Thursday, April 5, 2012

You Say Salt, I Say Pepper - Rural Thursday

My grandmother has been cleaning out her house and recently asked if I'd like an assortment of salt and pepper shakers.  She thought I could try to sell them in my Etsy store.  Well, they arrived and although I haven't been collecting salt and pepper shakers, I immediately fell in love with about half of them, and this, apparently, is how a collection is born.  This was my favorite:
 Although I also loved this Asian couple:
 And these overly happy purple cows:
 My Mom says these serene farm scene salt and peppers belonged to my great great aunt:

Now I truly love these cute little elephants.  However, my sister-in-law collects elephants. And she just popped out a 9 lb. 10 ounce baby boy (congrats!!).  I think she deserves these elephants, don't you?  So I'm saving these for her.

And I kind of liked these white ears of corn on the cob:

These two were my grandmother's favorites, so I'm hanging on to them as well.  
There are many others I saved for myself, but there are also a great many in my Etsy shop if you'd like to check them out.  I certainly think it's a fun way to dress up a dinner table!

It's Rural Thursday, so time for you to link up with Nancy from A Rural Journal and myself with your tales of the country life.  Do you have a collection too?  We want to hear about it.  Or tell us about your gardening adventures, spring flowers, or hunting for eggs.  Just grab the code below the button and paste it into your blog.  Then come back to link up to your url.  Don't forget to please visit the blogs of at least 5 others who participate, and leave them some comment love!


Out on the prairie said...

A wonderful collection

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are just adorable, I have a hard time choosing a favorite. I want to collect everything I like, guess I'm a born collector. I have a collection of little boxes right now, that I've had forever.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I love the purple cows!

My maternal grandmother collected salt and pepper shakers. They lined shelves in her living room. After she died, they were divided amongst her 10 children and numerous grandchildren. I have a pretty little set with pink flowers.

Sounds like a fun collections!

Mom of 12 said...

Hey, my MIL had the little cows. They are my favorite!

Brian King said...

Those remind me of ones my grandmother had. She collected things like that including plates. She always brought back keepsake items from each of their vacations.

Eat To Live said...

What cute salt and pepper shakers your Grandma had. My Hubs has been buying the ones with batteries that grinds chunks of salt and pepper. I think I have 3 different sets with batteries.

Jill said...

My grandma also collected salt and pepper shakers. I wish I had kept them. Yours are all adorable.

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! I would want to keep them too

Betty Manousos said...

so pretty!!

this is a very beautiful collection of salt and pepper shakers.

have a great day!

Karen said...

These are adorable! Especially love the happy purple cows.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Great start on your collection! I love the farm scene shakers- but all are so cute!!

Amy Burzese said...

All of those shakers are great! I especially like the little cottages.

Mary said...

Those are so cute! I love the cowa and the elephants. I'd keep all of those too :)

Melodie said...

Those are great ! I wouldn't have been able to sell them either!

Anonymous said...

trying to figure out the "blog hop", when you say, "Then come back to link up to your url," you mean come back to your blog? then do what?

GardenOfDaisies said...

So fun!! I'm glad you are keeping a few of your favorites. Yes, that is exactly how a collection is born. Those purple cows are kinda cute! :-)

Candy C. said...

OMG, those are all sooo cute but I think I like the chicken set the best too! :)

TexWisGirl said...

they are pretty darn cute. :)

Sally said...


Oh for sure, your sis-in-law will love those! :)

Congrats to her.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a fun collection! Wish I had a cabinet in which to keep something like these. :)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Those are fantastic! What a collection. How awesome!

V and A said...

I love those shakers! I think my fav's is the rooster

Anonymous said...

Going to go check them out on your Etsy page. I have an aunt that collected salt and pepper shakers when I was a kid. She had an entire cabinet for them and it was just chock full of the things... Fun stuff.

Judy said...

Oh wow, I do collect salt and pepper shakers and I would add these to my collection.

Annsterw said...

Wha is your etsy shop? I cant find it

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I have a darling Bunny set ...old as the hills! Happy Easter, Baby Girl! Hope all is well with you and your family!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Retro awesomeness! I've seen that Asian couple before somewhere else...

Anonymous said...

Those are really cute!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are so vintage! I do collect S&P shakers and these are really cute ones.

Tracy said...

Lisa, my SIL collects salt and pepper shakers and they are so clever how some nestle inside each other and don't even look like shakers...

gtyyup said...

Those would be so simple to collect...and probably addicting too huh?!? I'll have to check you Etsy store. I found a pair of horses once but gave them to a friend.

Thanks for hosting Lisa!

Nancy said...

I once had a salt & pepper collection that my dad initiated for me. It was fun. Yours are really sweet.

Debbie said...

so cute and vintage. i can see why you kept them!!

Liz Mays said...

They're all so whimsical and delightful!

Valerie Boersma said...

I love your collection Lisa! They are all so wonderful and fun! :)

p.s. I'll write soon:)

Anonymous said...

I love these shakers Lisa, they're so cute - especially the cows :)

Anonymous said...

SO precious! Yup, looks like a new collection/collector has been formed! Thanks for hosting!

Adrienne said...

That is such a cool collection!

Angela said...

Your grandmother has a sweet collection there! The corn on the cob is perfect for Summer when having corn on the cob for dinner! Oh how I can't wait for some corn on the cob and that is months away....

Happy Easter!

Lin said...

I've just started acquiring cute s & p shakers lately--I'm addicted. My favorite is my two peas in a pod that my husband got for free from someone at work. Dang, they are cute.

I LOVE the ones you got--I'm going to your etsy shop now....

Anonymous said...

They are so cute! My grandmother collected salt and pepper shakers too!

Michaele said...

I wonder what it was about grandmas and salt and pepper shaker collections? I will have to go check out your store now : )

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your new collection of salt and pepper shakers are so cute!

Nancy said...

I've been noticing those s&p's in your etsy widget -- so cute! I would not have been able to let go of any of them. Great collection, Lisa!

Claire Justine said...

These are so sweet,I would save them all too :)

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love those! My grandma collected salt and pepper shakers, and was so proud of them. She passed away 12 years ago, and over the summer, my family finally got together to go through her collection. I left with many treasures!