Friday, July 20, 2012

Key to the Treasure

One of my favorite things to do with my boys is read them books.  I especially love to read the books that I remember being read to me as a child.  Pierce and I have been working our way through several chapter books this summer, and just finished one of my old favorites, Key to the Treasure.  I was delighted that he was as enthralled with it as I was as a child. 
 In the story, Liza, Jed, and Bill must unravel a long-standing family mystery by tracking down clues, written in code.  Along the way, they stumble into several misadventures as they try to hide their activities from their grandparents.  Pierce and I couldn't wait to see if they would really discover the missing treasure.

Pierce became fascinated with clues written in code, and since reading the book I've crafted many different treasure hunts for him around the house.  He loves using the secret code to decipher the clues.
 This one says "Clue Two is in the wood stove pot."  Pierce had never even noticed the wood stove pot before, so it took him a minute to figure this out. 
Even if the prize at the end is just a tiny piece of candy, or a special letter I've written, Pierce is delighted with the results and eager to know when his next treasure hunt will be.  It's a fun way to spend a rainy day.

What book do you remember fondly from your childhood?

Linking up today with Read, Explore, Learn.


Heather said...

My friends and I used to write code messages like this all the time...of course if we were smarter we would have put the code on a different paper than the one we were using to write the notes...they never led to anything special, but they were sweet notes back and forth regardless! What fun!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh you are such a fantastic Mom your boys are going to do so well in life learning how reading can make such a big difference in their lives. Adventure and fun all wrapped up in a cool book. B

andy said...

Very cool i remember this book! !!! Hope you have a goodstart day and weekend.

Eat To Live said...

What a fun thing to do with the boys. I am sure when the other two can understand, you will be doing a lot of these codes.

That is one cool wood stove pot

The Cranky said...

You are such a wonderful Mom and you are giving your sons the tools they need to learn, and love learning, for the rest of their lives! I remember a friend with whom I shared a passion for all things Da Vinci and how we always wrote to one another in 'mirror' writing; thanks for reminding of those fun times. =)

Chicken Wrangler said...

That is a really fun idea! How clever!

Jill said...

This is great, Lisa! He will have a love of reading and learning forever.

Anonymous said...

This looks like wonderful fun! I bet he loved looking for the clues.

Jen said...

Lisa, you are such a good mama!!

TexWisGirl said...

i love that you give codes for him to decipher!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

How wonderful that your sons like books! They're learning what will offer a lifetime of enjoyment.

I loved mysteries when I was a child (still do!). I loved the Trixie Belden mysteries and the Nancy Drew books. There were others, but I can't remember the names/authors.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a sweet moment to share with the boys. My parents didn't read and I didn't grow up with reading but my husband has many of his childhook books. Maybe I will be able to share them with grandchildren someday. I do read now and it is such a pleasure.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Enjoy those moments. They make the best memories. I remember spending many evenings reading chapter books to all four of my children. That is how they began their love of reading.

Valerie Boersma said...

When I was in the third grade, my mom, for my birthday, hid my present and then attached a maze of many strings from different places in the house-most led to nothing, but I finally found the one that led to the shower stall where my present was hidden. It was clever and very fun for me!

I love the codes you are writing for Pierce! Fun!!!

Sally said...

Pierce is a very smart little guy, and it won't be long before the twins will want to get in on the game.

The only books I remember (and because I still have them) are a series called "My Book House". I'm saving them for the girls.

Have a nice weekend, Lisa. :)

Jeanne said...

So fun reading to your kids, and creates memories and love of books that is so irreplaceable!

Gail Dixon said...

What a fun way to engage a child! Love your sense of creativity and adventure.

Michaele said...

Great how you help make the books come alive and real for him : ) I have saved all of the books I collected and read to the girls when they were little - so someday I can read them to my grand kids. I am getting a little tired of waiting...

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I loved anything Dr. Seuss! When I was in Jr. high, I love the Nancy Drew series. So good!

Chatty Crone said...

I read every Nancy Drew book put out there! lol sandie

Nancy said...

What a bright boy! But I guess being motivated by a hidden treasure helps. A fun way to spend a rainy day for sure. :)

Marie said...

You're such a great mom! Your boys are very lucky!
Have a great weekend!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

You are AN AWESOME MOM!!!!...:)JP

Karen Whittal said...

I really believe if you give your children the love of God the love of nature and the love of books there is not a lot more they will need in life. My favorite book is still Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, cannot wait until my grandson is a little bigger so I can read it to him.

BlueShell said...

Oh...there are some books we do never forget! But those I remember you do not have them there...
-"as pupilas do senhor reitor"
- a fada Oriana"!---and many others...


Texan said...

How much fun this must be to him! WTG Mom.

Mary said...

I loved those mystery books as a kid.