Friday, May 25, 2012

Fairy Stone State Park

For Mother's Day I usually request a hiking trip, and this year was no different.  We flipped through a couple of hiking in Virginia type books and finally decided to head to Fairy Stone State Park.  It's crazy that we'd never been before, since it's only an hour away.
 We certainly had fun hiking the Lakeshore Trail to the dam.  The boys had a lot of fun with a millipede they found.

Our youngest?  He has decided he prefers to ride than walk, although he still apparently needs a hiking stick even when refusing to hike.

Beautiful lake view:

At least the youngest was willing to get down for photo ops:

A bit of a grade...

Would you look at this tree?  It seems my old neighbor, JP, has been defacing trees out at Fairy Stone Park.  Do you see the big JP on the upper left? 

We also found a few trees defaced by a very busy beaver!

Made it to the dam!

We finally gave up and put Cort in the backpack.  But please note that he still has his hiking stick.  He's still hiking, you know, even if he's refusing to walk.

Once again, he gets down for pictures!

After our hike we drove to the spot where you look for fairy stones.  Little stone crosses, left by the fairies, are mementos of their inhabitation of this enchanted spot.  (Okay, technically they were formed by a combination of heat and pressure during the folding and crumpling of the earth's crust in the formation of the Appalachian Mountains.  However, I personally prefer the romping, playing fairies explanation). 

Reid and Cort decide to climb on a log instead of hunting for fairy stones.

They are tricky to find, and we did hunt for a while, but I've got a couple of tips for you if you go.  Walk far back - further than you think most people would.  Search along the edges, where the water has washed up in the past.  Look under leaf debrise.  We found a small handful all together.  Here's one of the best we discovered - this one, a St. Andrews version, was found by Paul:
Ever been hunting for fairy stones, readers?


  1. I had never heard of fairy stones until now. Very Cool!! You find the neatest places to go.

  2. That looks way cool! !! Glad you had such a great family with day! ! Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh I would love to hunt for fairy stones. I have never seen nor heard of them before I used to take my girls fossil hunting we have great fossil pits around here.
    Your kids are so adorable. I used to take my girls for hikes to funny now they take me. Love the hiking/sitting stick.:) B

  4. Oh wow- never heard of those before. My grands would have such fun looking for them. I think Cort has figured that Dad provides a better view.

  5. I'll bet those boys slept well that night - a bonus Mother's Day gift. What an enchanting place.

  6. oh how neat! we haven't been there yet but maybe we'll do this over the sumemr....i didn't know that about the stones!

  7. Fairy Stones are new to me, but I would love to find one. The photo of the boys, on the ground facing the camera, is definitely a framable photo! Just beautiful....

  8. I never heard of fairy stones. Very cool! This looks beautiful!

  9. Lisa-I think you should write a travel guide describing all of the fun places you have taken your boys! You always find the greatest places to go and this was no exception. I love your photos too-and the fairy stones are cool! But shame on JP, and all the other carvers (but not the beaver, LOL!)

    Great post!!

  10. Well, that's a park I haven't heard of. Guess those fairies like keeping it secret. :-)

  11. No...never!
    But here is a lovely entry!
    Love it!

  12. I've not heard of fairy stones, but they are pretty cool! Looks like your guys had a great time.

  13. I love the fairy stone! Such a pretty location for a hike and your boys are growing! Hope you have a nice weekend.

  14. seems fun..thanks for dropping by dear :)

  15. hi lisa,

    very cool post!
    fairy stones? interesting!
    i really enjoyed your shots, the boys look like they're having a lot of fun!

    have a great weekend!

  16. What a gorgeous place to spend your Mother's Day. I love the walking stick and how his royal highness was good enough to get down for the photo ops. We've got one of those same types over here:)

  17. Looks like a super fun day! Bet the boys were amazed at all the cool nature around them. Wish all kids could be exposed to a lifestyle that appreciates nature instead of spending hours playing video games.

  18. nope! hadn't heard of fairy stones until now. very cool, though! cort is too cute!

  19. I never heard of fairy stones--cool.
    The boy with the stick made me laugh--he was probably using it to prod his ride to go FASTER;)

  20. Your boys are so cute! It looks like you had a fun family outing! Hope you have a great holiday weekend!

  21. What a fun day! Would love to find a stone like this....

  22. No, I have not... but HOW COOL!!!!????!!!! and what an awesome (and beautiful) little adventure!

  23. Wow, this is SO cool!!! I have a book called Weird Virginia, and it has pictures and stories about all the weird stuff you can see in Va. It is a big hardcover book. All kinds of things... I have already been to a few. Anyway, this Fairy Stone place is in it!!!! I wanted to go, but cannot walk much and I don't think my wheelchair would traverse that grass well. I'm so glad you found some!!! They are really amazing!!!

    1. If you are not able to hunt for fairy stones, you can find some for sale in the gift shop. Fairy Stone State Park is a very special place nonetheless!

  24. No I have never been but I love the idea of the fairy stones. It looks like you had a beautiful day at a lovely park. Have a fun weekend.

  25. Another amazing family trip. The boys always are SO CUTE!!!! :)

  26. They boys really look like they enjoy exploring. I love Cort's hiking stick!

    I've heard of the park but didn't know why it was called Fairy Stone. That stone would make a really pretty necklace.

  27. Looked like fun - but I don't know how you get three children from point A to point B! sandie

  28. What a neat hike, Lisa... I've never been there ---and have never hunted for fairy stones... See what I've missed?????? Dang it!!!

    Cute pictures of your 3 cutie pies!!!!!

    Hope you have a great Memorial Day Weekend. It's going to be a hot one here (temps. in the 90's)... Yipes!!!!!


  29. What a nice set of shots, a great walk

  30. Hunting for fairy stones sounds like real fun! That view of the lake is simply breathtaking.

  31. Looks like a fun day of good exercise (ahem, Cort.) Had never heard of fairy stones -- neat that you found so many. :)

  32. "OLD" neighbor????? You did mean "former" didn't you? And no, I swear on all the moose-poops in the world, I did not deface that tree...but I am glad that I've left my mark in VA!!....:)JP

  33. What a great day! It looks like a beautiful place for a hike!

  34. I have never heard of Fairy Stones. Cort cracks me up...he has you guys That picture with Pierce in the grass is too cute!


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