Saturday, April 7, 2012

Oxylent Children's Multivitamin Drink Giveaway

Do you give your children vitamins?  Even though we try to eat a healthy and balanced diet, with off-and-on picky eating habits, not to mention the occasional illness, I think it's important to make sure your child is getting the nutrients he or she needs.  Enter Children's Oxylent - which provides D3, calcium and magnesium to support bone and muscles; zinc, Vitamin C and D to promote healthy immunity; and all the B vitamins to nuture the body, mind, and well being. 
 You know what else is nice?  It's sweetened with Stevia instead of sugar.  It comes in easy to use individual packets (great for travel!).  I emptied a Bubbly Berry Punch flavored one into a glass and added water.  Pierce liked the fizzy action.

I have to say that he is crazy for this effervescent multivitamin drink.  He went on and on about it.  Pure five year old gushing.  MOM!  I really, really, really like this drink!  I think he'd drink it all day long if he could.  Too bad for him he just takes it once a day. 
Would you like to enter to win a 30 day supply of Oxylent, so your own kids can give this a try and gush away about it?  Just click on the "Read More" below my signature to enter.  If you would like to purchase a box, you can use the code BLOGOXYLENT to receive 15% off your entire order.  They also make products for adults and for pregnant women.
Disclaimer:  I was sent a 30 day supply of Oxylent along with some samples to try.  The opinions stated above are my own and my 5 year old's honest opinions.   Trust me - if he didn't like it, he'd certainly say so.  Nothing quite like 5 year old honesty.  Please note as well that my statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used to treat or diagnose.  As always, talk to your doctor before making changes in your health care.     

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. They didnt have stuff like that when my kids were that age.

  2. Wish they'd had those things when my kids were small :) Sounds nice.
    Have a fantastic Day!


  3. I'm with Clint, they didn't have things like this.

    I would like the Blackbery Pomegranate

  4. Never heard of this, but I bet you can't buy it in the drug stores, I have never seen it. Maybe Health Food Stores.

  5. Blackberry Pomagranate. Cause I <3 Pom flavored stuff to try!

  6. I am going to have to say Berries! Kid friendly.

  7. Never heard of it- but great review!

  8. sounds like a good idea for kids!!

  9. Sounds awesome - With Andrew's diet of pizza, hotdogs, macaroni and cheese and fish nuggets....we need all the help (nutrition wise) we can get.

  10. I'd like blackberry pomegranate.

    aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

  11. Sparkiling berries for sure!

    chrisziegler69 (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. Sparkling Mandarin

    FB: Toni Marie Caravello
    reannenny at
    Twitter: Tonic67
    Google: toni caravello or reannenny

  13. I would like to try the Sparkling Mandarin!

  14. Sparkling Blackberry Pomegranate.
    Sounds Great!

  15. id like to try the sparkling blackberry pomegranate.

  16. I would like to try the blackberry pomegranate.

  17. definitely sparkling berries


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