Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hiking Devil's Marbleyard

The other weekend we all got the hiking itch, so we loaded up in the car and headed out for a new adventure.  Granted, it was supposedly a strenous hike, but we just knew we could do it.  Before hitting the trail, we filled little bellies with grilled cheeses at the Pink Cadillac Diner, and then after a few wrong turns, we found the Belfast trailhead. 

 The boys loved running back and forth across this bridge that marked the very start of our hike.

Back in the day, I guess this used to be a place called Camp Powhatan, as evidenced by the stone marker.

There is a cycle of cicadas that is emerging this summer in Virginia.  They only come out every 17 years.  We heard their noise frequently throughout the day, louder on some parts of the trail than others.

Mountain laurel, in bloom:

The trail started off so nicely.  Packed dirt.  A few little steps.  Nice and wide. 

I loved this little waterfall, behind the blooming rhododendron.  It reminded me of the Weeping Rock in Zion. 

As we climbed, we came into some stunning views, of those beloved Blue Ridge mountains I call home.

And here, you catch a first glimpse of the Devil's Marbleyard - an immense field of boulders on the side of a mountain.  It became quite rigorous getting up there.  We had to finally put the twins in the packs for fears of their safety on the big rocks, and we had to take it very slow with Pierce too.  He was a trooper, even on the steep sections, but I finally reached a long slanted boulder that I didn't feel comfortable having him cross, and we decided to call it a day and head down.

Me and Cort, with the marbleyard in the background:

Pierce rock scrambles:

That's a LOT of big rocks!

Navigating, very carefully, back down:

We found a friend.  "Odie" (according to his collar) joined us for the walk back down the mountain.  The boys were thrilled.

And soon Paul and I found ourselves without our hiking sticks.  Turns out the little guys enjoyed trying them out.

Hiking is a lot more fun when you have a hiking pole.

Brotherly love -

Four hours later, we made it back to the car.  Several servings of Doritos and a few minutes after that all we saw was this:
But you're not surprised, are you?


  1. You have got such beautiful places to hike. Your photos are wonderful. The last two just melt my heart. Obviously, a good time was had by all.

  2. Sounds like a great day! Made some nice memories.

  3. This looks like a wonderful place to hike! He boys look so cute with the walking sticks.

  4. Looks like lots of fun. What a gorgous landscape in back ground. You know the kids had a blast when they crash in the car on the way home. Have a wonderful day

  5. What fun and a gorgeous view! Looks like those little ones where hiked out. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, love.


  6. I miss going on hikes. My Hubs is not one who likes to exercise so it makes it hard to go anywhere without a companion. Usually my sisters and I get together and walk.

    You sure have found a beautiful place to hike.

  7. Hiking is exhausting, so I'm not surprised they fell asleep so quickly! That looked like a wonderful adventure, but boy, the path sure got rocky after a while.

  8. Beautiful photos and memories for your family to save. In Texas, in the hot summer, you can hear the cicadas constant singing. It is a wonderful sound!

  9. What a great hike. We love to go hiking with our kiddos too. I'm pretty impressed your little ones walked so far!

  10. My husband and I hike a lot and I'm sorry that we didn't take our children hiking. What a neat place to go hiking at. I love the shots of them using the poles, if the grand kids go with us we let them use ours.

  11. i'll say it again - your boys have the best adventures - and are so cute! :)

  12. What an awesome way to spend the day! I love how you guys always take advantage of the great outdoors with the boys!

    I'm going to have to show Livie your photo of a cicada when she gets home from school. I'm not sure if she's seen what a "summer bug" really looks like.

    Camp Powhatan? I guess it's named for the Powhatan Native Americans? You probably already know this. But, there was a "Chief Powhatan" (though I don't remember how to spell his given Algonquian name) who was the father of Matoaka, a.k.a. Pocahontas (later taking the name "Rebecca Rolfe" after she converted to Christianity and married John Rolfe).

  13. A great outing it looks like for sure!

  14. Hi Lisa, Sounds like a great hike. Love seeing all of the pictures of the family... Your boys just get more adorable every day....

    Love that last picture AFTER the long hike.... ha


  15. "Take a hike" you make me want to do that now--what a glorious day!

  16. Breathtaking!

    You are such a beautiful mama! Love that picture of you.

  17. That sure is pretty country! I remember doing stuff like that with our kids, with the same end result..total collapse. Now it's me that collapses. ;-}

  18. Beautiful photos. Your boys are so precious! It looks like everyone had a good time.

    I've never been on that hiking trail--I loved the rocks. And I always love the Blue Ridge Mountains. My spirit feels rested when I look at them from afar.

  19. What a wonderful day you guys had! I love your photos, and your description of the days events. I feel like I was along for the hike too:) It also makes me more than a little homesick for the years I lived in Pennsylvania and Virginia. I remember those cicadas very well!
    And p.s. Lisa-you are gorgeous! :) Talk to you very soon:)

  20. Great hike! Now you know what to do to get the boys off to sleep then Lisa.

  21. Thanks for taking me back to the Blue Ridge Mtns! I enjoyed getting to see your little ones making the hike! And the photos! Yes, I hear the cicadas! :/

  22. Awe, I love this post. Your wee boys are adorable. They did very well on that hike. No wonder they fell asleep. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Beautiful pictures and scenery.

  23. What a great outing, love the pictures of the boys hugging.

  24. Another great adventure. The little ones are going to have some fantastic memories of their childhood.

  25. I LOVE the hug picture! This does look like a beautiful place, I have never heard of it. I am glad you were all so cautious, though! Now to The Pink Cadillac .What all have you eaten there that is good ?The one time we ate there, nothing was good, it tasted frozen and microwaved. We pass by there once in awhile and I would love to stop in again, but haven't found any of the good food yet.

  26. What a beautiful place to hike! Bonus points for wearing out your kids!

  27. What a great outing! Sounds like a truly great day!

  28. Wow! How fun that looks Lisa...and how brave of you :) I bet you ALL slept well that evening!

  29. ewww, those little crunchy bugs give me the creeps. The twins look very cute carrying the walking sticks. Looks like you all have a wonderful day!

  30. How cute the boys are. Looks like a beautiful place for a hike.

  31. Sounds like a great hike! And oh my goodness, I love those little worn-out faces. They're such sweet sleepers!

  32. Awesome! I would give anything just to see mountains. Loved the photo of you and Cort. He looks so much like you.

  33. I'm guessing Mom and Dad wanted to join them!

    You gotta teach those boys how to catch the cicada. If you sneak up on them, you can grab them by both wings. They're so darn slow, they are easy to catch.

  34. Oh we just loved your hike. It is so beautiful- and so perfect that your whole family got to go together.
    Your world is so beautiful!
    And those boys are so cute hiking those trails!
    Good Times!

  35. That's a great photo of you and Cort! Nice to see your smiling face!!

  36. Love this post, Lisa. The boys with your walking poles made me smile. :)

  37. This was one of the places we have on our hike list!! I think it's always nice to preview hikes that I've never been on.

    Are there any other really nice hikes in the area that you would suggest?

  38. These photos are fantastic...I like the trail, rocks, mountain laurel...and the last pic made me chuckle

  39. That sounds like a great time! We have that same carseat.

  40. You knocked them out! (too cute)
    Looks like a lovely place to hike.
    So glad you had such a perfect day!

  41. Great pictures! Your boys are so cute, and that looks like so much fun!

  42. Ahhh...there's nothing like fresh air to give you sweet dreams!....:)JP

  43. That looks awesome! And that view of the mountains is beautiful!!

  44. Sweet little angels!
    Hiking can be so much fun with such a breathtaking view and adorable kids.

  45. That looks like such an amazing place to hike. Looks like the boys had a great time.


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