that soup looks wonderful, what i need to fix.

    the path in my blog is near Pisgah,IA at Loess Hills State Forest but does look similar to the sandhills of NE.I have played over there a lot, working on research.

  25. hope you are feeling better-your soup sounds wonderful!
    patty @

  26. The soup looks good! I hope you feel better.

  27. Mmmmmmmmmmm!! That looks really really yummy!

  28. I am filing this recipe away for the next time one of us need a "get well soup" as you said. I wish I would have had it last winter when my esophagus got burned by the radiation treatments for my cancer. I had to live on liquids for three weeks. And, yes smoothies get very old after a while.

  29. Aw, you poor thing! Being the mom and being sick is no good for anyone.
    Your soup looks really good :)

  30. I hope you're feeling better! That looks so good, it makes me wish I weren't a vegetarian~well almost.

  31. This sounds delicious and I love using the crock pot. Makes me wish I wasn't doing low carb right now!

  32. oh that soup looks and sounds amazing!!

    i have an obsession with potatoes, i bet you could make this with diced potatoes (omit the noodles) and add the potatoes right from the start!!

    but i guess it would be chicken potato soup ;)))

  33. oh i got so caught up in the soup....i hope your feeling better.

  34. I hope you are feeling better. When your throat is sore, it's hard to eat, drink, talk or do much of anything, I know!

    The soup just sounds so soothing and nourishing!

  35. Soup is always delicious, but I'm far too lazy to make it...unless of course it's Tortellini Soup. I'm all over that.

  36. I'm so glad you're doing better!
    Your soup looks and sounds yummy.
    I love visiting on Rural Thursday-
    There's so much to see.

  37. Your soup looks delicious and I'm so sorry you've not been feeling well; hope you retain good health quickly and soon.

  38. I don't think I've had a creamy chicken noodle soup before! That looks delicious. Sorry you've been feeling so badly.

  39. Chicken soup is a cure all...we believe in it...Joe just made some for us!...:)JP

  40. I am sorry you were so sick. That soup make you well I am sure - looked delish. Sandie

  41. Hi Lisa, I'm like you. When I'm sick, there's nothing better than Chicken Soup... Yours sounds fantastic... Thanks for the recipe.

    Hope you are okay today... Being sick is NO FUN.

  42. I love your Get Well Chicken Soup. I might have to try it out sometime. It looks really tasty.

  43. Lisa, I have nominated your wonderful blog for the Sunshine Award. Congratulations! Follow my link for details:

  44. This looks REALLY good! I think I may have to try this one.

  45. oh, this is so good... i also have a similar recipe but lesser ingredients :D thanks for the visit, hope you are doing well now.

  46. I'm sorry you were so sick! That soup does look delicious! It's one of my favorites any time of year :)

  47. A perfect sick soup recipe!

  48. Yummy...and easy...and in a slow cooker!

    Hope you're feeling better~

  49. that sounds so good lisa -- i have the worst cold right now myself, i wish i could snap my fingers and have it made : )

    definitely a recipe i'll try down the road.

  50. I would say that soup should put you on the mend ASAP! It looks great! Hope you are feeling better

  51. I know I'm late getting here but your soup looks like just the thing when not feeling well! I hope you are better now! :)

  52. Looks yum. Hope you're feeling better now.

    (ANd I have to confess, my non-rural self freaked out about the line where you said it's leftover from one of your chickens! Argh!!)


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