Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring Peeper

When we were at the hotel in Williamsburg, there were a lot of families with kids running the halls.  Which was good, since my own boys were fairly rowdy.  Anyhow, at one point a pre-teen boy knocked on our door by accident.  When I opened the door, he took one look at me, turned beet red, apologized profusely, and slunk off down the hall in great shame.  I tried to reassure him, in hopes of preventing his eternal mortification, but he just waved me off.  Poor kid.

Anyhow, shortly thereafter I heard another knock, lighter this time.  I peeked through the peephole, to discover the knock was not on our door, but on the door across the hall.  Pierce saw me, though, and said, "What are you doing?"  I explained that I was looking through the peephole, and he was intrigued.  So I lifted him up to show him how you could see outside in the hall.

He spent the rest of the evening spying on people, and reporting back to me.
What do you think?
Better, or worse, than watching tv all night?


  1. Your photo is just adorable! I love it when kids discover something new. Much better then TV.

  2. It looks like he enjoys people watching.

  3. I think it's funny and at least he likes people watching..

  4. LOL.... I have been guilty of the same thing, especially when things are rowdy in the halls.

  5. I don't know... there can be some pretty PG13 stuff going on in hotel hallways.. LOL

  6. An innocent past time better than a night in front of the telly! Well I have to say most things are better than that! We have a tv and the children had controlled viewing and I don't think they suffered!!

  7. That's so funny and cute!

    Of course, I can see why the peep hole would be fascinating to him, not having known it existed before seeing you peep through it!

  8. Pretty funny, I like how he enjoyed all the action

  9. Cute photo;better than TV - I always stick a piece of paper in the creepy peephole when we stay at motels/hotels.

  10. How cute! Yes, much better than tv. I'd be right there with Pierce! :)

  11. Better than TV. He must have a lot of curiosity--you may have a budding little journalist on your hands! :-)

  12. Perfect fun for him to "spy" like that!

  13. and a voyeur is born! cute title!

  14. OMG that is hilarious! My son would SO do that too!

  15. Hey people watching is fun! I think that's cute :)

  16. That's funny sounds just like my two!!!!!!

  17. SO cool! I LOVE this!! Definitely better than T.V. When I was a kid, I had a period when I liked to sneak around and spy on people, pretending that I was a famous spy. Yes, I even begged my mom for a trench coat and large scarf with sunglasses.

  18. Adorable! And much better than watching TV all night.

  19. Definitely better than watching TV all night!!! People watching is THE BEST!...:)JP

  20. Definitely better and prolly more interesting. :)

  21. So much better than tv! Cute picture and very cute post title! Love seeing what kids think of new discoveries. :)

  22. Just like kids...so funny. Hopefully everyone was fully clothed and not picking their nose as they passed by...hehehehe

  23. I say whatever it takes to make them happy at a hotel than go for it! lol I might have to use that one the next time we are stuck in one when we are flooded out. My son likes to jump from bed to bed. I'd rather him looking at the peep hole.

  24. I have to admit, I have spent my share of time spying on the neighbors. Sometimes it is so much better than TV.

  25. That is sooo funny!
    Sorry I have been missing the last few days, I had a vet appointment, and my mommies mind was on the worry planet.

  26. Sometimes it's just fun to watch what is going on -on the otherside of the door. Can hardly wait for my computer to get fixed so I can blog again. I have missed blotting.

  27. Pierce is so cute! It is fun to look out the peep hole and see what is going on in the hallway! The night before we flew to Hawaii, we stayed at a motel near the airport in Seattle and a fight broke out right outside our door. Stuart watched the whole thing from the peep hole. He said it was pretty exciting! As for myself-I was scared! I don't like fights!

  28. He is just adorable! Much better than watching TV....nothing wrong with a little people watching.

  29. Kids are so creative. The first thing my husband does when he enters a hotel room is to put TP in the whole so no one can look in!


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