Monday, June 25, 2012

A Good Salisbury Steak on Muffin Tin Monday

It's Muffin Tin Monday again.  We've been enjoying all the grass fed beef from the cow we bought into, and I think we'll definitely do it again in the future.  I think that one of our favorite recipes for the beef is salisbury steak.  Which is kind of funny, since salisbury steak always made me think of that nasty unflavorful mush that they plopped onto trays in the elementary school cafeteria.  You know, with the cardboard box tasting mashed potatoes and the watery scoop of gray-green peas?  But when I was trying to think up creative ways to cook our ground beef, I thought I'd try to find a salisbury steak recipe, and I found one that we love.   
Served along with the salisbury steak was nothing 1980s cafeteria style nasty, thankfully!  We had fresh roasted sweet potatoes and salad from the garden.  I'm happy to report that FINALLY (after how long?) Pierce is eating salad.  Although he did get upset this particular day because I ran out of ranch and he had to have Thousand Island.  The horrors! 

For more fun kids' lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. Your Salisbury steak looks great! I am so glad Piece likes salad now.

  2. Looks very yummy! !!! Have a great Monday

  3. We bought a cow for the first time last fall. We will definetly get another. Looks like a yummy dinner, especially the fresh garden salad.

  4. oh i love salisbury steak, i'll have to give yours a try!

  5. I have a great recipe for ranch dressing. Homemade ones are so much better!

  6. It's funny because Salisbury steak also makes me think of my school cafeteria. I'm glad you found a recipe that you liked!

  7. I remember the icky cafeteria Salisbury steak too. Yours looks delicious!

    Our garden is so far behind. We should have produce by now, but we have nothing. I may just have to come eat at your house;)

  8. that horrible tinfoil tray meal is exactly what i thought of when you said salisbury steak.

  9. Ohhhh, I think I might make that for dinner TONIGHT!!

  10. That looks really good! I love the muffin tin too!

    I'd eat it... except for the dressing. I don't like that kind either.

  11. I didn't even know what real salisbury steak looked like until I saw your photo! LOL

    Those sweet potatoes look so bright and orange--I love them roasted or baked.

  12. I'm impressed he went for the thousand island! No ranch dressing would be a meltdown here. Looks yummy!

  13. Salad from your own garden is the best. Your salsbury steak looks great. I haven't made that in a long time.

  14. Great dinner! Homemade salisbury steak wins hands down! It's a big milestone for a kiddie to enjoy salad! :)

  15. Looks good to me. But I'm with Pierce in that I like Ranch better too. I hope Pierce got over his disappointment, though. :))

  16. Bela refeição...Espectacular....

  17. Looks delicious to me! Hope you all have an enjoyable week.

  18. I love salisbury steak! I can eat that everyday! My daughter likes thousand island dressing too :)

  19. Haha! I can see my old lunch lady now ;)
    Looks really good, though!

  20. Looks good! I love salisbury steak and seriously, I still can't get my kids to eat salad...well, maybe just a tad.

  21. I love the muffin tin...and the meal sounds to share the recipe?

  22. found the recipe Lisa, thanks sweetie!!

  23. That looks good. I would love to try and make that for my hubby.

  24. I agree with Pierce! I don't like thousand island, glad he is finally eating salad though.


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