Monday, May 14, 2012

Never Again on Muffin Tin Monday

I had never fixed cabbage rolls before, but for some reason I got it in my head that I wanted to.  And you know what?  They're kind of annoying to make.  It takes much longer than I expected.  The recipe I used, from a trusted source, was very bland.  So I was disappointed in them overall. 
Lunch was roasted potatoes, carrots and onions, a strawberry, cabbage rolls, and a brownie with peanut butter chips for dessert.  Pierce ate a few bites of cabbage roll, but it really wasn't his favorite thing either.  Oh well, sometimes you venture out cooking something new and it flops.  And then you learn!

For more fun kid's lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom. 


  1. I have never made cabbage rolls, but I do love making wraps with collard greens. It replaces a tortilla wrap, and I don't cook it, so it is relatively quick and easy. My kids like them because the collard greens are so mild tasting. You can find my recipe here

  2. Oh well you cant be perfect all the time!!!have a good monday

  3. It looks like everything else i the tin would go over big!

  4. Good to know! I'll avoid the attempt. :-)

  5. I don't know, but I love cabbage, send them over to my lunch table. I bet I'll love them.

  6. Cabbage rolls sound good but I can imagine they would take some time to make. How disappointing that they were bland.

    Kudos to Pierce for taking a couple of bites!

  7. I've officially decided that I don't want to attempt cabbage rolls now. ;) Seriously, I've been wanting to try them for a while now...but,it's just one of those things that I keep putting off...I'm in no big hurry! Though, they give a Muffin Tin Monday a super mom kind of look, don't they?

    Thanks for sharing this week!


  8. I've never made or tried them, but it wouldn't be anything I'd be interested in anyhow. Apparently you wouldn't either...anymore. :)

  9. I've never even thought to try them; just doesn't sound good. But hey, now you know and I know! LOL

  10. Ah, well. I guess know you know for next time. At least the other stuff was well liked.

  11. Hi There, I'm trying to begin catching up -after being gone for a week.

    I've made cabbage rolls ONCE also---but never did make them again. I like them ---but there are many more favorite things to make!!!! ha

    I'd love the roasted potatoes, carrots and onions.... YUM!


  12. I am still in amazement he tried them! sandie

  13. You never know until you try! Lots of other good things on the tray. You offer a good mix of nutritious foods.

  14. I like to try different dishes too! Cabbage rolls are hard work! I used to make a layered cabbage roll casserole but I haven't introduced it to the kids yet. Thanks for sharing your experience -- I don't think my kiddies will like cabbage rolls yet. :)

  15. I guess I like bland food because I like cabbage rolls. Not everyone likes cabbage and it doesn't have much of a taste.

    I juiced cabbage last week and it was almost peppery tasting.

  16. live and learn...I tried to make boiled peanuts once -
    it was a very bad idea

  17. Just last night at dinner I was telling Amy about some of my cooking flops-they happen to us all (and good some laughs like last night!) but it's discouraging when it's because of a bad recipe. I bet that brownie was good though!

  18. many, many of my new (and old) recipes flop -- ha : ) i love the motto 'live and learn'!!!

    is pierce okay with just one strawberry?

  19. I love this idea, thank you for sharing :-)

  20. I never tried them but it sounds like a great idea!

  21. Too bad as it is some trouble to make them. I make cabbage roll goulash and serve over rice or mashed potatoes. A lot less complicated.

  22. I would think cabbage rolls are not easy to I don't even want to make them:)

  23. My mom used to make these all the time and I would peel the cabbage completely off and just eat the insides. Still do!

  24. So sorry the recipe was a bust. I hate when that happens. It's still a great looking lunch.

  25. I don't care that much about cabbage rolls either. My mom used to make them all the time because she had German parents. I say, blah. LOL

  26. Cabbage Rolls must be in the air because I've been thinking about trying to make them for the past month but haven't yet. I think I keep talking myself out of it because they don't seem to be worth all the trouble, ahhaha. Now, I know! No cabbage rolls for me

  27. Cabbage rolls sound interesting. Boy do I ever know how frustrating it is to spend tons of time making something (not to mention all the money for the ingredients) and then it doesn't meet your expectations. We've had to bail out and go to McDonalds many times...

  28. I've made them once before, but quite a few year ago... as I recall they were time consuming to make but very tasty... have no idea what recipe I used. Sorry yours were disappointing... :-((

  29. The lunch look great...too bad it was a disappointment!...:)JP

  30. I'm so glad I don't have to eat my lunch at work anymore.

  31. This little pug loves cabbage! Yumm yumm!

  32. Looks like a yummy lunch! I love cabbage!
    Have a terrific week!

  33. I can't tell you how many flops I've made!
    Try using spaghetti sauce next time
    It's so tasty and quick too.

  34. I've only had cabbage rolls a few times in my life and I did like them. I found a recipe that sounded easier to make the the traditional ones. If I find it in my stash of recipes I keep in my email drafts I'll forward it to you.

    I always love muffin tin Mondays!

  35. My cabbage rolls always end up soggy and borderline greasy. I finally quit making them too.

  36. My mother in law makes YUMMY cabbage rolls, no need for me to get frustrated trying to make them myself. LOL

  37. I would like to make cabbage rolls -- someday -- but maybe just not the recipe you used! Lol.

  38. I'm not a big fan of cabbage, but the brownie sounded good ;)

  39. I love cabbage rolls but don't make them often due to the time involved. Wish there was a shortcut! We may have to look into that.

  40. At least you gave it a try. The brownie does sound yummy.


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