Monday, July 9, 2012

My Mom is so Mean on Muffin Tin Monday

Time for this week's Muffin Tin Monday.  You won't believe the horrors I subjected my boys to this week.
They had fresh salad from our garden (yes, I did buy them some Ranch so they'd stop complaining), ONION casserole (oh yes I did) and tuna salad sandwiches on homemade classic white bread.

I had never tormented served my boys onion casserole before.  I confess they didn't eat it.  They lifted up onions, looked at them warily, then flung them back down and said, "I don't like this".  Pretty sure they were all thinking, "WHY CAN'T MOM JUST GIVE US CHICKEN NUGGETS?"  I liked it though - I love cooked Vidalia onions.  At any rate, the boys ate their salad and sammys okay. 

For more Muffin Tin Monday lunch ideas, check out Muffin Tin Mom.


andy said...

Sounds pretty good to me! ! Have a great start to the week!

Nancy said...

Haha! So even you have some failures in the healthy food department! Lol.

I love vidalia onions and would have enjoyed eating the boys' portions. xo

Heather said...

I have never heard of onion casserole! And would definitely like a recipe! We love onions here. My 4 year old always asks me for raw thinly sliced onions. I usually put them in my salad, and she will eat half of them before they get there :-)

Anonymous said...

I love that you keep trying! I think the casserole sounds delicious!

Unknown said...

I was gonna say, if your Dudes ate onion casserole, you need to come over here and see if you can get mine to try it.

Eat To Live said...

I can remember my Mom making me eat things I said I didn't like. To this day I crave the liver she used to make and she also made the best fried green tomatoes I have ever had.

What a mean Mom you are.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Mean Mom onions what were you thinking. B

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy MTM! I worked for an Atlanta co. based in Vidalia, GA when I was young. Each May, we would receive a large bag of fresh Vidalia onions!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Haha! I guess EVERYONE has stories about stuff their moms made them eat! ;)

Amy Burzese said...

Onion casserole sounds so good. We were mean too. They'll never eat things if you don't put it in front of them. Onions is the only thing our son still doesn't like at 19.

Angela said...

Oh those poor boys! You can blame it on the heat and no electric! lol

Liz Mays said...

You never may serve that a few more times and they'll start eating it! Kids are such goofs!

The Cranky said...

PLEASE feed me onion casserole!

At least they haven't stood in the middle of a busy restaurant and exclaimed at the top of their lungs "You're the meanest mommy in the WHOLE world" while waving their arms around in a dramatic fashion.

Yes, it has happened to me. I still laugh about it, much to the kidling's consternation. =D

TexWisGirl said...

i think onions are an adult taste. i used to pick them out of everything - now i love them.

Barbara said...

Oh my, you are mean! My toddler for some reasons ADORES cooked onions. He loves French onion soup, and caramelized onions. It's crazy, but as long as he'll keep eating them, I'll keep cooking them!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I think I would like onion casserole, but I can understand little boys looking at it with distaste. At least they got some veggies in with the salad! It all looked yummy.

Michelle said...

You could give me onion rings dipped in spicy batter with vidalias any day. Although...I'm pretty sure that fails in the healthy category. ;) Good for you for mixing things up...they'll be better for it.

I Am Woody said...

I can't get my 'boy' to eat onions either. And he's 41!

Our current job has us about an hour away from Vidalia, GA. I really should visit there!

Valerie Boersma said...

You are doing the right thing Lisa! It builds character;) And some day, I bet your boys will like onion casserole-especially made with Vidalia onions. I love that variety! (Around here, we have a really good sweet onion called the Walla Walla.)

I bet the onion flinging was a bit fun to watch, too:)

Sally said...

I love that the boys like salad, not all kids do. It's great that you continue to try new foods for them! :)

Out on the prairie said...

Kids do love the ranch dressing. I keep it when I have young visitors over.

Sandy said...

It sounds like something I would love, but my kids, not so much, lol!

Sugary Flower said...

Yeah, my girl won't eat onions either. I've never even heard of onion casserole. I'd love to be able to make French onion soup sometimes though, but I know she'd never touch it!
But hey, I think you're doing well getting them to eat salad!

Anonymous said...

No one in my house will eat onions but me. I do however hide them in foods whenever I can get away with it. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well, at least you tried- maybe next time!

trump said...

You help make eating fun, not that its not already fun already Lisa,lol. Richard

Michaele said...

I have to say I am with them on the onion fit. I would have filled up on the rest though : )

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Olá Lisa, votos de boa semana....

Sandy said...

Tuna!? Yuck! I have never heard of onion casserole.

Jill said...

So funny! I didn't like them as a child either but bring 'em on now!

renae said...

Lisa -- you are so funny in trying to get those guys to follow your tastes. My daughter hated asparagus and refused to eat it. I had to play with it like it was a worm coming at her mouth for her to even taste it age 4! Now she is a Mom of 3 little girls and devours asparagus barbequed with just olive oil on it. She even fixes it for Christmas. silly kids!

Becky Jane said...

What a hoot! I never liked onions until I grew up and like you vidalias (sp?) are so yummy!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Onion are always a hit with our family. Only one in the whole group won't eat onions. I would love to have a recipe for your casserole. Hope you have a great week.

Lin said...

I like onions, but my kids don't. They are 17 and 20 and STILL won't eat them. Sheesh.

Andrea said...

Onion casserole would just about KILL my husband. Seriously a no-go.

But I love me some cooked onions. Raw ones are no-way for me, but cooked? SO YES! YUM!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think I can smell how good it is- while its cooking!

Travel With Lulu said...

Great story! My kiddos are making their own salads now (filled with olives mostly). Getting them to eat healthy continues to be a challenge :) Newest follower, Laura

Irish Italian Blessings said...

Ohhh those darn chicken nuggets! I think it looks great :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That would not be torment to me. I'd love cooked Vidalia onions... YUM.... AND the homemade bread looks wonderful also... AND--salad from the garden... WOW---a meal for ME.

Have a great day. We are STILL waiting on RAIN. It went all around us last night.. Grrrrrr.

Kim said...

I continue to be in great awe of what your children will eat. I could threaten mine with taking every last toy away and they still wouldn't touch a salad:(