Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Paddle to the Sea

I was thrift store shopping last week and I stumbled upon something that reminded me of Paddle to the Sea.  I was immediately taken, and at 95 cents decided to bring it home. I thought the boys could paddle him around our little swimming pool.
 If you've never seen the film, you should make a point to watch it.  Paul even remembers watching it in his elementary school.  It's only 30 minutes, about a wooden hand carved boat's journey down a river to the sea.  I watch it, and I feel at peace.  It just draws you in.  Even the boys love to watch it - which is interesting since it isn't exactly high adventure compared to most kids' movies.

Sadly, our Paddle to the Sea didn't fare too well.  Even after I taped up the holes at the bottom (which I hadn't noticed in the store), he collapsed to the side.

Oh dear.  Well, maybe our Paddle to the Sea was meant to be a garden whirligig?

This post linked with Outdoor Water Play series at JDaniel4sMom. 


  1. Maybe you can tape a few pennies to the bottom on the side that is upright. When you get the weight balanced, the boat will stay upright. Paddle to the Sea is one of the books that we used for a unit study when I was homeschooling a 5th grader. I didn't even know it was a movie.

  2. Oh I remember this story yes that was a great buy even lying on its side. B

  3. Hey that looks very cool to play with! !!!

  4. Looks like a cool thing, too bad it wouldn't stay straight though. I haven't heard of this story, sounds interesting.
    Have a great day!

  5. Time to bring in the plastic Coast Guard toys. :)

  6. I love the comments people have left!

    I hope you will link this to my waterplay link up!

  7. I have never even heard of Paddle To The Sea. I'm going to have to look it up!

  8. I missed Paddle to the Sea too.I will have to look for it.

  9. I don't remember ever hearing of this story. I will have to look for it.

  10. I remember this from when I was younger. It's too bad he wouldn't stay up right. He is great nonetheless!

  11. The book, by Holling C. Holling, is one of our family's favorite stories--the illustrations and writing are magical and take you on an amazing journey. I remembered having it read to me as a child and we read it to our child...very special.

  12. you made me laugh with the whirlygig. :)

  13. I have some vague notion that I've seen that, but can't be sure. I'll have to look it up. It does sound calming.

  14. It reminded me of a toy in Toy Story.I will have to look up the film.

  15. Haven't seen that movie. Love the little guy that you found!

  16. What a FUN find and great price!

  17. I've never heard of it!... and I love your whirlygig,which is what I think it was intended to do.

  18. I love random finds like that.

    We went to an Asian grocery store last weekend. I went in just to look at the different foods.

    I came out with panda snacks and ceramic soup spoons. My oldest is having a Kung Fu Panda party. I thought the panda snacks were perfect little giveaways for our guests. They have cute small ceramic plates. I might go back to get some.

  19. Well darn that he's not a water fellow! I like it anyhow. :)

  20. Hahaha!! Oh boy, maybe that's why it was such a steal ;)

  21. You could drop a huge keel thinga-ma-bob on there to keep it upright. Anyhow, never heard of the movie so I will check it out!

  22. I'd wager to say not many would have noticed the holes in the bottom. But, what a cute little thing while it lasted. :)

  23. tried...
    The pool looks refreshing!

  24. Oops, overload, overload! I haven't heard of this movie, I'll have to google it.

  25. Lol... at least you tried and for 95 cents you weren't out much...

  26. I've never seen that movie, but it sounds like one I would like-in fact I think Amy and Stuart would like it too.

    Perhaps your little paddler would rather be snorkeling? ;) He would make a cute garden whirligig!

  27. Bummer! I have a feeling he was meant for paddling air and not water anyway.


  28. Hi Lisa, Sorry about your "Paddle to the Sea"... I'll bet with some creativity, you can fix him so that he can continue to float upright around the swimming pool....

    I'm too old since I've never heard of that movie..... Sounds neat though.

  29. Paddle to the Sea, sounds like a nice journey- but I have never heard of it.
    But,,, I will look it up and read it!

  30. Can you twist one arm so that both paddles point downward? That would even the weight so it wouldn't fall over.

  31. Well darn! I hate when things don't work right. Did you try to call or email the company? They might send you one that works.

  32. I've never heard of the story! I'll have to check it out.

    I love thrift stores... there are so many treasures that you can find!

  33. That's "paddle and sputter and sink to sea!" How funny!
    I have to find that video now...

  34. I remember watching this movie in elementary school. It was one of my favorites! Hope you can figure out a way to make the canoe pool-worthy.

  35. I have never heard of the movie. I will have to check it out. Looked for it on Netflix and didn't see it.


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