Monday, July 23, 2012

Fresh From the Garden on Muffin Tin Monday

Our garden, while pitifully destroyed in large portions by those rotten squash bugs, is at least producing a few things.  We are enjoying what we can harvest at our meals.
To keep in the garden them, I pulled out our mushroom and spider muffin cups.  We had roasted beets, egg salad sandwiches on homemade white bread (the eggs were from our hens), and cucumbers.  Pierce loved this meal and ate every last bite.  Cort and Reid mostly ignored the veggies, but ate the sandwich.

For more fun lunch ideas, visit Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. I love that you included a bug in the meal! This looks delicious!

  2. I think all kids ignore the vegs mine sure do! !! Have a great day hope your weekend was nice

  3. You always make meal time fun. I think it looks great. B

  4. I bet the boys loved that spider! :)

  5. Sorry you have the squash bugs.It certainly seems to be the year of the bugs,they got a lot of my veggies too.

  6. I'm glad the squash bugs aren't getting everything at least!

  7. Very cute. Squash bugs are horrible. I didn't get any squash this year, but my tomatoes and peppers are doing well.

  8. Looks so yummy and I think I'll make me some egg salad for a lunchtime treat today. Looks good!

  9. Cute lunch there - and I'm all for egg salad myself!

  10. Fun lunch Lisa!

    I love egg salad and I can only imagine how wonderful it would be made with fresh eggs!

    Darn squash bugs! I'm glad you are still able to get some veggies from your garden though. Hopefully next year will be bug free-or at least there will be fewer of them:)

  11. I love the spider! I've never had roasted beets--I bet they're good.

  12. Your kids are lucky to have such a devoted mom!

  13. Not a fan of beets....otherwise it looks good!

  14. What a fun lunch, and that it came from your own labour and land makes it even better!

  15. Well Lisa you sure gave it a good try in almost sneaking some veggies into your kids meal this time. Why most kids hate eating veggies I will never really know, and even I ate some when I was their age. Richard

  16. ok Lisa, no prob here! I would have downed it like Pierce!! (i love me a great egg-salad sammich)

  17. Looks awesome, Lisa...especially the homemade bread :)

  18. Such cute food presentation for your little un's. Your a cute mommy.

  19. Homemade bread?? Wow! I like the spider. :)

  20. Looks good as always. So nice to have home grown! :)

  21. I think the weather has destroyed most of our gardens. I try to water but it just isn't the same.

    Hope those bugs die and your garden produces more before long.

  22. Ohh sorry the bugs got to your garden- those nasty things! Lunch looks delish- except for the beets. :)

  23. Looks like a delicious lunch --all from your garden. I'd love it ALL.... The little guys will learn to eat their veggies--as they get a little older...

    Not sure I want any spiders with my lunch though... ha ha

  24. I always enjoy seeing these. I go back to teaching next week. Would you pack my lunch?!

  25. okay- I am off to find out how to make roasted beets.
    Ours are ready : )

  26. A fun meal, I like how you allow your children to be so selective, we were always told about starving children in China.Selectivity offers good eating habits.

  27. You always have such nummy foods!

  28. Yum yum! Now I know what to pack for my daughter's school lunch tomorrow... egg salad sandwich :)

  29. I thought I commented on this but it must not of gone through.

    Hope you get rid of the rotten squash bugs. We still have some growing time left. I am thinking about doing another round of zucchini.

  30. Looks good to me! I had some yellow squash from my dad's garden today. Ours didn't grow for some reason.

  31. Gosh I love beets and wish I was there to have an egg salad with Pierce!...:)JP


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