Tuesday, June 19, 2012

LeapFrog Summer Camp Weeks 1 + 2

Thank you to LeapFrog for sponsoring my post about Leapfrog Summer Camp. To sign up for LeapFrog Summer Camp, please click here. #CleverLFCamp #spon

Remember when I told you about the LeapFrog Summer Camp?  Well we have been having so much fun doing activities with the camp.  Pierce is really thriving on their printables and crafts - he enjoys having organized activities each day so much.  And I'm happy to have a creative and educational way for him to fight boredom!  It's not too late to join, so if you have kids age 4-7 check them out - it's free to participate and there are daily activities and even photo contests!

Week 1 of LeapFrog Summer Camp had the theme Out and About.  Pierce printed off their Passport and had fun taking it to places like school, the bank, and the grocery store.  As one of the crafts, Pierce designed a miniature version of our living room:

He also did several printables off the LeapFrog website.  This one had him learning to do the coordinates of a grid.  He caught on very quick.

As an excursion, we took a trip to a local berry farm, where we picked blueberries, blackberries, and dewberries.  When we returned home, we made yummy treats. 

Week 2 of camp had a theme of Caring for Animals.  This was perfect for us, as we LOVE animals!  In fact, we've been fostering four kittens for a local animal shelter.  Pierce helped me change their cage one day, and we talked about the different needs of baby kittens, and why we were helping to care for them until they could be adopted (they have since returned to the adoption shelter, where we are hoping they find loving families!).

We have 5 hens and a rooster right now, so Pierce and I gave them a special treat of some popcorn.  The chickens just love popcorn.  We talked about why we don't put salt on their popcorn, and how the chickens give back to us by providing us with eggs to eat.

Then we got out Pierce's pony, Harriet.  Pierce knows how to do some basic grooming, so I put him to work with the brush.

Then I showed him how to pick her feet so they wouldn't have rocks in them and become sore.  Pierce is still getting comfortable with the hoof pick - it's a slight challenge for him.

Pierce practiced leading Harriet.  We are working on the right amount of rope, and making sure that the lead rope doesn't drag on the ground.  These are basic safety skills when working with a horse - even a gentle, small pony like Harriet.

One of the crafts on the website during the animal week was making a birdhouse out of a milk carton.  Pierce had a great time creating a house for our birds - we have many of them! 

And finally, we talked about our farm dog, Scooter, who we adopted from a local shelter 2 1/2 years ago.  He's only the best dog around, but we're a little partial.  Pierce did a fun printable from the website that covered what kinds of things a new puppy would need.  We talked about what kinds of things Scooter needed, and how we care for him each day. 
We had such an excellent time learning the past two weeks.  We can't wait for all of the fun weeks to come.  Be sure to check them out this week - the theme is Puzzle Time! 

This post is sponsored by LeapFrog. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. You are keeping them very busy. They are not going to have time to be bored. I like the fact you are teaching them things about real life.

  2. Looks like a busy and fun summer! !! Have a great day lisa!

  3. I love the birdhouse. This really sounds like a wonderful program.

  4. i signed up but have been terrible about following through -- i need to though, the stuff you guys have been doing is GREAT!!!! thanks for sharing : )

  5. Wonderful pictures of some beautiful children who seem to enjoy themselves. Wishing you a great Tuesday :) Hanne Bente

  6. That last picture of Pierce and Scooter is so excellent!!!!

  7. What a fantastic program! Wish I'd had that when my kids were younger.

    The kitties are so cute! I love all that you are teaching Pierce. He looks so happy and proud! Love his horse and Scooter is darling.

  8. Pierce had a fantastic time - looked like so much fun for him! sandie

  9. Looks like a great summer!! We are huge Leap Frog fans here! Love the pictures too!

  10. What a sweet post. Love the last picture of Pierce and Scooter.

  11. How fun, wish that was around when my kids were small.

  12. congrats on fostering the kittens! (i'd have kept them all!)

  13. That is a very cool birdhouse, something I myself would kind of like to make. I did not know chickens eat popcorn, that image will stick in my head forever. My computer guy said it is highly unlikely that I had anything bad on my computer, but he says it is safe now, so I will tell everyone tonight.

  14. Hi Lisa, I am so impressed with that little camp.. It seems perfect for Pierce. I'm sure the little boys are still a little too young--but that is okay... They'll learn more than you think this summer...

    So glad you found out about that camp... LOVE it.

  15. Sounds like you guys have been having a wonderful summer! Why don't we put on the the chicken's popcorn?

  16. How wonderful for Pierce, and he's a smart little fella with his pony too. :)

  17. Y'all are learning a lot--sounds fun! I especially liked the animal lessons, but I'm partial. :-)

  18. This sounds a brilliant way to have fun together and learn too.

  19. Week 2 looks especially fun! Lots of animals and fury friends to play with.

  20. They look like they are having so much fun! My 2 oldest girls are going away to camp next week, and while they are gone the twins get to go to a day camp during the afternoons. The theme is going to be "magic," which I think (hope!) my little girls will enjoy.

  21. aww, love that beautiful smile of your boy, lisa. he's so cute!
    sounds and looks like pierce had such a great time.

  22. What great, educational ideas. But, oh my, he is just the cutest kid EVER!!

  23. congrats on fostering the kittens, too:)

  24. Looks like he's got a ton of great activities!

    Liv and I especially loved the photos with the animals (Harriet, and the kitties, in particular).

  25. Leapfrog Summer Camp looks amazing! I love to see kids busy enjoying the summer...

  26. I just learned that you and Nancy do the Blog Hop together. I have been following Nancy from the get go. Now I'll be following you too. I just saw your comment at Chatty Crone so here I am. Please visit *simple sequins* asap and come aboard? If you know Nancy and Sandie, then I'd love to read about you too! :D

  27. Oh...I've missed Harriet and Scooter so I'm glad this involved them and of course, you and the boys!...:)JP

  28. Glad you are teaching them RIGHT - about animals and animal care - it is all fun and games until someone looses an eye - and you are making sure that does not happen on your watch - and they are still having FUN! Take care!

  29. Oh we loved looking at all the photos of everyone having such a good time!

  30. Love this, Lisa -- so important to keep the kids engaged over the summer months. Awesome. :)

  31. Awesome little projects. I love the diarama of your living room!

  32. I love this! Not only are they having fun but you are keeping their minds active during the summer!

  33. Fun Lisa! Your summer is off to a great start!!

  34. That is so wonderful! I love the birdhouse idea :)


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