Sunday, April 22, 2012

Family Four Pack of AMC Movie Tickets - Giveaway

When is the last time you went to the movies?  I confess it's been ages for me.  When Black Swan came out in the theatres, I made a special point to sneak out with my friend Joan to watch it, because ballet has always intrigued me (even if I hated actually practicing ballet as a kid).  Plus, it seemed like everyone on twitter was raving about it.  But I haven't been to the movies since.  It's gotten expensive, so it's a splurge I don't do very often.  Last time I went with my husband was when I was very pregnant with Pierce - now that's been a long time!  We went to see Little Miss Sunshine.  I remember feeling victorious that I only had to make one trip to the bathroom during the course of the film. 
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So if your budget is tight like mine, maybe you'd like a chance to win 4 tickets to AMC movie theatres?  One lucky reader will win 4 passes!  This giveaway is sponsored by Logallot - where you can read all sorts of wonderful tips about making your blog successful.
This is a Rafflecopter giveaway, so just click on the "Read More" under my signature to enter. 

Disclaimer: I did not receive anything in exchange for this giveaway.  I knew it would be of interest to my readers.  Opinions expressed are my own. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Gosh, yes, the movies are so expensive anymore and they come out so quickly on DVD and On Demand we hardly go see them anymore but it is fun to go at times.

  2. We always go to matinees. They are $5 so it helps a lot. We rent too but still enjoy going when we can.

  3. Last time I went to the movies was to see Cats and Dogs 2 with Pierce. He adored the 3-D glasses.

  4. It's been so many years I can't recall the last movie I saw at the threatre! Now, I'm so old, should I remember to go, I can get in for the Senior rate of $1.00!

  5. Going to the movies really IS expensive! Andrew and I try to sneak to a matinee when we're visiting my mom, so she can spend time with Livie, if there's a PG or R movie he and I want to see. But it's a rare chance.

    I can't remember the last movie we saw in the theater - maybe "Mr. Popper's Penguins" (starring Jim Carrey) with Livie, my mom, Andrew, and my grandmother.

  6. I saw The Hunger Games and loved it!

  7. I can't even remember the last time because of the noise and claustropia. :)

  8. I love the movies and it's so expensive. Pick me! :)

  9. There are some good movies coming out this year too :)

  10. oops...forgot to tell you the movie I last saw. Source Code with Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan, and we loved it; so much so that we bought it when it came out on DVD!

  11. Last time I saw a movie was March 30 this year, I saw Hunger Games and it was awesome!

  12. We hardly ever go to the movies either-and when we do it's always to a matinee to get cheaper tickets. The last movie we saw was just this past December-to see TinTin. Amy is a huge fan of the books, and all of us enjoyed the movie too:)

  13. I used to go all the time. Sometimes I go with clients, but only on a rare occasion.

  14. We may have been to the movies twice in the last 15 years! Well, one thing is I don't like most of the movies out there. When one looks good, I will wait for the DVD. You are having a lot of cool giveaways lately!!

  15. The last movie we saw in theaters was as a family of 5. There are 7 of us now, and it was the first Transformers movie. I enjoyed it, but it has just gotten too expensive. It basically costs the same to drag everyone with us, as it does to get a sitter for five kids LOL

    -Justice Montgomery

  16. We just saw Hunger Games, and it was awesome! I really loved it.

  17. Enjoy ladies! Keep in mind any movies that are 3D will be an extra charge.

  18. I can't remember the last one I saw, but I had let the Hubs pick it and it was a bang, bang movie.

  19. The last time I went to the movies, we wanted to see Hunger Games, but it was sold out. BOOO! So instead we saw Wrath of the Titans. lol. :)

  20. Flight 93...when I lived down there, Baby Girl...I went solo...:)JP

  21. Last movie we saw at the movies was "The Vow"! We liked it a lot

  22. I saw War Horse and it was pretty good.

  23. It is crazy expensive to go anymore, but I love going with both my husband and my best girlfriend. Would love to win this!

  24. Titanic. Loved it---again


  25. My husband and I joke that we have to take out a small-term loan to go to the movies! I think the last one we went to see was "Cowboys and Aliens." I didn't really want to see it, but my husband loves Westerns and alien movies, so it was a must-see.

    BTW, I love "Little Miss Sunshine."

  26. We saw Act of Valor and we absolutely love it

    Jamie Brigham
    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

  27. The last movie I saw in a theatre was Ghost Rider 2 and it was sooooo bad! It wasn't my choice to begin with, but my date really wanted to see it (and was SURPRISED that it was bad...which was a clue). I almost never go to movies because it's so pricey, even for one person, even for a matinee.

  28. mission impossible ghost protocol--yes we all liked this movie..thanks

  29. Yes, expensive and I must say, the themes are too dark for me. My favorite movie last year was the documentary "Senna" about the late Brazilian race car driver.

  30. We saw Fast and Furious Four (I think) together. I am trying to think of what we last saw with our kiddo. Took her to see The Muppets, I think that might be the last one we saw AT the theater as a family! :P

  31. We saw Chimpanzee this past weekend and really liked it.

  32. The last movie I saw was Titanic 3D. It was date night! ;)

  33. The last movie we saw was Cars 2 :)

  34. The last movie I saw in theatres was The Lorax movie. We loved it. My kids love going to the movies.

  35. the last movie i saw in the theater was step up 3d and i loved it!

  36. The last movie I saw in theaters was the 4th Pirates Of The Caribbean in 3D. I enjoyed it!

  37. Wow its been so long I can hardly remember.. its been at least 3 years ago

  38. bridesmaids and yes!

    abile27 at yahoo dot com

  39. We saw hunger games and lived it!

  40. I haven't been to the movies forever!! It's been to long. It's hard for me to pay full price to go to a movie... it ends up being an expensive family activity!

  41. Saw The Lucky One. It was great.

  42. The last movie I went to see was Mission Impossible IIII, and it was excellent from start to finish.

  43. The Hunger Games and it was great! (Corey Olomon)(

  44. My husband and I saw "Sherlock Holmes 2" - and really liked it!

  45. I think the last movie I saw in the theaters was Avatar. Movies are just so expensive these days plus I have the two little ones, so it's hard to get out. I'd love to see Hunger Games and The Avengers though!

  46. Chimpanzee. It was a good movie, but a little too long. Chimps can only do so many cute things before it's redundant.

  47. Last movie I saw was Hunger Games with my daughter.

    jennd811 at yahoo dot com

  48. The last movie I saw in the theater was the new Tron movie. I really wanted to like it, but it was kinda lame.

    lara at twiceblessedlife dot com

  49. The last movie we saw was Puss and Boots I believe. The kids liked it and did well.

  50. The last time I was at the movies was to see Inception, it's been awhile!

  51. Honestly, it was Book of Eli, and no we didn't like it :(

  52. The last movie we saw as a family was Alvin and the Chipmunks: was my daughter's first time seeing a movie at a theater and she loved it :)

  53. The last movie I was was Rango, with my granddaughter.

  54. We saw Hunger Games about two weeks ago - it was great!

  55. I don't remember the last one I saw (it was really bad) but my favorite last year (2011) was The Help. Wonderful Movie!

    Tina 'the book lady'

  56. last movie I saw was Signs I think that was about 10 11 years ago I liked it a little
    hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

  57. I saw God Bless America at a film festival and LOVED it!

    marija.majerle at gmail do tcom

  58. The last movie I seen was Hunger games and I really enjoyed it.

  59. Last movie I saw at the theater was Wrath of the Titans. My family and I all thought it was a pretty good movie. (:
    allishagold at volcano dot net

  60. The Hunger games and I loved it!!

  61. I saw 21 Jumpstreet with my brother and it was so funny!!

  62. I saw Twilight. That was the last one.

  63. I saw Twilight. That was the last movie I saw.

  64. I made my husband take me to see Titanic in 3D... he fell asleep.. lol
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. We saw the Hunger Games the weekend it came out, and enjoyed it (my daughter the most...she's a huge fan of the books & wanted to see the movie as soon as it was out!). We'll probably go see the Avengers next weekend.


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