Monday, May 28, 2012

Creole Hearts on Muffin Tin Monday

I love to cook cajun and creole style foods.  My boys don't seem to appreciate it as much as my husband and I, but I keep hoping eventually they'll anticipate nights of spicier dishes.
This tin is actually a microwave cake tin that my mom picked up somewhere.  I need to track down those mug microwave cake recipes everyone was making last winter and give it a shot!  Meantime, it seemed appropriate for a Muffin Tin Monday.  We had red beans + rice w/ celery, onions, and smoked turkey sausage, a hard boiled egg from our chickens (who are laying quite well lately), a strawberry fruit leather (homemade!) and some fresh grapes. 

For more fun MTM ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom


Roan said...

I enjoy Cajun food, but I haven't tried any recipes. I miss my favorite Cajun restaurant in Dallas. We don't have anything similar around here. ;(

Anonymous said...

We need to try cajun! We haven't yet.

Cuby said...

I too love cajun food and music. What is strawberry leather? Yummy lunch once again.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love Cajun and Creole food also, Lisa. Of course, I lived in New Orleans for 4 yrs--so I enjoyed it ALOT.

Love the little heart shaped muffin tins.... Cute!!!

Happy Memorial Day. Let's never forget those men and women who gave their lives for us and for our freedom.


Sugary Flower said...

Looks yummy! My daughter won't eat spicy foods either, but we try to "introduce" her in other ways - eg I will make an Indian curry with a lot of side dishes (yellow rice, paratha bread, pureed cucumber raita, bananas with yoghurt & coconut). The Muffin eats just the side dishes and is happy - Husband and I get to have our curry, so we're happy too!

Karen said...

Oh, this looks so good even to me!... and I have the cake in a cup recipe on my blog under recipes... it really is easy and awesome.

Valerie Boersma said...

An egg from your own chicken is so cool! Everything else looks so good too, and I have that cake recipe by the way-I'll send it to you this week:)

Angela said...

I live in the dark ages Lisa! I've never had Cajan food. Mostly because of living in WV I suppose. Then mom always made meat, potato, vegetable type meals. Country cooking I suppose. I don't even think there are any Cajan restaurants around here either.

MichelleM said...

Delicious lunch! My kiddies would gobble everything in that lunch and beg for more! So envious that you h ave your own eggs! :)

Nancy said...

This all looks so good -- love the sausage and rice. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I love this heart-shaped pan and the food looks delicious. I gave your name to my sis in IN (Karen @ Lily Valley blog). She babysits her 2 yr old granddaughter and I know she will love MTM!

Deborah Ann said...

There's so many foods I love but my family will not eat. Although I'm not sure how spicy I would like it. But I do like additions such as cilantro, avocado, mint leaves, etc. Guess I'll have to get those things in restaurants...heavy sigh.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Looks delicious! I love Cajan food, sans the sausage.

That homemade strawberry leather looks a lot tastier than the store-bought fruit roll-ups!

Marie said...

My son would have loved the strawberry leather! He loved roll ups and I'm sure yours is so much more tastier! Hope you are enjoying your holiday!

Sally said...

Looks really good. I've never had red beans and rice, but going to try it someday. Like the way you at least introduce foods to the boys; that's what my granddaughter has done, and Hunter likes just about everything; she LOVES salad. LOL

jp@A Green Ridge said...

YUM! Rice & beans tastes delicious with slaw (just an FYI!!)...what microwave cakes? Did I miss that or are you holding out on me, Baby Girl?...:)JP

Eat To Live said...

Cute Tin. I used to make the cake in a cup. They taste pretty good.

Creole food is something that I think has to grow on you, especially if you didn't grow up with it.

Michaele said...

I'd eat that! Just reading the words red beans and rice made me hungry.

Gail Dixon said...

As you must guess from my name, I adore Cajun food. Hopefully your kids will catch on sooner rather than later. :) Love the tin; looks like it would serve to help me with portion control. The food you prepared looks yummy!

Barbara said...

I love Cajun food and my son adores it but my husband does not for some reason. He is going to have to suck it up this week because now I am craving red beans and rice! yum!! Such a cute tin.

Kim said...

That looks really good. I'm going to have to investigate turkey sausage.

An Apel a Day said...

My husband and I are the same way. The kids - not so much. Someday...

Right now I'm just glad they will eat things like: Salmon, chicken, peppers, celery, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. They love any fruit as well.

Jen said...

I know I tell you this on every muffin tin post...but I LOVE these. They are awesome :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I am always looking for tins for the girls now!...:)JP