Friday, June 8, 2012

A Drizzly Field Day

When I was a kid I loathed field day.  I found the group competitions overwhelming and intimidating.  By middle school, my mom took pity and started letting me skip that day.  So I never attended field day after that.  Ironically, I found myself reexperiencing field day this year to support Pierce, but luckily I didn't have to participate this time around.  It was a drizzly and cool day, but the kids were ready to get wet.

Pierce certainly was gleeful to get to use a squirt gun, since we don't have toy guns at our house.

Little stinker snuck up from behind and got me good while I was talking with another mom.  Then, he snuck around and pulled the same trick on his teacher!  He's sneakier than I thought...

Cort and Reid didn't know what to think of all the kids running wild and were quite somber for the entire affair.  They did enjoy playing with umbrellas though.

Running through cones.  I apologize for the hair (or crack?) through my pictures.  I was using my point and shoot and it needs to go be repaired (assuming this is a hair - a crack they couldn't fix).  I haven't taken it in yet though, because I'm still recovering from the $90 repair fee on my Canon Rebel after the twins knocked the tripod over on Easter. 

When you have 3 active little boys in your house, things break a lot.  Best to send them to field day where they can burn off some energy.

Okay, next week, I promise, I'll get this camera into the shop.  Just pretend the hair isn't there, okay?

This steep bouncy slide was full of spraying water, and I felt bad for some of the kids in Pierce's class who got scared at the top.  One little girl climbed back down, but then cried off and on for an hour afterwards because she was so disappointed she didn't do the slide.  Poor kid.  Mine, however, hesitated for just a second before taking the plunge.

And found out that there was a pool at the bottom!

Shivering and soaked, it was time to put on shoes and head in for dry clothes and lunch.  Hopefully my three boys will all love field day in ways that I never did! 
What about you, readers?  Was there any event at school that you dreaded so much you would've skipped if allowed?


  1. Between my 4 kids I think I've participated in about 4.2 billion field days. Actually got to like them. But, one part I dreaded was keeping Adam's insulin pump out of all the inevitable water events.

  2. Reminds me of when our grandsons were here last fall and we went to a celebration that my orthodontist was having in the parking lot outside her office. They had a slide like that too and the grandsons totally loved it! They had smiles from ear to ear. :-))

    Sorry about the camera dilemma. Hope your hair on the screen can be fixed for little damage to your wallet. :-(

  3. I actually liked field day... and you are an athlete! this surprises me.. but I can see where the pressure of it all could be too much for a child.

  4. Looks like Pierce enjoyed the field day and especially that soaker gun! ha!
    I'm with the twins...all those kids running wild would have me a little stand-offish. :)

  5. Field day has changed since I was little. It looks like it has gotten to be more fun!

  6. What a fun day! Much more fun than back in the day. ha! Too bad it wasn't nice and sunny but it looks like everyone had fun anyway.

  7. Field day was one of my personal circles of hell...that and the Presidential Physical Fitness Exam. I always saw both as devices designed by jocks to torture the unpopular kids. (Not hating - I married a jock!)

  8. I never liked field day either. Actually, I am really bad with all group games, I am more of a solitaire kinda girl. The sundaes after field day? I was definitely all about those :-) I understand where the teachers are coming from when they want everyone to participate, but at some point...if you see the same kids not wanting to play every.single.year. let up already! Glad your son seemed to have such a wonderful time :-)

  9. I hated field day. Hated. My mom started excusing me too. It looks as if it has improved a lot though since I was younger.

  10. aw- so cute. We just had a field trip in the rain too! LOL! I love their little umbrellas. Too bad it wasnt nice and sunny but still looks like a blast!

  11. That bouncy slide looks like its fun, and I wish that I had something like that when I was a kid! Richard

  12. I actually loved field day, even though I was not athletic. I just liked being outside and "playing" all day, with a picnic to boot, if I'm remembering correctly. They look more fun now--

    I love the smiles on Pierce's face--looks like he had a blast! Though I would have probably been sitting with the twins, watching it all happen.

    Kudos to you for not having toy guns at home. Good lesson!

  13. What great memories your boys are going to have!

  14. too cute. my neighbors recently rented one of those blow-up slides for a kid's party. based on the line of little ones, i think it was a huge hit all afternoon. :)

  15. I hated field day. It was always a series of races and relays and I was always last, or close to it. Amy's school didn't have field day which was a relief. Though she would have enjoyed one like this!

    I'm glad Pierce had fun-though I would have stuck with Cort and Reid under an umbrella;)

    Happy summer vacation! You guys will have a lot of fun-I just know it!!

  16. I hated the 3 legged race - when I was little it was because it wrenched on your leg so much when you both fell down away from each other, when I got older it was the discomfort of having to put my arm around someone I didn't know well enough for hugging. Otherwise, field day (Sporst day we called it) was OK, and fortunately ended in high school. The water events looked fun!

  17. I hated field day too. YUCK. Pierce looked like he had a blast though. I love the look on his face in the last pic...mommmmm do we really have to go innnnnn? haha

  18. Looks like fun! !! Shame on you gor skipping :) have a great weekend

  19. I was never a fan of field day. I was the little geek hiding somewhere trying to sneak in a few chapters in on whatever I was reading. I did however enjoy the orange HiC that McDonalds proved every year for us kids.
    My boys unlike me love field day, and I don't mind being the cheerleader for them. =)

  20. These are great pictures of all the fun! Funny about the twins, that gave me a laugh, but I love them with the umbrellas. Hey, I have been looking and looking, and I can't see any crack!!! I am hoping most people don't either. The big bouncy slide, we take the girls to the bouncy places, but the enormous ones really scare me!! And the poor kids who are afraid...

  21. I LOVE THIS! I hope we have these, because I know my kiddo will love them. :) We never had them, so I don't know how to compare, but this looks awesome!

  22. the pictures look like fun!!! my kids look forward to field day...I completely pass as a volunteer...thanks to all those parents who do help!!

  23. I have yet to experience a field day with the girls, but I think I'd love them. I did as kid!

  24. They looked like that had a ball.

    FIELD DAY is over for us here!

  25. I never had a field day and neither did my Daughter. Lucky me I guess.

    I honestly don't see the hair you are talking about... Must be blind.

  26. Hmmm, I'm not seeing the crack in your pictures. Maybe I need to get my eyes fixed? I have those same kind of dreaded memories of field day but my mom made me go. Looks like these kids were having a great day!

  27. These are really cute pics! Glad everyone had a blast! Those slides are popular here in the summer. :) I loved field day! It was always so much fun!
    I don't see a crack anywhere.:)
    Have a great weekend!

  28. Looks like a fun time. Sorry it was rainy outside but I guess kids don't really care!

  29. now this post really made me want to have some soaked fun!

  30. Lisa! I felt the exact same way you did!!!! I only faked sick once in my life and it was to avoid field day! I HATED it!!!!

    I'm glad your kids don't dread it like we did.

  31. Too cute! Looks like they had a ton of fun.

  32. Field day (even recess) was not at all my cup of tea. Clumsy and not athletically inclined.

  33. What fun pictures! It's like a scrapbook right here on your blog. Love it!

  34. What a wonderful day to remember!
    A thunderstorm knocked my camera over on its tripod last year. $350 later....

  35. Looks like they had a good time anyway...

  36. School. I would have liked to have skipped school all together. School came easy for me so I was bored out of my mind. I liked field day because it was something different.

  37. Not familiar with field day -- but I was fairly athletic in my youth and loved these types of competitions. :)

  38. Oh my gosh, doesn't this look like splashing good fun!!
    I didn't ever skip school, but I sure wish I could have on days when I had to give a speech of some sort. Not my thing.

  39. It looks like they had a great time, despite the rain!

  40. That looks like SO much fun!! I think I hated field day as a child too.


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