Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fitness Recap - March 2012

It's been a good month for me.  So much better than last March, when I was injured.  I ran a half marathon this past month, and increased my long runs to 15 miles.  And at the track, I finally broke the 7 minute mile barrier and ran a 6:58 mile - for the first time ever!  As for the spring weather?  Well it made for fantastic running too.

Total miles = 103
Yoga x 13 I've been really stressed out, and you can see it in all the yoga. I don't think I've ever done this much yoga in a month.  Just trying to find some solace.  Thankfully, I don't think you can ever do too much yoga.
Weights x 9

You know what I've been loving this month?  No bake energy balls.  I've made them twice and they are delicious!
I've seen quite a few recipes online for these, but I've been making the recipe I found on The Sweet Detail. 

I'm going to be cutting back on my speedwork at the track for the next couple of weeks, upon the recommendation of my ART (active release therapy) practitioner, who feels that is what is aggravating my hip/glute.  Hoping a 5K in April will keep my legs a little speedy - I've worked hard and I don't want to lose that - but I also don't want to battle a long-term injury again.  The last week of March after my half marathon I barely ran at all - just a measly 11 miles for the week - and the glute is still bothering me.  If things don't improve, I'll be making April a very light running month in hopes of keeping serious injury at bay. 

What are your plans for April, readers?


Anonymous said...

April: a trip south :) and healing a torn calf muscle

Jill said...

Congratulations on a fantastic month!

Out on the prairie said...

Sometimes when training we need to look out for overdoing it, and let our bodies rest.My miles lately are looking for morel mushrooms.LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow! You are doing so well! Congrats!

Barbara said...

It sounds like a great month. I always do yoga when I'm stressed too.

w said...

great runs! you're awesome. my plan for april is to sleep more and be awake less. yay!

Gone Country said...

I just did my first Yoga session last week at home watching a DVD. My plans are to do a 30 minute session at least 3 times a week to increase my flexibility and strengthen my inner core.

I also plan to work in both the flower and veggie gardens all month.

Melodie said...

Congrats on beating the 7 min mile!I hope you get healed up so you can run to your hearts content!

Eat To Live said...

I didn't know you were into yoga too!! I have never really tried it except on the wii and I don't think that counts.

I looked at the recipe for energy balls. I haven't been using oatmeal because it was not on my alkaline list. I might give it a try in a couple months. I think in June is when I am finished with the protocol I am working on.

andy said...

Great job Lisa! !! Have a great day!

Sally said...

Whoa! Great job on the 6:58!

I'm gonna check out that link.

April? One day at a time for me. LOL

TexWisGirl said...

sure hope your body will recover w/o injury!

Chris said...

I'm sure they taste delicious Lisa, but... ;-)

Well done on the running though. Hope you've managed find solace in all that yoga. You'll have mastered levitation soon.

Anonymous said...

Someday I need to track my running by miles. I think it would be inspiring.

Valerie Boersma said...

So that I could still exercise even when it's too snowy and icy to go outside, I bought an exercise bike. I've decided that I want to pedal my way to Hawaii-around 2500 miles. It will take awhile, and so I'll be needing to make lots of those energy balls. They look really tasty! Thanks for sharing the recipe Lisa, and congratulations on your fitness accomplishments for March:)

Tracy said...

Good for you Lisa...great work! I use to run marathons when my knees were in better shape and I mis that runner's high! I'm glad you are doing well!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Delish!!! DH would love those! Coconut and peanut butter are two of his favorite things. And the flax seed... well... we all know the benefits of adding some of that to the diet.

V and A said...

I've never heard of an energy ball. They look awesome though!


Jackie said...

Great job!

I really need to figure out how to get working out into my schedule! It seems that I never have the time!

Jen said...

Oh yes, better take it easy rather than risk an injury...it's just downright depressing when injury strikes.
Off to check out the energy ball link...you had me at "no bake". :)

Missy | Literal Mom said...

I have a recipe for no bake energy bars but haven't tried it. Totally want to. thanks for the reminder!

Ginny Hartzler said...

These balls looks delicious and so easy to make! You don't have to have any energy to make them! I will be praying that you heal completely!!!

Angela said...

I'm probably the only one who will say it but the energy ball scares me! lol I'll leave it at that but I will look at the ingredients to see what's in them.

Hope you get better soon!

Liz Mays said...

I think you're wise to take it easy. It's way too hard to fight back from a major injury!

Michelle said...

Bees are arriving here at the farm. Buzz, buzz...

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

You're amazing! I hope you recover soon and can get back into it in May!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Wow! You're doing great!

April? Oh, so many things . . .

Tweedles -- that's me said...

you are inspiring - no matter what you do!

Nancy said...

I know it must be difficult to cut back on your exercise -- but likely best to follow dr's orders!:)

Kim said...

Like I said - my hero. I think it's wonderful that you are willing to listen to your body and give it the breaks it needs. I love yoga and would love to get into it more. They offer classes at our work gym but I'm always paranoid that I'll take away from my other workouts if I spend one of two of my days at yoga. I think I need to change this mind set.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am impressed. Those treats sound really good.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm all over those!...:)JP

shirley said...

I'm starting to ramp up more activity since I'm now almost 8 weeks post ACL constructive surgery. Two days of elliptical / bike workouts and adding in two days of swimming. Daily Pilates for my core.