Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Chicken Snack on Muffin Tin Monday

It seems that all of the sudden Easter is just around the corner.  Last Fall I picked up a cute chick deviled egg tin at a thrift store and I thought it would be a great way to put out a snack for the twins after their nap.
 The twins had strawberries, grapes, apple slices, carrots, energy balls (recipe link for these coming tomorrow!), goldfish, and a boiled egg.
The strawberries were first to go, followed by the energy balls, then the grapes, goldfish, and eggs.  For some reason, they were boycotting apples and carrots on this day.

For more fun spring lunch ideas for kids, check out Muffin Tin Mom. 


Clint Baker said...

They are so so cute!

Chris said...

Yep, I'd have eaten them in the same order Lisa (although I'm not sure on the energy balls...I'll have a look later to see what's in them?)

Jill said...

I sure wish you and your cute ideas were around when my kids were little. Sure would have made it easier and more fun to get those good foods in. Love this!

Barbara said...

I love the chicken tin you used. So perfect for spring and Easter. Strawberries are always the first to go at our house too.

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute idea! I love how one is pointing out what to eat to the other.

Eat To Live said...

They are sure digging into those snacks.

Cute way to present them.

Anonymous said...

Kids always seem to love one thing for a while and then move on to a new love when it comes to food likes and dislikes. Sometimes I think it's just their body telling them what they need on any given day.

But I could be wrong about this... LOL

Sally said...

Those little boys have a very loving mama. Love this! :)

Betty Manousos said...

what a cute spring lunch idea!
you always come up with the best ideas, lisa!

i love it:)

wishing a great week ahead.

Andrea said...

I LOVE the tray! How adorable is that!?!

Unknown said...

Lisa I love your post with the twins. Their dishes are so fun to see. What a great mom you are! Hope you have a great day! Hugs

Valerie Boersma said...

That is definitely the cutest deviled egg plate I've ever seen! What a fun and excellent thrift store find:) Happy Monday Lisa!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a wonderful treat to wake up to! I would have eaten the strawberries first, too, then the eggs. Lots of good stuff there. I'm curious about what's in the energy balls.

TexWisGirl said...

cute little snackers. :)

Slamdunk said...

Now that is a hit. Strawberries are the first to go here as well.

Liz Mays said...

They're too cute with their strawberries in one hand and the other hand already looking ahead to the next selection!

Be Brave, Keep Going said...

So awesome! I love that chick egg tray.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is beyond cute!!! I look forward to the recipe, I could use some extra energy!

andy said...

Very cool """!"!! Hope you have a great day!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Lisa, What a clever idea... Bet the twins loved snacks being given to them THAT way... That is awesome.. Bet those energy balls are good... BUT--don't we adults need them more than kids????? ha ha


The Southern Peach-Girls said...

Looks YUMMY! Right now we're on a 2nd diet (only for a week, though) and we can't eat that kind of stuff. Actually we can't EAT ANYTHING! It's a juicing diet. But normally when we're on diet no.1 we can eat the fruits and veggies and the deviled eggs. And also, thanks for commenting on my blog! Your comment on my "How-to make Smoothie" was funny!

-Bella Hope!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I'm heading to the local thrift store & dollar store on Wednesday to look for things I can use with the little ones! Can't wait to hear about the energy balls!...:)JP

Michaele said...

Darling! I have a blue bunny tray like this.

Michelle said...

Looking forward to the recipe for the energy balls. Really a cute tray and so much more enticing than a plate!

Angela said...

Love the tray Lisa! It's so cute! It was sweet getting to see the twins picking out their favorites! Mine would have taken the strawberries first too only mine would have grabbed both and the other would have been out of luck! lol

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

These are adorable! You are always so creative!

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a fun lunch to share!!

Mom of 12 said...

You are such a good mom...

PD said...

Very pretty! I love those too my goodness that was very nice….looks like a very delicious casserole

Tracie said...

You are so creative, I must try this someday.

Barb said...

This is a very cute idea - do they share equally? I had twin boys (fraternal) 44 years ago and one of my twins now has 9 year old twins (boy/girl). Also, my mother was a triplet way back in 1911. Lots of work but twice the joy - and three times with your other little guy!

Jen said...

That is awesome!! I can't believe Easter is right around the corner either.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love that tin!

Nancy said...

I'd eat the "dessert" first too! :)