Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Egg Sandwich Bento for Muffin Tin Monday

Hard to believe Easter is already over.  Time sure can fly sometimes.  Pierce found an Easter egg sandwich in his lunchbox.
He had a cheese sandwich with mustard (and olive + sliced pepperoni for decoration), strawberries, an energy ball (see my post last Tuesday for a recipe link), dried apricots (Pierce and I both LOVE these!), and some tortilla chips.  Pierce ate every single thing in his lunchbox and didn't leave a crumb!

Speaking of food (or, uh, drinks), have you all tried Sneaky Pete's yet? We were sent some to try (I was under no obligation to review it or anything) and I really like it! It has as much fiber as a bowl of oatmeal, but only 40 calories. And it isn't a really heavy taste like a protein drink (which I can't tolerate). My husband and Pierce really enjoyed them too.  If you want to boost your fiber in a healthy drink, you might give it a try - they just hit the stores last month. 

For more fun lunch ideas for kids, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. Loving that easter egg sandwich. It is super cute!

  2. i always love your lunch ideas!! and all of your blog posts, though i am so terrible these days with leaving comments .... i hope you four have a great spring break : )

    and i'm going to have to try the sneaky pete ....

  3. Love that sandwich! !!! Glad Easter was good at your house! !! Have a good day

  4. The egg turned out well, I like the effect the olives make. My girl Loves dried apricots, too!

  5. I really love your egg lunch! JDaniel would love the olives!

  6. Not even a crumb left? Oh my! I can't stand the taste of protein drinks either!

  7. What a cute idea... you're an awesome creative mom, the best kind!

  8. Protein and fiber in my diet is something I aim for and I might have to try Sneaky Pete's! Love the creative Easter Egg sandwich. Happy Monday Lisa.

  9. Super cute lunch! :> Hope you enjoyed your Easter!

  10. your sliced pepperoni was very clever. :)

  11. That sandwich is so cute--just like an egg! You are so creative.

    Thanks for the tip on Sneaky Pete's. With my stomach issues, I'll be looking for it in the store.

  12. I initially read the name as 'Stinky Pete'. Haha!

  13. If I lived near you, would you fix my lunch? Pierce is a lucky little guy that you go to so much trouble although I know you love doing this for him! :)

  14. Haven't heard of Sneaky Pete's but I'll look for it up here! I am making those darn balls this week...can't wait! When I watched Mia last week I "shaped" her sandwich...she ate the whole thing...LOL...her parents said she's not a good eater!...:)JP

  15. So cute! Thanks for sharing this lovely creative idea :-)

  16. Your creativity must drive the other Moms crazy!

  17. Never heard of Sneaky Pete's, but then again I don't get out much.

    What a great mom you are, making all those adorable snacks!

  18. The Easter Egg sandwich is awesome. I need to be more creative!

  19. Lovin' that Easter egg sandwich!

  20. Every week, I say it is my favorite but I do believe this has to be my absolute favorite! I love it!

  21. Hey if they won't eat that - I will. sandie

  22. That is just way too cute Lisa! Love it!

  23. ohhhh, that lunch looks soooo yummmy!

  24. Lisa
    I can see why Pierce ate it all. It sure looks yummy!
    The drink sounds pretty good. I'll have to give it a try!

  25. Hi Lisa, YUM--that lunch that Pierce had looks delicious. I'm not surprised that he ate it all!!!!! Love the Easter Egg sandwich..

    Haven't heard of those drinks. Will have to check them out.


  26. Love that Easter Egg Sandwich... and the Bento box idea. I saw some Bento Boxes at Uwjimaya's and they were $30 bucks and more...


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