Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Small Reasons to Consider a Blogging Conference #typeacon - Recap

 This past weekend I attended Type A Con, for the second year in a row.  It was held in Charlotte, NC (which should be called the City of the Fountains, if it isn't already) and it came at the perfect time for me.  I've been feeling a little burned out on my blog - not that I was ready to cut back or anything but just that I needed more inspiration.  A three day blogging conference was perfect.
 I was able to focus on something I love - blogging - while taking a break from family responsibilities.  I signed on as a volunteer for the conference so that my registration fees would be waived, and I enjoyed volunteering more than I expected.  It gave me an opportunity to meet folks I might not have crossed paths with otherwise, and I still got to attend some great sessions.

Humorous statue on the side of this wall, huh?
 I think that sometimes people feel like you have to be a really big blogger to go to a blogging conference but that's not true.  You will meet folks from all sizes and shapes and topics of blogs - and everyone will have one key thing in common:  a passion for blogging.  For my introverted self, Type A Con is just the right size.  I am able to make connections and have fun, but I don't feel too overwhelmed by it all.  Also, it has a laid back vibe to it - you can wear your jeans and won't feel underdressed.  In fact, the jeans I wore were ten years old and frayed at the bottom, and I still didn't feel bad about it.
 The best workshops I attended were one on Google+ and one on Facebook.  Although I'm on Google+ (find me here), I haven't done much with it.  But I learned in the session that Google+ can really give your overall Google standing a bigger presence.  I am also on Facebook (I would love you so much if you liked me there - and commented on my flash giveaway from yesterday) but I haven't done a lot with my page, other than putting my blog posts on it.  Which means I'm not really working it - so I am going to try to be more interactive there. 
 I feel refreshed after my time away.  I have new ideas for how to make small improvements.  To make my online footprint a higher quality.  I also got to connect with other bloggers and brands with amazing ideas who have so much passion for what they do.  And I got some cherished me time during an incredible run along the Little Sugar Creek greenway very early one morning. 
 It was also quite a treat to go out to eat, in nice restaurants, and to go THREE days without cooking a meal or filling a sippy cup.  I didn't even realize how desperately I needed a break and some time to connect with other moms.  Like Jdaniel4smom, pictured below.
 And I also discovered that if I had to eat the pan-seared scallops on ravioli from Aria Tuscan Grill every night, for the rest of my life, I would die happy.  But poorer. 
Have you ever been to a blogging conference?  If not, would you ever want to go? 


  1. Wow what an incredible opportunity I would love to go to one of these. I have a very small insignificant place in this blogging world and would never have thought I could go to one. It would be nice to learn new things and meet fellow bloggers
    I am so happy you had time away I know everyone needs that sometime.
    I am so happy you got to experience this Lisa back to reality is always hard the first few days:) B

  2. I'm so glad you had fun!
    I've never been to a blogging conference. Maybe someday!

  3. I love how you used your wonderful photos to illustrate this post.

  4. You even sound refreshed and rejuvenated in this post!

    Glad you had a good time and got some new ideas.

    I've never been to a blogging conference but I think it would be fun to attend. I'm shy myself and it would be a great opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone.

    I've been needing a dose of something myself regarding my blog. I enjoy doing it but something is missing. Still pondering my options.

    Can't wait to see your new ideas!

  5. It looks like a great time, and I loved seeing all of those pictures of Charlotte! It makes me miss the South so much! I would love to attend a conference one day, but I don't think it will happen until I move back to the States. Who knows when that will be.

  6. Olá Lisa, belas fotografias...Espectacular....

  7. Looks like you had a good time! The food looks awesome! Have a great day!

  8. Sounds like you had a great time! I wold love to go to a blogging conference. How do you find out about them? Just Google?

    I am on Google + (I just added you) but I don't know much about it. I have already "liked" you on FB. I feel like I should be doing more, but I'm a little stuck. Sounds like a conference would help.

    Glad you got some "me" time too!

  9. I wish I had known about this...but then again I'm still recovering from my surgery...we live 45 miles from Charlotte...what a treat that would have been. I'm slow at blogging either of my blogs still (Holding Patterns and One Cat Shy of Crazy) but try to get something out there at least once a week. Hoping that I'll be released from lying with my foot up 20 hours aday when I see the Doc....makes blogging difficult and my weekly newspaper column is hard to get out this way too...and I am absolutely going to "like" you on Facebook and everywhere else I find you Lisa!

  10. I love that first statue! I'm happy you got time away, me time, made some new friends, got to spend time with blog friends, and learned something a long the way!

  11. So glad you were able to get away for a few days... ALL Mama's of little ones need a BREAK.... Glad you did it!!!

    Can't wait to find out what more you learned about Blogging. I too enjoy FB --but don't always have time to do it all.

    Those huge scallops are like the ones George and I eat when we go to the beach in North Carolina. They are fabulous!!!!!

    Great pictures..

  12. I've never been to one, but after reading about this one, it's definitely something I would enjoy:)

    I'm glad you got a well deserved short mini vacation too!

  13. glad you enjoyed this time - for all sorts of reasons. :)

  14. I bet more than anything, you just needed to get away from it all and rest! What was your volunteer job, and how do you find out about these things? I love the last fountain!!! Matter of fact, I would love a whole post with just the fountains there! Did you learn any good blogging tips that you can share with us?

  15. I knew you'd post some amazing pictures! Yay! :) I'm glad you feel refreshed. I totally do, too.

    I just posted a small recap from the panel session that was held on Sunday and it was so motivating that I think I'm back on track and looking to write for ME more - ya know?

    It was so great to see you and hope you're adjusting back into mommyhood life easily. ;) HB, too, btw!

  16. It sounds interesting...nice to meet other bloggers too

  17. What a wonderful opportunity, Lisa! I'm glad you were able to go and learn things, as well as volunteer and mingle among other bloggers.

    And a few days away is always a good way to recharge (especially for a mom of three young children)!

    That scallop ravioli meal looks delicious! Yummo!

  18. So bummed I didn't get a chance to meet you, but I'm glad you enjoyed the conference and my hometown. Next time!

  19. I believe you about the poorer. Food was pricey, and I'm cheap, so I struggled!

    It was so much fun to see you there again, but I truly do wish we'd had even more time to hang out!

  20. I would really like to go to a conference if it was held close and I could volunteer like you did. So glad you were able to get a break!

  21. Okay, we must go eat those scallops together at the conference next year. They look amazing!!!

  22. I remember that you attended last year and look at you -- volunteering like a big girl blogger! Lol.

    Even if they had a blog conference in one of my barns, I doubt I would attend -- being the hermit that I am. :)

  23. I have never been, but would love to attend one. I would feel a bit intimidated, I think though. It's good to hear you say there are all types there. I need to work on google+ too. I just don't know much about it or how to use it. Maybe you could write a post on what you learned about it? Your readers would love that! Thanks for sharing

  24. Sounds like fun- (except for the scallops on ravioli)

  25. I have never been to a blogging conference. I want to one day. I am sure you had lots of fun and learned a lot.

  26. I am thrilled you had a nice time and that you got to rest and get taken care of for 3 days. sandie

  27. So great that you could get away! I haven't been to a blogging conference, but did consider it once. The one you attended sounds like the perfect size.

  28. Gosh- what a fun time that would have been!

  29. I'd love to attend a conference. They had one here in Utah in April and I had only been blogging a week and my sister and I (Mary at merrydotdandy) didn't know about it. She was really upset - I was rather, not bothered, knowing we can attend another one some time. Glad YOU had a great time. (ps. thanks for the heads up on G+ and FB)

  30. It was so nice to meet you! I had a great time at Type-A and hope to return next year.

  31. Never been to one and I might like it after reading this!...:)JP


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