Monday, April 30, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday School Lunch

Muffin Tin Monday here.  Pierce had a bento lunch last week that was cute and healthy that I thought I would share.

A crabby skewer of sliced kiwi, some grape tomatoes, a few Annie's cheddar bunnies, a cheese fish shaped sandwich on a bed of roasted seaweed with an olive eye and a strawberry smile.  Pierce ate everything.

For more fun kids' lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


Tracy said...

Ahhh, Lisa, do you think I should pack my thirteen year olds lunch like that today? I can just see the middle school kids-he would love it of course...what a great idea!

Jill said...

Love that fish!

Emily said...

What a cute little fish!

andy said...

Love the fish! !!!!!! Have a great day

Unknown said...

That is adorable! I love the fish, and we have big Kiwi fans here. I want that lunch for myself! :)

Thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

Love the Bento lunches! My kiddos think it is fun and gets them out of the 'sandwich' rut that must kids eat for lunch.

Cuby said...

Pierce ate the olive I am so impressed. I love olives but I know many adults here who don't. Great lunch again and so healthy. A lucky young boy.

Anonymous said...

Your fish looks really happy about lunch!

TexWisGirl said...

lovin' the fish. :)

Slamdunk said...

Your kids one their lunches to treasures that is for sure Lisa.

Older boy eats kiwi, but not sure if the younger ones like it or not. I'll have to try.

Marie said...

What fun for your son! Very cute!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha.... love the seaweed under the fish. You rock!

Michaele said...

I love how that strawberry actually made a perfect fish smile : )

V and A said...

you are always so creative with your meals. I need to start doing this more

I Am Woody said...

Your creativity is amazing!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belo aspecto...Espectacular....

Valerie Boersma said...

What a cute lunch! I love the theme of it. I'm ready for summer and a more beachy frame of mind:)

We recently tried Annie's macaroni and cheese-and liked it a lot! I'll have to get some of those bunnies:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awwww, cute! I like your fish more than the Pepperidge Farm fish bread, too! Much better.

Anonymous said...

must be a girl fish with red lips

Liz Mays said...

How did you get him to eat the roasted seaweed?

Buttons Thoughts said...

I would so eat that it is so cute and I am sure it tastes great. B

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Oh gosh I love the fish! LOVE it. My daughter is excited when I do triangles on her sandwich, I can't imagine how excited she would be if she saw a fish!

Sandy said...

Roasted seaweed....ewwwwww!

Connie Arnold said...

Cute! How nice to share such fun in a child's lunch!

Angela said...

Great lunch Lisa! Does he ever ask for seconds? My son has the appetite of Jethrow but he's not a big boy! lol

Anonymous said...

How fun! I love the crabby stick!

Michelle said...

You are the best lunch packing mama EVER.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love fun food too!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Would you be willing to pack MY lunch? LOL

Seriously, that looks yummy and so fun. I love the fish-shaped sandwich!

Nancy said...

Great choices! Making me hungry right now. :)

Barbara said...

the fishy sandwich is so cute!