Monday, May 7, 2012

Flowerlicious on Muffin Tin Monday

Last week we went to pick strawberries (more on that later this week) and we still had plenty of strawberries to use up even after I canned some jam and made a couple of batches of fruit leathers.  So Pierce got a fun flower in his lunch box.

Strawberries and kiwi with a small piece of homemade sour cream pound cake forming the center of the flower.  A cheese and mustard sandwich on homemade honey whole wheat bread with a bunny skewer of olives and Annie's cheddar bunnies on the side.  Looks like May to me!

For more fun ideas on kid's lunches, check out Muffin Tin Mom. 


Unknown said...

Cute flower! You must have gotten a ton of strawberries to be able to do all that! I am a bit jealous

Anonymous said...

Your homemade bread looks delicious! What a pretty meal!

andy said...

That's so creative! ! Hope you have a great Monday!!!

Karen said...

You're really very creative with these things... Perhaps I could have gotten my kids to eat healthier if I had tried this years ago!... it's STILL a struggle!

Heather said...

What a cute lunch! I never end up with anything so creative. My kids like to snack, so we make mainly snack type lunches. It works out well. :-)

Sugary Flower said...

Looks yummy. Wow, I wish I had that many strawberries! But I would make PIE. :o)

Chris said...

Very creative again Lisa.

Unknown said...

I really like this! The bear plates are adorable, and the meal looks great!

Thanks for sharing!


Jill said...

Yup! A perfect May lunch.

I Am Woody said...

Yum! Fresh strawberries! Makes me want a berry smoothie :)

Michelle said...

So cute and I love the bunny skewer!

Liz Mays said...

No arguments about lunch this week, I'm sure!

Chatty Crone said...

LOOKS DELISH to me. sandie

TexWisGirl said...

i bet your strawberries are a lot tastier than those i'm getting at the grocery store...

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Your Monday posts always make me hungry! :-)

Love the strawberry flower. And it's great that you made jam and fruit leathers--deep in winter, it's nice to enjoy the bounty from the spring!

Slamdunk said...

Yum. We have a few weeks until strawberry picking is a go up here, but we are excited nonetheless.

Valerie Boersma said...

So glad it's strawberry season! I'm looking for a good strawberry rhubarb jam recipe!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So cute...they make me hungry!

Myya said...

That is the yummiest flower I've seen :)

Helene said...

Very cute!!!!

Homemade sour cream pound're killing me!!! That looks delicious!!!

Misty said...

adorable! As if I expect anything else...

Michelle said...

What a great lunch. Could you please pass me a strawberry??? :)

Anonymous said...

Yum! I hope you'll share your sour cream pound cake recipe on your blog!

Unknown said...

this is adorable. I have some kiddos that would love their lunch displayed this way. What a great idea. I love your blog and so glad I found it and will be sure to follow it :)

Amy Burzese said...

What a fun thing for him and healthy too!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Yummy!! And cute, of course!

Jen said...

I'm drooling over the "homemade honey whole wheat bread"...that sounds soooo good!!! Seriously, your kids have it made with all of that yummy food!!!

Jeremi said...

always cute ideas ..... does he get a kick out of them?

Angela said...

Cute lunch! I'm sure the strawberries were a hit because they are the best when they are fresh.

Marie said...

Looks very tasty! You make homemade bread?? wow! :)

Cuby said...

Yummy yum yum! When I was a child I lived in a strawberry growing part of the UK, strawberry fields all around. I love to eat these delicious sweet berries. Lunch box full of goodness again.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I want to come to your house for a retreat visit.
I would love all the food you make and all the fun things you do.
My moms would like it too.
Strawberrys and home made bread- yum

Sandy said...

Oh My Gosh...I just love fruit leather. I used to make it for TJ's kids and it took everything I had to stay out of it myself.

MichelleM said...

Awesome lunch! Great idea with the strawberry flower :)