Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yes, You Can Survive Camping with Toddler Twins

We actually had Pierce camping when he was only about 9 months old.  We took a road trip up north and hit some state parks in Michigan and Indiana for a week.  Everything is a little different with twins, though, so we've held off camping overnight with them.  Finally, we felt ready to take the plunge.  We have a camping site located on top of a mountain on our property, and we decided to head up one Saturday night when the weather was mild. 

After a steep 1.25 mile hike to the top, Pierce set to work helping his Dad pitch the small tent.  We decided to pitch our big tent for me and the twins (so they could have lots of space) and a smaller tent for Pierce and Paul.  Next time around I feel more confident that we can just use the one large tent.

I brought up large cars for every child (each with a squeaky frog to ride inside) and these were cherished and pushed over rocks and through dirt all evening.

Cort and Reid don't have shirts on because although we brought up a large jug of water, we forgot to bring cups to drink from!  So, very thirsty from their hike up, they both managed to saturate their shirts while trying to drink water from a huge jug.

First corn of the season.  You really can't beat corn roasted over open fire.  It takes about an hour, but is so divine.

Pierce hangs out in the tent.

Paul told me to get junk food at the grocery store for our campout, so I bought two cans of Pringles as a special treat.  I find it hard to believe, but the Pringles were all gone by the next day.

 Mmmmm, corn on the cob - 

And fire roasted hot dogs too!

Of course, you're not really camping unless you have s'mores.

And then it was bedtime.  We used an inflatable twin mattress and I put Reid on one end and Cort on the other.  This worked just fine.  Except they would roll over in the middle of the night, fall off, and get mad. 

The other drawback was the Reid had a cold (or allergies?) and he started coughing at bedtime.  And he coughed.  And coughed.  And coughed.  For six hours straight.  I debated what to do.  Should I put him on my shoulders and hike down our steep mountain in the middle of the night?  What if I fell?  Was he sleeping through it?  And once I got down to the house, all I could really offer him was honey and a humidifier for comfort.  Which isn't much.  In the end, we toughed it out. 
Around 2 am, the coughing finally subsided and we all managed to get some sleep.  I even dreamt of Civil War soldiers (one on horseback, 3 on foot) standing and conversing in the midst just outside my tent.  So weird.

I suspect there will be many more campouts in our future this summer.  Just not when Reid has a cold!

This is a blog hop!  Everyone is welcome to join in on Rural Thursday, hosted by myself and Nancy from A Rural Journal.  Just grab the code below the button, and paste it into your blog post.  Then come back and add your link to the linky.  Please remember to visit at least 5 other participants and leave them some comment love. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

You had it all planned out so well and you think of everything! And it looks like even more fun because of the boys!! Except for that little cold thing in the night, I hope he is getting better. You were wise to stay in the tent and not try anything risky.

Anonymous said...

I love this post and all your great photos, Lisa. The boys look like they especially enjoyed the food! Such a pretty area, too! Hope you all have a nice day!

Jill said...

What a grand place to camp! It must be wonderful to be able to do so on your own property. Sorry about Reid coughing all night but the rest of it sure looked like a lot of fun! Now I would like some corn, please.

Steve Surratt said...

What a great adventure for the boys!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the boys had a wonderful time! I love the potato chip bill!

JDaniel slept in a tent for the first time when we were in New York and he loved it.

4 Lettre Words said...

Ha ha...what fun! That corn looks so good, too.

andy said...

That looks so fun. Looks like your boys had a great time!!!have a great day

Unknown said...

How fun! We have a camping spot on our land, only down the mountain, at a creek area that we go to all the time in summer. It's nice being close to home, yet not home. :) That fire roasted corn looks SO GOOD. Will have to try that!

MarmePurl said...

That looks like a perfect camp site. Boys playing on rocks...what could be better! Fun to be along with you.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh this looks like so much fun the boys would have loved it. I am sad to hear about the cough. Family fun the best fun. I used to love camping now I prefer a nice soft bed for these older bones.:) B

Nancy said...

I'm so glad it went well -- xoxo

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun... I remember those days, mine were 14 mos apart... love those potato chip lips! Lol...

V and A said...

That looks like a lot of fun. We camped last year when J was 2 and S was 6 months. I was scared to do it, but it went really well for us too

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I bow down to you. I don't know how you do it with twins- I barely can do it with 1 kid at the time!

Amy Burzese said...

Looks like a great campout. You are more brave than I am. The boys are so cute.

Misty DawnS said...

I wanna go camping with your family! It looks like a blast!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so brave--I waited until my "baby" was 3 before taking them camping. It's still so much fun, though.

Mrs. Darling said...

My 3 year old loves camping, me not so much. We're going to backyard camp at a relatives this weekend. It looks like you all had lots of fun.

TexWisGirl said...

your dream was rather interesting! :) your kids are too cute. glad they had a good time.

Chatty Crone said...

It look to me that you had a GREAT time - more power to you girl! You did it all! Love, sandie

Unknown said...

Loved this link! We were camping this past weekend, but my kids are teens. I was unsuccessful at capturing the elusive teen this weekend. The corn photos are my favorite!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a fun adventure. Sorry about the cough :( Looks like the boys had fun! Yummy fun food too.

Melanie said...

LOVEd this all SO much Lisa! Made me all nostalgic about camping when I was just a tike! FABulous family photos... your little ducky is too stinkn CUTE. My Jax (3yeal old) could, no problem, eat an entire can of Pringles... if mommy let him!

Girl... if you can take TWO toddlers camping, I can manage taking one! You've inspired me!

Sandy said...

You bought Pringles!!! I am Looks like a great camp you guys have set up. I am glad it went well with the twins for their first time.

Mary Gene Atwood said...

I love camping! You are lucky that it's warm enough. We would freeze or float away here.

Candy C. said...

Perfect camping food! I be lovin' me some Pringles!
I'm glad everyone was finally able to get some sleep. How fun to have your very own camping desination to enjoy!! :)

Sally said...

Except for the coughing, it looks like a perfect campout. The boys just get cuter and cuter. And, heck yeah those pringles went fast, but I'm not surprised!! :)

Gail Dixon said...

Bet the kids loved it. The potato chip photo is adorable. I've never been camping. I like the idea of it, but being without modern conveniences makes me queasy. :)

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

What a beautiful, peaceful spot to camp in! I don't camp, but I think I'd reconsider in a spot like that.

Great photos--the boys are really cute! Glad you had fun.

Anonymous said...

Looks like great fun!

Karen said...

Love these pics, what a great adventure with the boys... they'll cherish these times all throughout their life!...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is neat that you have a camping area on YOUR property.... LOVE IT....

Glad it worked out great even though Reid was sick... Sounds like your family will be doing that again!!!!!


warren said...

I still consider pringles a special treat! It looks like you had a great time!

Anne Payne said...

Camping is always an adventure, no matter the age! What's important is that y'all had fun :)

The Farmers Daughter said...

Looks like fun! I haven't been camping in years but I sure loved it growing up.
Thanks for hosting, too!

Eat To Live said...

Wow, looks like you had to drag a lot of stuff up the mmountain. All the comforts of home.

I have been taking an herb called hyssop for coughing and it seems to work really well. Not sure if kids can take it or not.

Smores sound so good. Haven't been able to eat those in years.

Michelle said...

Junk food treats are necessary on a camp out! Looks like you guys had fun, except for the coughing!

camp and cottage living said...

Good for you, Lisa!
It looks like the boys really had fun. There's obviously no mosquitos out yet or the boys wouldn't be shirtless!
I hope Reids cough gets better soon

Brian King said...

What a fun trip! Awesome shots of your boys! You can see the joy on their faces. And, yes, corn is awesome over a fire!

Debbie said...

it looks like so much fun, but rather you then me.

i much prefer room service ;))))

Valerie Boersma said...

Fun Lisa! And I love that your campsite is on your own property! When we lived in New York we had an acre of woods behind our house that we owned. Amy loved having picnics there:)

I'll write soon-I've had a nasty cold this week, but I feel better today:)

Tracie said...

Sounds like fun! We have done the camping thing and it wasn't the twins who had the problem but Taylie she pushed her little face against the window and screamed "Out mama, out!" until she fell asleep. It was so sad.

Kranky Granny said...

How nice to be able to go wilderness camping so close to your home (in case of a problem) and not feel like you are in the back yard.

I did a good bit of this with my child when we were both much younger. Don't think I would have been brave enough to attempt it with three so young.

Loved the story though.

Barbara said...

It looks/sounds like you had a good time. I definitely think camping and boys make the perfect combination!

Becky Jane said...

Roasted corn sound delicious! i had to chuckle at the chip beak...hilarious! Your kids are such fun photo kids!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun! Your boys are so cute!

Kim said...

You're a much more resilient mom than me. Camping in tents doesn't sound all that good to me. Although I know the kids would love it. I told Shaune, tenting will have to be something he does with the boys alone. I'm a camper or cabin gal. Of course I do prefer the Sheraton:)

Unknown said...

Looks like tons of fun!

Unknown said...

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